2021 Annual Report


7. National Center for Supercomputing Applications Computational expertise to develop simulations and models that cannot be created in labs

6. Center for Social and Behavioral Science Team-based fundamental and applied genomics research in health, energy, agriculture, and technology

2. Cancer Center at Illinois Cancer research and educational programs that unite campus strengths in science and engineering

1. Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute Coordination and acceleration of campuswide health research and innovation

8. C3.ai Digital Transformation Institute Accelerating the benefits of AI for business, government, and society

3. The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology Harnessing interdisciplinary collaboration to produce advances in imaging, molecular science, and intelligent systems that wouldn't happen in individual units

9. Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment Actionable research in sustainability, energy, and environment- related topics

4. Humanities Research Institute Humanities, arts, and social sciences research into the cultural, historical, and imaginative boundaries of the human condition

10. Prairie Research Institute Research, expertise, and data to steward our nation’s natural and cultural resources

5. Carl R Woese Institute for Genomic Biology Team-based fundamental and applied genomics research in health, energy, agriculture, and technology





OCR Annual Report / 2021

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