King's Business - 1937-04

April, 1937

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


you are full, yea, until you overflow. The fullness of the Holy Spirit is for every one who thirsts and who drinks of the Water of Life.— R u th PA xson . MAY 6 Singleness o f Vision “Looking unto Jesus the author and per - fecter of our faith” (Heb. 12:2, R. V.). Into the life of every child of God there must come pain, sorrow, sickness, and suf­ fering; loss and disappointment; misunder­ standing, loneliness, and weariness. No one can escape these things, but how can he have victory in them? For victory in these personal circumstances of life that press in upon us, there is but one way . . . keeping our eyes on the “Prince-Leader,” who also suffered. There is glorious overcoming power while our eyes are fixed on Him and not on circumstances.—L. L. L egters . “And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever1’ (1 John 2:17). The best will is our Father’s will, And we may rest there calm and still; Oh, make it hour by hour thine own, And wish for naught but that alone Which pleases God. What most would profit us He knows, And ne’er denies aught good to those Who with their utmost strength pursue What pleases God. — P aul G erhardt . MAY 8 The Omnipotent One “The Lord God omnipotent reigneth” (Rev. 19:6). It is no small blessing in this world of unrest and of sin when this glorious truth of God’s omnipotence takes possession of the heart of the child of God. Let us seek to honor God with an unwavering confi­ dence, and we shall find that of all His blessings, those that result from the things which unbelief most dreads are the choicest and most permanent.— J . H udson T aylor . MAY 9 Divine Justice Satisfied "Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth” (Rom. 8:33). Is it sin that threatens me? Behold the resurrection of my Redeemer publishes my discharge. My surety was arrested and cast into the prison of His grace. Had not the utmost farthing of my arrears been paid He could not have come forth. He is come forth; the sum is fully satisfied. What danger can there be of a discharged debt? Infinite justice hates to be twice paid; He is risen, therefore He is satisfied. “Who is he that condemeth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again.” — B ishop H all . MAY 10 Changed by Beholding "They looked unto him, and were radi- MAY 7 God’s Will Versus the World

LETTER FROM DR . ROR JONES The Well-Known Evangelist and the Founder and President o f the BOB JONES COLLEGE LOCATEB AT CLEVELANB, TENNESSEE My Friends, I desire to say just a word about the Bob Jones College which is located in the. beautiful Tennessee valley section of the South at Cleveland, Tennessee. Remember, the Bob Jones College is a cor­ poration not for profit. It doesn’t belong to me and it doesn t belong to anybody else. We are in this educational business for the good we can do and for no other reason. Our college draws its students from the best families in all sections of America and from a number of foreign lands. It has a special appeal to fathers and mothers who wish to send their sons or daughters to a Christian college where the faith of their child will be preserved and developed, and where the child will have good educational advantages and. enjoy a clean, Christian swaal life. You fathers and mothers can send your son or daughter to the BOB JONLb COLLEGE and go to sleep at night in peace knowing that your child is safe physically, mentally, and spiritually. Our college is engaged in the business of training orthodox Christian leaders —physicians, lawyers, teachers, ministers, business men, business women, etc. The Lord is blessing the work. We praise Him. The graduates of our college are leaders in all walks of life. I f you wish literature, just write the BOB JONES COLLEGE, CLEVELANB, TENNESSEE m .» s i s i A i i i To Spend Next Summer’s Vacation with America’s Greatest Theological Teachers. Winona Lake School of Theology, Winona Lake, Indiana F or M inisters, T eachers, M issionaries, Sunday School W orkers & Laym en ------- Courses leading to Regular Theological Degrees, Cost Reasonable July 7 to August 1 I -Two Terms 15 Days Each-Interdenominational Evangelical Faith and High Scholarship Combined Ur. W. E. Biederwolf, Director (Ask for free Prospectus) Dr. J. A. Huffman, Dean 50 Free Rooms

T #

S o c ia lism —*Communism—F a sc ism By LOUIS S. BAUMAN, D. D. The Most Timely Prophetic Booklet in Print!

Concerning this booklet, Dr. Thomas M. Chalmers, Editor of the Jewish Missionary MaB“D?.e B ^m L n °h Cas 1 ,S a d l 'a real study of his tremendous subject. Ife has g^h ered the facts, he sets forth the nature, working and baleful influence of the THREE FROGS now croaking among the nations of the earth. Every American should read and ponder Uie facts so clearly set forth in these flaming pages. They are a trum pet call to consider where our nation stands today. They are a warning against the mighty evils facing this and all Price 25c— 5 Copies fo r $1.00 Postpaid Circular describing other outstanding Prophetic Booklets by the same Author upon request. AT. AN s. PEARCE 1925 E. 5 th St., Long Beach, Calif.

Are You Laying U p T R E A S U R E in H E A V E N ?

Send for leaflet “The Stewardship Question” (free). It may help settle a principle in handling the Lord’s money. Write, Field Department The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

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