King's Business - 1937-04

April, 1937

TH E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



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MAY 1 New Vision

itual attainments in the past, you can never get beyond the need for abiding in Christ and the continuous reckoning of faith. Fail to reckon, and “the flesh” is at once resur­ rected! In other words, to forfeit the faith position is to offer capital to the enemy and a battle ground upon which he may pursue his challenge. The Christian life, therefore, is one continuous impartation of life from above, by the indwelling Holy Spirit, made possible by the continuous de­ thronement of the self-life.—From The New Life by Captain Reginald Wallis. Unbelief is the most unreasonable thing in the world. There is no excuse for it. There might be an excuse for not believing your minister, for it is quite possible that he might be mistaken, or he might intend to deceive you, or be unable to keep his promise; but there is no excuse for not believing God. God cannot deceive and cannot be deceived. He cannot fail for want of resources in Himself, or for want of ability to keep His pledges to poor sin­ ners.—M. R ainsford . Evermore His fadeless presence Shall thy steps attend; Having loved His own, He loveth Even to the end. —L ucy A. B ennett . "For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake” (Phil. 1:29). It is not the sunny side of Christ that we must look to, and we must not forsake Him for want of that. W e must set our face against what may befall us, in follow­ ing on, till He and we be through the briers and bushes on the dry ground. It is His wisdom, who knoweth our mold, that His bairns go wet-shod and cold-footed to heaven.— S amuel R utherford . No pain, no palm; no thorn, no throne; No gall, no glory; no cross, no crown. —W illiam P en n . MAY 5 The Source o f Abundance “The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14). Satisfaction in Christ means the overflow of Christ. If there is a divine inflow, there is always a divine outflow. Is such a life yours? If not, do you desire it? It is for you if you truly thirst. “If any man thirst" —this is the simple condition. “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.” Drink until you are satisfied, until MAY 3 He Is Faithful “In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began" (Tit. 1:2). MAY 4 The Privilege o f Suffering

"Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law" (Psa. 119:18). Take from mine eyes the veil, O Lord, I pray, The veil of mine own weaving; Let me more clearly see from day to day The glory of Thy face. Tune Thou mine ears to heavenly keys, I pray Thee; That, deaf to all the wooings of the world, I may hear e’en the faintest whisper of Thy Spirit, And hearing, follow on.—L ide B acon . “Abide in me, and 1 in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me" (John 15:4). W hatever may have been your experi­ ence of holiness, and the measure of spir- RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE By Editor of WORD OF TRUTH mle> S£ % d 1 64 page booklet—unabridged and unaltered on ten outline studies of the more important divisions of Scripture. It treats the Seven Dispensations—Two Advents—Two Resurrection»—Five Judgments—Law and Grace and five other divisions. Every King’s Business reader should have a copy._ 10 oents each. $1.00 a dozen—order a quantity, give them to friends. JUST A WORD Inc 616 N* Clayton St. TTVAL,i tnc. w ilm in g to n . d e l . HOTEL (Frances E .) WILLARD 536-40 SOUTH HOPE ST., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Catering to Christian Trade MEN AND WOMEN North Wing—Bible Institute Reasonable Rates W rite for descriptive folder °urFREECATALOG * * * * * Money for Foreign Missionaries FOREIGN MISSIONARIES everywhere have confidence In our Missionary Bureau as the most economical source for personal supplies and mission equipment of high quality. SECRETARIES and Purchasing Agents of For­ eign Missions find that our free catalog with its 45,000 separate items and our special dis­ count list enable them to save money for their stations. MISSION Boards oan economize by selecting hardware, paints and other building materials from our catalog, for shipment abroad. If you wish a Montgomery Ward catalog for export use only, write TODAY for a free eopy. M O N T G O M E R Y W A R D Dwt. X Export Missionary U nit Chicago, U. 8. A. MAY 2 Abiding, Abounding

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