King's Business - 1937-04

April, 1937



A “HORSE-AND-BUGGY DAYS” PROPHECY BEING FULFILLED [Continued from page 129] immediately precede “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and . . . our gathering together unto him” (2 Thess. 2:1), then Bible signs are past understanding. "Its [Socialism’s] Doctrines respecting capital enforced legally in legislative halls.” At this point we certainly have arrived. Only a Supreme Court still in possession of enough of the independent American spirit of those glorious old “horse-and- buggy days” to keep members of Congress from jumping simply because a dictator’s whip cracks—only this Supreme Court has saved us from the un-American vagaries of Communistic idealists who have im­ ported their wares from unhappy Europe. It must be remembered that it is the sole business of the Supreme Court of the United States to interpret the supreme law (The Constitution) of the nation, not to override it, They did not create that law. Any demand from any source that they shall trample that law under their feet spells lawlessnesss. If the supreme law of the land is not in public interest, then let the sovereign people change the supreme law. Walter Lippmann, the world’s most famous columnist (and one who supported Roosevelt in 1932), writing under the cap­ tion, “President Roosevelt’s Seizure of the Courts” (February 9, 1937), is right: “If the American people do not rise up and defeat this measure, then they have lost their liberty and their understanding of constitutional government.” The fact that the greatest nation on earth, allegedly the most “Christian” na­ tion on earth, finds within it a popular de­ mand to trample law under foot, is sig­ nificant of a whole world rushing pell-mell into that day of lawlessness and consequent violence, when “the lawless one” shall reign (2 Thess. 2:8, R.V .). The “sit- downs” that cover the whole nation, admit­ ted to be utterly lawless, bear eloquent tes­ timony as to our lawless age. And when the leaders of those strikes are bold enough to declare publicly that “the Administra­ tion is in sympathy with us,” one of the most ominous portents of the day of the Lord is before our very eyes. A strange, insiduous something—a stupor, a blindness —seems to have crept over the legions in this “land of the free.” “Spoliations ’will ensue.” “Soak the rich!” “Sock the economic royalists!” “ ‘Sit-down’ the rich Shylocks!” The cries echo and re-echo throughout the whole world. America is no exception. Japan’s ruling war lord, just a few days ago, when asked where he was going to obtain the gold for the tremendous in­ creases in the Japanese budget for war, replied: “We’ll take it from the rich!” French governmental leaders announce that they also expect to take from the rich the extra money now needed for govern­ mental defense. The morning papers, as we write, inform us: “Egypt now plans the building of • extensive fortifications, air­ planes,” etc., and add: “It is proposed to soak the rich and build up the defenses.”

Whom the warlike nations are going to “soak” after the rich have been “soaked’’ to poverty, we are not told. The present un-rich might think that over. But what a clear-cut fulfillment of James 5:1-8 is here! “Ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you . . . Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.” It is the wrong use of gold that God condemns. In their greed and folly, most of the rich of our land in depression years used their power to hide their “heaped treasure” instead of to maintain the industrial activity that would mean food to those who labored for a daily wage. And now the masses are crying for that wealth. In view of James’ prophecy, surely our Lord is at the doors. “Unbelief will attack the church.” Attack? It practically possesses it! Modernistic pulpiteers are in our pulpits. They know not the Word of God. Or, knowing it, they reject it. They comfort nobody. They, also, sit! “The aim is to control legislation.” Need anything be said? Read your latest daily. If the supreme law gets in the way of the will of the proletarian’s god, ignore it! If the Supreme Court interferes, “pack it” ! Or, if you can’t “pack it,” unhitch it and go on! Verily, America is on her way to— where? “Make the State a universal co-operative corporation.” Exactly so! And just because the early Christians refused to become a part of the “State”—the “universal co-operative cor­ poration” that was the Roman Empire—they were looked upon as antinational, hostile to the State and the Emperor. “Non licet esse vos” —“You have no right to exist.” This was the oft-repeated cry. They be­ came food for beasts and fuel for flames. And as it was then, so it shall be again. The Word is plain: “No man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark." “As many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” (Rev. 13:17,15). The world is rapidly, though in awful folly, looking to the principle of govern­ ment by a man and not by law. The hour is at hand when men, at their wits’ end, to save civilization from committing suicide, are looking for some great one to come Jo the world as its saviour. And when the willful “king shall [come and] do ac­ cording to his will” (Dan. 11:36), and “power [shall be] given him over all kin­ dreds, and tongues, and nations” (Rev. 13:7), as God’s Word is true, once again true believers will be looked upon as ene­ mies of an infidel totalitarian State with whose deeds they cannot co-operate. Then it is that the last world-dictator, known in God’s Word as Antichrist, shall “make war with the saints, and . . . overcome them” (Rev. 13:7). as men may, God’s Word stands! And Uis earth­ ly people shall once again feetC'fame and beast. But it cannot be until the State be­ comes “a universal co-operative corpora­ tion.” And toward just that, the Ameri­ can people, consciously or unconsciously, with the whole world, are headed. “Enforce, under coercion, a universal and equal distribution of property.”

Does any one who has ears to hear, not know that the forces that are guiding the destiny of our Republic are even now re­ lentlessly pursuing this very aim? Of course, any one knows that it is fundamen­ tally unsound and unjust. Even in the Millennium a man shall have only that which he produces (cf. Isa. 65:21, 22). Men are not all equally productive. Even in heaven, “every man” shall be rewarded “according as his work shall be.” "Eloquently expressed appeals to human­ itarian ideas, ravishing pictures of bounti­ fu l help from the State.” And this was said long before “ravish­ ing pictures of bountiful help from the State” were set forth over the radio! Citi­ zens in all parts of the nation listened just last night (March 4, 1937) to an address in which were enumerated the things for which leaders of the present Administra­ tion “have promised to fight” : “help for the crippled, for the blind, for the mothers—insurance for the un­ employed—security for the aged—pro­ tection for the consumer against mono­ poly and speculation—protection of the investor—the wiping out of slums—” And the implication was given that the Supreme Court is composed of heartless old men who are out of sympathy with so kindly a program. "You know,” the words rang out, “who assumed the power to veto and did veto that program.” The Scriptures plainly declare that when the Antichrist shall come, “he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flat­ teries” (Dan. 11:21). He will be a Santa Claus with other people’s money. He will profess high humanitarian principles, and proclaim all who oppose his methods as opposers of his principles. Of his method in attaining power, the saintly old W. G. Moorehead many years ago wrote: “Nor is it necessary to believe that Antichrist will from the beginning of his career display his devilish temper, or let out any of the God-defying spirit that is in him. The Scripture intimates the exact contrary. He is represented as being a consummate flat­ terer, a brilliant diplomatist, a superb strategist, a sublime hypocrite. He will mask his ulterior designs under specious pretenses; will pose as a hu­ manitarian, the friend of man, the de­ liverer of the oppressed, the bringer- in of the Golden Age. . . . One who shall intoxicate men with a “strong de­ lusion,” who shall fling over the world a fatal fascination, and utterly daze all with his majestic “power and signs and lying wonders” ; who shall deceive, if it were possible, the very elect.”

Be it far from us even to suggest that any President of the United States could ever become the Antichrist, or possess his spirit, for such a statement would be far astray from the truth. It is our purpose to say that the “angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14) methods the Antichrist will pursue are already working quite successfully, and quite satisfactorily to deluded multitudes in the world of men today.

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