King's Business - 1937-04

P O P U L A R W IT H P A S T O R S King's Business Aids Busy Church Leaders Subscription Prize Contest Offer Closes June 30, 1937 PRICES AND CO M M IS S IO N S Subscriptions Price Commission You Remit Single annual ...... $1.50 $ .50 ea. $1.00 ea. Club of 3 to 10 .... ...... 1.50 .75 ea. .75 ea. Club of 10 or more . . ...... 1.50 1.00 ea. .50 ea.

T e n C a s h P R I Z E S *


First P rize 100 for largest number of annual subscriptions (above 200) Second Prize for next largest number * of annual subscriptions * S f I (above 100) T h ird P r ize for next largest number * ^ of annual subscriptions 4 k 1 (above 50) FIVE PRIZES OF $10.00 each for next largest number of annual subscriptions above 25. TW O PRIZES OF $5.00 each for next largest number of annual subscriptions above 15. In the event that two winning clubs are found to be of the same number, prizes of equal value will be given to each contestant. Re­ member, a liberal commission is allowed on each subscription. Thus each contestant is well paid for his or her work. *The amount offered in prizes is NOT in excess of K IN G 'S BUSI­ NESS needs. It is, rather, a sum obtained through an economy in mailing, and it has been voted that this saving shall be shared with K IN G 'S BUSINESS friends who co­ operate in building the magazine's circulation during this contest. Ten cash prizes totaling $235.

Alma O. Johnson, Wichita, Kans. :

The Club Offers of THE KING’S BUSINESS serve a real need. Pastors and church workers all over the nation and even in oth­ er lands are availing themselves of the opportunity to secure for them­ selves and their churches, Bible classes, and Sunday-school classes and workers a year’s subscription to our b e a u t i f u l l y illustrated, p r ay e r f u l l y edited Bible-family magazine. Now that cash prizes are offered, we expect that this group will re­ double their efforts, while our in­ dividual organizers will have the same opportunity—not only to earn a liberal commission, but to qualify for a prize. Should you decide to organize a church, Bible class or missionary society club of subscriptions, fill in the coupon on the opposite page. Below are some letters from church workers which speak viv­ idly of the real needs THE KING’S BUSINESS supplies in its liberal subscription offers. Mrs. M. G. Kimball, Detroit, Mich.: “Through the help of this paper, I have built my Women's Bible Class from 10 to SO in about a year. It helps supply spiritual food we all need.” Rev. M. H. Schramm, Butler, Pa., sends in a list of 10 subscriptions for the missionaries sup­ ported by his church and says: “I find much helpful and inspiring material in your magazine, including the notes on the International Sunday School Lessons.” SOM E LETTERS FROM C H U R CH WORKERS

“Our S. S. Class, the Mizpah Bible Class, of which I am the teacher, undertook this task of securing ten subscriptions, which we did in one afternoon a t a social gathering of the class, and you no doubt have received the ten new sub­ scriptions by this time. You probably would be interested to know th at we are taking this $10.00 and making the Iclass a Life Member of our Missionary Society; and before the $10.00 has answered its purpose, it will have traveled many thousands of miles, as it goes to New York and from there is sent to foreign lands.” “For the past two years the Sunday-school of the F irst Baptist Church of this city has been furnishing the teachers of the school with THE KING'S BUSINESS. As these are the only ‘helps’ our teachers have, may I ask you to renew our subscription for another year, and to send us ten copies of the January issue with the lesson comments for February ?” —Another list was later sent in by this same pastor. Rev. Alfred Danielson, Bend, Ore.: Rev. J . J . Elrod, Duluth, Minn., sends in a list of 27, and says: “Hope these will be taken care of soon, for all w ant to miss no copies of their paper. Thank ycu kindly for this consideration.” Preb Dow, Sunnyside, Wash., of the Central Association of Baptist Young People, sends a list of 14, and says: “I appreciate this reasonable offer you give out, because of the opportunity of reaching many in different homes. May God bless this work.” Rev. C. Bayless, Denver, Colo.: “I have a large Bible class, and many mote will want to subscribe, I am sure. . . . There are ten names on the blank. I have given my class the benefit of the saving and am not profiting personally except as the medium of their bless­ ing.” Rev. Irving C. Hoff, Harrisville, R. I., sends in a list of 11 and says: “We surely enjoy the prophetic articles which open windows to present world conditions.” Ida L. Bowyer, Cleveland, Ohio, with a list of 10 , w rites: “We have retained $10.00 according to your club offer, and this amount will be turned over to the Missionary Fund of the church.”

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