King's Business - 1937-04

April, 1937



liness. There is an atmosphere about it into which let the soul once come, and all the spiritual sensibilities are stupefied as by a noxious narcotic. It has been the dread way to death, and the entrance to the in­ fernal regions for unnumbered thousands, who, because of its deadly influence upon the soul, have become indifferent to the fearful issue of a life lived in sin.— Illustra­ tions from Mythology, by Biederwolf.

said D. L. MOODY - y ^ This was the challenge he answered: “The world has yet to see what God can do with a man who yields to Him fully.” Now the world has seen in the loom­ ing figure of the great Moody, win­ ner of souls, whose centenary Chris­ tians everywhere are celebrating. Let the story of his life and that of other master preachers and great missionaries be the inspiration and guide of the boys and girls of today.

Jacob’s Great Discovery G enesis 28:1-22; 32:24-30

Memory Verse: “Thou art near, O Lord; and all thy commandments are truth” (Psa. 119:151). Approach: You can imagine how Esau hated Jacob after Jacob had stolen his blessing. Esau was so angry that he deter­

mined to kill Jacob. Rebekah heard that Esau was talking of killing his brother, and she thought of a plan for s e n d i n g Jacob away. L e s s o n S t o r y : Neither Rebekah nor Isaac wanted Jacob to marry a daughter of the heathen peo­

New Revised CHRISTIANHEROSERIES Twelve authentic biographies written so as to warm the heart and win the admiration of every boy and girl, mail and woman. These books should be in every Christian home as an antidote for the

ple who lived all about. Rebekah’s plan was to send him to her brother Laban, and let him find a wife among her own people. Isaac agreed to this plan, and Jacob set out. It was a lonely journey. Jacob knew that really he was being sent away because it was dangerous for him to stay at home any longer. The first night he got as far as Bethel. I wonder whether he began to be sorry for the deceit and trickery that had driven him from home. I wonder whether he was sor­ ry that he had not waited for God to give him the good things that had been prom­ ised, instead of hurrying to get them in his own way. At any rate, we find Jacob using one of the stones for a pillow and lying down out under the stars to sleep. God had not forgotten Jacob. He would keep His promise, even if Jacob did not deserve it. God knew how lonely and sad Jacob was that night. God gave Jacob a dream and in it He told him again the promise that He had made to Abraham, his grandfather. When Jacob awoke, he said: “Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not.” Never would Jacob need to be lonely again, for wherever he went, God would be with him. O bject Lesson M irrors and M en Objects: A mirror and a Bible. Lesson: I have in this package a mirror and a Bible. When we look in the mirror, we see how we look to others. When we look into the Bible, we see how we look in God’s sight. As a rule, before people leave home for school or work, they look in the mirror to see that they look all right before they go where others will see them. It is more im­ portant that we should be concerned about [

current fiction often more soulless its glamour. Here is courage an Adventure for God. Danger faced vaded and conquered in the name Six Master Preachers 1. D. L. Moody—the Soul Winner. By A. T. Bowe. 2 . Martin Luther*—Lion-Hearted Re­ former. By J. A. Morrison. 3. John Wesley—Christian Hero. By B. B. Egermeier. 4. John Bunyan—The Im m ortal Dreamer. By W. B. McCreary. 5. Charles H. Spurgeon—Prince of preachers. By E. F. Adcock. 6 . George Whitefleld— Preacher to millions. By M. M. Caldwell. PALESTINE SPEAKS By Anis Charles Haddad, B. A. The author of this book being a na­ tive of Palestine knows his subject and has written dearly of its beauty, riches and destiny. So vital and alive are the pages of this book that as the title implies the Holy Land it­ self seems to speak to the reader out of the fullness of its history and ex­ perience, out of its treasury of divine premise. Beautifully Illustrated by 36 photop*aphie reproductions on eight tipped-in pages. Strongly cloth bound with two-color jaoket carrying typi­ cal Holy Land scene. 176 pages. Price $1.00. If this book Is desired, please in­ dicate in margin when mailing coupon. THE W A RN E R PRESS (Gospel Trumpet Company) Dept G-20, Anderson, Indiana Maroon duo-tone cloth binding, beau­ tifully grained, titles gold embossed. Set boxed $4.50. each 75c.

than otherwise that lures youth with j glamour of the highest order — fearlessly. Jungles and deserts in- of the Master. Six G reat Missionaries 7. William Carey—Prophet to India. By Bussell Olt. 8 . John G. Patou—Hero of the South Seas. By B. L. Byrum. 9. Adoniram Judson—A postle of Burma. By L. Helen Percy. 10. James Hudson Taylor—P ioneer Missionary of China. By G. Hunnex. 11. Henry Martyn—Apostle to Mo­ hammedans. By Amy K. Lopez. 12. David Livingstone—M issionary Explorer of Africa. By J. Klee- berger. Blue duo-tone cloth binding, beauti­ fully grained, titles gold embossed. Set boxed $4.50, each 75c.

Ministers and teachers find these books invaluable. Each copy 128 pps., beautiful duo- tone binding, gold stamped. Two sets of six volumes each, the “Great Missionaries’' and the “ Master Preachers,” priced at $4.50 per set. Single copies, each 75o.

Implants in Budding Lives The “ Stuff” of True Heroes

Than If » greater gift than that of an ideal. It has steadying power all through life. These men fought for great Ideals— fought and won. Theirs was valor that youth delights to honor —and to emulate. You can do no greater service than to put these books in the hands of those who look to you for guidance and example. Order from your religious supply house, book dealer or mail coupon below. The Warner Press, Dept. ©-20, Anderson, Indiana or Sacramento, California (Write to nearest office) Gentlemen: Please send me following numbers from the newly revised Christian Hero series: Preachers: l____; 2___ -; 3___ 4 _______ ; 5 ___ g______ Missionaries: 7 __ 8 _______ ; 9__ I0 l _______; 11 _____; 12 __ _ Enclosed find $-----— ----- 1— 0 Please send O.O.D. Name____ '___________________________ Address_______ ________ ;____ I City. State.

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