King's Business - 1937-04



r e s p o n d e n c e C o u r s e School to a Nation-Wide Need

CLAIRE WEIERMULLER for many years was asso­ ciated with W. B. Riley's Bible School In the First Baptist Church, Minneap­ olis, Minn., as Director of Elementary Sunday-School Work. She is now Direc­ tor of Christian Education in Cortland Myers' Pasa­ dena church.

make and use visual aids. I t h as been found th a t we remember ten p er cent of w h at we hear, and more th a n fifty p er cent of w hat we see. This p articu la r lesson m ay lead to g re a t changes in your teaching methods, b u t you will ever be th ank fu l fo r the. sp iritual f ru it it bears fo r Christ. "Our children for Christ and the church.” Lesson Five CHILD EVANGELISM IN THE HOME M artha S. Hooker P aren ts, th is division will show you how to w in your own children to Christ. I t will tell, also, how to g ath er neighborhood children into your home th a t they, too, may be ta u g h t and won fo r Christ. A detailed program is outlined. "Every Christian parent should he a child evangelist.” Lesson Six REACHING THE CHILD THROUGH MUSIC H erb ert G. Tovey Dr. Tovey discusses psychological, educational, and h e a rt ap ­ proaches, to th e end th a t music m ay become a positive teaching factor. He clearly and forcefully shows how to appeal to youth w ith music as a vehicle fo r th e gospel message. The ch ap ter is em inently practical. “When an adult has been won, a soul has been saved; when a child is brought to salvation, a soul and a life have been saved.” Lesson Seven OBJECT LESSON BUILDING FOR CHILD

HARRY H. MacARTHUR was identified with the boys' work of Biola for many years, and he Is in demand as a speaker at Christian camps for boys. He is now pastor of a church in H o llyw o o d , Calif., with a growing and evangelized Bible school.

“Yea, Lord;

love thee.”

, “Feed my

ready to welcome ife eternal. When bf H is g re a t love H im also. They * little disciples. ren are! t we win th e little e moist also feed pe Word.”

LOUIS T. TALBOT is pastor of the Church of the Open Door in down­ town Los Angeles. Each Sunday morning Dr. Talbot brings to the Juniors and In te rm e d ia te s of his church an object lesson that reaches the heart of every one present.

EVANGELISM E lm er L. W ilder

Louis T. Talbot, E th el S. Low, F ra n k A. Miller, and other well- known Christian leaders have been asked to subm it th e ir best

child object lessons, which app ear in th is sec- tion. Many of these illu stration s have been used from coast to coast. In stru ction also is given concerning methods of constructing object les­ sons and p resen ting them to children. “Give me the children until they are seven and any one may have them afterwards .”— F rancis X avier . Lesson E igh t CHILDREN’S ALL-BIBLE SUMMER SCHOOL Wm. H arllee Bordeaux Inform ation is given fo r a children’s All- Bible Summer School in your church. This ch ap ter will help you to p lan early and effi­ ciently fo r you r n ex t summer’s program .. Yes, “the Bible, th e whole Bible, and nothing b u t the Bible” makes a most fascin ating and practical prog ram fo r youth. T ry it once, and you will never change. “God’s Word alone builds for eternity with Him. Feed it to the children.” Lesson N ine BIBLE DOCTRINE AND SCRIPTURE CATECHISM^ This ch ap ter is included to give help to those who are teaching classes. The m ajo r Bible doc­ trin e s are set fo rth in a m anner th a t will allow them to be ta u g h t easily and to be grasped and understood by children. F ifty simple doctrinal and practical questions ; are asked, and th e answ er to each is given in S crip tu re form . Kenneth M . Monroe

In public addresses and In personal work, Dr. Rood is constantly seeking to lead children to Christ. He finds that God blesses In a remarkable way the work with boys and girls.

HERBERT G. TOVEY is Minister of Music of the Church of the Open Door and Director of the Music Course of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles. T h ou san d s have been blessed by his music text­ books and special choral books.

ie in America is to evangelize en o f the nation. This is our trained, consecrated workers Child Evangelism. ‘For the s, . . . that they which live to themselves, hut unto him again.’ ”

CO RRE SPONDENCE S C H O O L The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Gentlemen: Please enroll me in your Child Evangelism course, for which I am enclosing herewith $5.00 covering complete cost of enrollment. Name.................................................. Address........................................................... City and S tate............................ . . . . . . . . . . .




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