
Live Long & Prosper Safety Contest Update by Karen Yardley, Safety & Sanitation Manager In March we did a scavenger hunt and Mandi Kersten of the Consumer Products group was the lucky winner! Can you find these five items in the area you work ? Fire Extinguisher, First Aid Kit, Eye Wash Station, Severe Weather Shelter, Safety Data Sheet Binder. In April we quizzed employees on the pictograms found on chemical labels and Safety Data Sheets used to identify the hazards we work with everyday and Tom Saunders, who works at the Ingredient Division Warehouse was cho- sen from the correct entries. May was a safety mad lib - no right or wrong answers - you just had to participate to be eligible for the $25 gift cer- tificate and t-shirt! We had some funny stories to share and Tammy Crook of the North Lab was the winner! You’ll have at least three more chances to get your name in the drawing for the $100 gift card in September. So be sure to participate in the monthly contest in June, July or August !

March Winner Mandi Kersten (Con. Prod. Lab) Kevin O’Dell, Phyllis Ott

April Winner Tammy Crook (Ing. Div. Lab) Karen Yardley, Phyllis Ott, Kevin O’Dell

May Winner Tom Saunders (Ing. Div. Whse) Karen Yardley, Kevin O’Dell

Many people had a hand in the successful Project Periscope launch over the last year. Pictured are many of the employees at the West Facility on the B-Shift who have either helped with the start up or currently work on those production lines. Keith Larson, Ty Leb- rick, Andrew Wilks, Trevor Winkler, Chaz Richard, Kristen Frieberg, Robert Collins, Victor Fernandez, Scott Moore, Susan Collier, Jeremy Taylor, Aaron Meyer, Tristen Dickey, Melinda Heaton, Kyle Kutzke, Eric Wear, Jim Smith, Jessica Springer, Jesse Morris, Katie Kresanek, Maria Rodriguez, Kathy Messenger, Kathy Dwyer, Dominique Evans, Jesus Castillo & Heather Thomasson

July, August & September 2016 Crest Ink 17

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