King's Business - 1937-04

April, 1937



A Remarkable "Horse-and-Buggy Days" Prophecy Being Fulfilled By LOUIS S. BAUM AN * Long Beach, California

F IFTY -THREE years ago, from off the press came three of the most complete and most valuable books ever published, dealing, in all of its phases, with the “kingdom of God.” The title of these volumes is The Theocratic Kingdom. The author is George N. H. Peters. Touching upon the United States, Peters prophesied as to its future with an accuracy so remarkable in the light of present-day events and tendencies that one could almost believe he was inspired. Verily, the man who walks hum­ bly before his God, who walks within the light of His infallible Word, and who speaks only within its counsels, needs have no fear, as, time marches on, as to what ap­ praisal posterity will place upon his words. We,quote the exact words of this noteworthy predic­ tion, paragraphing them in our own way: Some present the United States as the great element for “the regeneration” of the nations, expressing them­ selves in eulogies which appropriate the promises solely belonging to Jesus, “the Son of Man.” . . . . But there is a danger before us . . . which must eventually result dis­ astrously, and that is, the growth of socialism and its kindred brood with their demands. The government is in the hands of the people, and just as soon as [1] the majority becomes leavened with socialistic ideas (which will come when the laboring" popula­ tion becomes more dense, wages become low, labor itself becomes difficult to obtain, distress brings dis­ content, etc.) ; [2] then its doctrines respecting capital will be en­ forced legally in legislative halls, and [3] a series of spoliations will ensue. [4] (For the rich, being in the minority, will be help­ less.) [5] Each blow at capital, reliev­

[14] By eloquently expressed appeals to humanitarian ideas, and [15] by ravishing pictures of bountiful help from the State, removal of care, the certainty of competency, freedom from all restraint, and the surety of help under all circumstances, [16] a majority will finally accrue to them, and [17] infidelity will rule. — Theocratic Kingdom, Vol. II, p. 779. Let us examine carefully every statement, and see whether any single one fails to describe vividly exact con­ ditions and tendencies today, in our own nation. Remem­ ber, this is a fifty-three-year-old prophecy, made back in the “horse-and-buggy days,” when men were not, as now, in our airplane days, omniscient gods, in possession of all the wisdom of the ages! "Majority leavened with socialistic ideas.” Most assuredly so! Outstanding Socialists of America have been and are the very closest advisers of our Chief Executive. Meditate upon the Socialistic-Commu­ nistic records of these close Presidential advisers: Marri- ner S. Eccles, Harold L. Ickes, Mordecai Ezekiel, Felix Frankfurter, Benjamin V. Cohen, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Charles W . Taussig, Rexford Tugwell, Harry L. Hop­ kins, and Frances Perkins, to say nothing of Mrs. Frank­ lin D. Roosevelt and her close friends, such as .Rose Schneiderman. Felix Frankfurter, who has been called “our invisible President,” was declared by General Hugh S. Johnson, former N.R.A. head, to be, with the Presi­ dent, the most influential individual in the United States. Almost universally he is so regarded today. The records

of all these Presidential confidants and advisers were well known before No­ vember 3, 1936. Evidently the “ma­ jority” must be thoroughly “leavened.” The fierce antagonism of Socialism and Communism to the gospel that is Christ’s, is a matter of common knowl­ edge. “Christian socialism,” with its bloodless “social gospel,” is not the gos­ pel proclaimed by Jesus Christ and His apostles. At that, the world’s leading Socialists have no sympathy with even so-called “Christian socialism.” A lead­ ing Socialist, quoted by Samuel An­ drews in that most excellent book that every Christian should read, Christian­ ity and Anti-Christianity, said: “So­

ing distress but temporarily, will be succeeded by another and another, until the means of wealth being exhausted, and [6] the motives of its being ob­ tained are destroyed, [7] anarchy, engendered by a fearful experience, will evi­ dence the worth of all such predictions. [8] Unbelief will attack the church, and in every way cause it to suffer. Both capi­ tal, because of its former ex­ tortion and monopolies, and the' church, because of its unfaithfulness and worldli­

• Prophecy can be studied through a Biola Correspondence Course known as "Prophetic Pictures in the Bible: High Lights on Things to Come," by the late W. H. Pike. If you are pleased with Dr. Bauman's article on prophecy, you will enjoy this study, which includes fifteen lessons and five examinations. The price is $3.50 for the entire course. Persons wishing to enroll for this work may write to the Correspondence School, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incor­ porated, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, California.

ness, will then suffer. This may be thought to be a gloomy picture, but how can we close our eyes? [9] The aim is to finally control legislation, [10] introduce universal co-operation, [11] make the State a universal co-operative corpora­ tion, [12] and enforce, under coercion, a universal and equal distribution of property . ... . . . [13] It is this mixture of unbelief, socialism, commu­ nism, etc., which will bring this country into an endurance of tribulation. * Pastor, First Brethren Church.

cialism utterly despises the other world. . . . It brings back religion from heaven to earth. . . . The social creed is the only religion of the Socialist.” We are face to face with the fact that on November 3, 1936, the vast majority of the American people, a ma­ jority that included millions of Protestant as well as Catholic church members, gave their indorsement, unwit­ tingly we trust, to one of the greatest foes that the church and its sovereign Head ever had—Socialism! If this fact does not indicate that the great “falling away” (Gr., "apostasy”) has come—the great apostasy that is to [Continued on page 131]

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