King's Business - 1937-04

April, 1937

TH E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


W o r ld 's C H R I S T I A N F U N D A M E N T A L S Association

conference every two months and thus to band the Christian young people of Des Moines together for testimony for Christ. Florida Christian Fundamentals Association The Florida Christian Fundamentals Association holds a general meeting for fel­ lowship and business every three months. The annual meeting of the Association was called for February 22 to 24 at the Gospel Tabernacle, in St. Petersburg, Fla., for the purpose of districting the State and electing regional vice-presidents. An addi­ tional plan is for the Association to conduct a state-wide “Evangelistic Mission,” hold­ ing in every possible town, city, and hamlet a one-day to a week’s fundamental evan­ gelistic rally, under the direction of the Association, with the purpose of stimulat­ ing old-fashioned fundamental evangelism. Iowa 'Christian Fundamentals Association The Annual Conference of the Iowa Christian Fundamentals Association will be held in the Walnut Street Baptist Church, Waterloo, Iowa, April 26 to 28, with L. Sale-Harrison as the principal speaker. Paul W. Rood plans to hold revival meetings at the Federated Church, Beaver and Adams Sts., Des Moines, Iowa, April 14 to 25. The members of the Southern Califor­ nia Premillennial Prophetic Association have voted to affiliate as a group with the World’s Christian Fundamentals Associa­ tion. Their officers are Harry H. MacAr- thur, President, and W. R. Hale, Secretary, both of Los Angeles, Calif. Kansas City Conference The fourth annual Central Keswick Con­ ference will be held May 2 to 9 in the new Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Mo. The principal speakers will be Norman B. Harrison of Minneapolis, Minn., and H. H. Savage of Pontiac, Mich. Besides these, missionaries and local ministers, as well as Dr. Walter L. Wilson, will be heard fre­ quently. For further information write: Dr. Wal­ ter L. Wilson, 3524 Wyandotte Street, Kan­ sas City, Mo. Booklet on Communism The Red Terror—Spain Novo! America Next? is the title of a pamphlet containing “five irrefutable reasons why every Christian should combat Communism,” a startling and forceful message prepared by David Otis, Fuller, pastor of the Wealthy St. Bap­ tist Temple, Grand Rapids, Mich. Dr. Fuller points to the Satanic nature of Com­ munism and its doctrines and deeds, shown by its bitter hatred of God and His Word. The booklet may be secured at five cents a copy from the Book Department of Dr. Fuller’s church. Southern California Group Affiliates

Speakers Available for Bible Conferences


A. C. Huston, 2737 Des Moines St., Des Moines,' Iowa, Chairman of the Organiz­ ing Committee of the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association, announces plans to adapt to the needs of the Association’s . local units a plan which God has blessed abundantly in a Pennsylvania district. Mr. Huston writes: “The Harrisburg Bible Conference Cir­ cuit, Harrisburg, Pa., was established eighteen years ago and has continued all of these years without an interruption. It is safe to say that the leading Bible teach­ ers of both the United States and Canada have spoken on this circuit. Each month a speaker spends either two or three days in each place on the itinerary. The fact that the localities are near together keeps down the expenses which are met easily with the freewill offerings. The spiritual results of these conferences have been re­ markable—men and women have been won to Christ and have been led out of and saved from the various kinds of false teaching and halve been established on the Word of God. “The World’s Christian Fundamentals Association is arranging a Monthly Bible Conference Circuit with a strong speaker to start each month and to hold Bible conferences from coast to coast. In this way much good will be accomplished, and the expense to each local group will be light. “If you would like to have your Asso­ ciation or church included in this circuit, having a speaker stop at your community once each month to hold a Bible confer­ ence, then kindly write at once, telling how many days each month you wish the con­ ference held, and arrangements will be made accordingly.” Lewis Sperry Chafer of Dallas, Tex., is scheduled as the speaker at the Des Moines Christian Fundamentals Association Con­ ference April 5 and 6. The Des Moines Association is continuing the same major policy that it has followed during its twenty years of existence; namely, the teaching of the Scriptures through unde­ nominational Bible conferences and Bible classes. In 1936 five two-day conferences were held with the following as the speak­ ers: Gustaf F. Johnson, Max Reich, R. L. Moyer, L. Sale-Harrison, and Joseph Flacks. The community Bible classes are functioning efficiently under the leadership of the Bible Class Secretary, Gilbert Mc- Keeman. Guy H. Fish, 2408 York St., Des Moines, Iowa, is Corresponding Secre­ tary of the Des Moines Association. The Young People’s Division of the Des Moines Christian Fundamentals Associa­ tion, with A. D. Mohr as pastoral ad­ viser, is a separate organization, but seeks to follow the methods of the senior divi­ sion. The aim is to hold a young people’s Des Moines Christian Fundamentals Association

WKk w ^ of this Course, every Young Peoples Society may be converted into a School for Bible Training. COURSE IN BIBLE EVIDENCES


A Scriptural Study Each Week--52 Lessons. Part 1. Internal Evidences of the Inspira­ tion of the Bible. Part II. The Testimony of History, Science and Archaeology. Send 15c in stamps for current issue. KRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS,INC 1506 N. 3rd St. Harrisburg, Pa.

'THE SUIt SHEPHEBD" Do You Lack Nothing? a 16 page pamphlet by JAM E S H. M cCO N K E Y is a spiritual drink to a despairing soul. FREE as the Lord Provides Write— Silver Publishing Society Dept. K, Bessemer Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Books by CLIFFORD LEWIS N at. Pres. Y. P. Fellowship Clubs THRILLS OF CHRISTIAN YOUTH ^ Ju st off the press. Thrilling reports from youth leaders of several countries. Experiences of the author in 45 states, Canada and Mexico. 50c each. YOUTH ON THE MARCH—Red flag, black flag, or banner of the cross? 25c each; 5 for $1.00. GOOD NEWS POEMS—Nine original and others suitable for various occasions, loc each ; 2 for 25c. MOTHER, THE UNCROWNED QUEEN—A message for the entire family. Material for “Mother’s Day.” 15c each; 2 for 26c. ALL FOUR BOOKS, $1.00 Gospel tracts free upon request. (Stamps for postage appreciated.) Revival Prayer Band 8011 W illard Ave. Detroit, Mich. SELL MOTHER'S DAY CARD S Mottoes and Everyday Cards INDIVIDUALS—CHURCHES— BIBLE CLASSES RAISE THE 'FUNDS YOU NEED THIS EASY WAY MOTHER’S DAY CARDS. 10 Beautiful Cards—no equal. Cost 60c; sell for $1.00. SCRIPTURE TEXT EVERYDAY CARDS 12 Beautiful Cards. Birthday, etc. Cost 30c; sell for 60c; sample, 40c. GET STARTED AT ONCE Western Art Studios Dept. K, Box 1500, Los Angeles, Calif.

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