King's Business - 1937-04


will earn from 50c to $1 .00 on each subscription.

Please remember that those who do not win any prize Study carefully the following tahle: Size of Club 200 C j ^ o ' 157°5 To Prize W inners Only $100 (1st prize)

Total Returns fo r P rize W inners

Total Commission $ 200.00 150.00

50 (2nd prize) 25 (3rd prize) 10 (5 prizes) 5 (2 prizes) and by their combined efforts sold more than 1,200 subscriptions each week. The same success can be achieved again in our present campaign, and we believe that any earnest worker who will con­ scientiously show the magazine to his friends or fellow church members will reap a handsome reward. H O W TO G O TO W O R K Begin today—for every day counts. Use this magazine for a sample. Fill out the application blank, and write at once for sample copies. If you are working for your church, take up the plan at the next meeting of your congregation or other church group, and organize for a careful canvass of all members and their friends. Bear in mind that THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS is interdenominational, and hence is just as acceptable to members of other Christian churches as to your own group. Two steps are very necessary at your first meeting: (1) F IX A QUOTA fo r each member fo r th e nex t month. 75.00 50.00 25.00

60.00 30.00

50 25

(2) APPO INT A TREASURER to collect from the workers th e money received and to forw ard the proper pay ­ ments to TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS* a p ­ plying th e balance to such need as you may select. Thus you easily can help to pay th e p asto r’s salary, rep a ir the church, buy hymn books or new seats, or help to pay th e church debt from the cash proceeds o f th is campaign. Almost any one can promise to get 5 or 10 annual subscriptions (of $1.50 each) within a month. Many wealthy members will wish to pay for subscriptions to be sent to missionaries, shut-ins, or Sunday- school teachers. If your club equals or exceeds ten, each subscription sold provides ONE DOL­ LAR for your church and its work. Think of it, and then go to work with a vim to raise a really large sum for your church or your church society, or as a pleasant spare-time and profitable enterprise for yourself. Fill out the coupon below and mail today.

Of course it is not certain that the club totals in the first column of the above table will be sufficient to win the prize shown, but the commissions in the third column are assured in every case, and the prizes will be added to the winners only. P A S T C A M P A I G N S SUCCESSFUL There are several things about THE KING’S BUSINESS which make it easy to sell. B eautiful appearance, carefu l edit­ ing, valuable articles, and helpful de­ p artm en ts a re of use both to general read ers and to active church workers and m issionaries. The g rea t Club-of-Ten campaign which began on November 1, 1936, and has ju st closed, produced over 20,900 subscriptions to F eb ru ary 28, 1937. The campaign’s outcome shows that our hundreds of organizers made a good re­ turn running into the thousands of dollars

Information Blank and "King's Business" Order Form Circulation Manager, TH E K ING ’S BUSINESS, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

Please send me......................copies of TH E K ING’S BUSINESS free, to be used as. samples, in the campaign I am starting. I hope to secure....................subscriptions before June 30.- I understand that subscriptions which are to count in this contest are to be received at the full price of $1.50 for each annual subscription. Sent by....... ......J................................... —.................. ........... Address........................................... I.................. ..................

Your Office.'................................................ J....... ........ The campaign is for: □ Church. [71 Bible Class. EH .........——...................| ......... -.................... .......... Society o f.........................................................7....:..;............„ (Name of Group and Church) of............................................................................ (Address) which has......... .................. ..members. (The above information is desired only where church or church society is cooperating.)

Pastor’s Name.......... ... Superintendent’s Name.

Please send THE KING’S BUSINESS to each of the following subscribers, fo r which I enclose $ I am retaining $__ ___ ....__.... as per your offer. (25c additional for postage for each Canadian or foreign subscription.) NAMES ADDRESSES


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