King's Business - 1937-04

April, 1937

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


seek after; that I—in my study; I, in my shop; I, in my parlor, kitchen or nursery; I, in my studio; I, in my lecture hall— “may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.” In our “Father’s house are many mansions.” The room that we spend most of our lives in, each of us at our tasks or our worktables, may be in our Father’s house, too, and it is only we that can secure that it shall be. — A lexander M aclaren . "Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afteAward receive me to glory” (Psa. 73:24). Like Asaph, we have all been puzzled, sometimes by the mysteries of divine provi­ dence. We have been overwhelmed by dis­ appointment and stunned by grief. But if we are God’s children we have learned to believe also when we cannot understand. . . . He has revealed enough concerning His faithfulness, love, and mercy, in Christ, to give us a firm basis for our faith in Him. . . . In the past He has delivered us, helped us in many remarkable ways, and comforted us by His Word and Spirit. He will continue to do so in the future. — H . J. T riezenberg . No shattered box of ointment We ever need regret, "1 fra y not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil ” (John 17:15). The reason that the church lives today, in spite of all the forces arrayed against her, is the fact that Jesus still prays for the believer to be victorious in the world. . . . You may seem to be isolated amid the subtle forces of evil, but God’s eye is always upon you, and if you are hurt by the world, it is because you have rebelled against His guardian presence. Th^ Chris­ tian’s conquest of the world depends not upon a principle, but upon a Person.—From The Conquest of Life by W. Mallis.* MAY 31 Glorified Routine "They that wait upon the Lord . . . shall walk, and not faint " (Isa. 40:31). The Christian life for most of us is not a succession of spectacular feats of strength or spurts of energy, but a long, steady march. Each day brings its portion of downright work, not noticed by man, per­ haps, but having a definite place in God’s plan. Enoch’s three-hundred-year walk with God was worthy of a place in the Bible record; Paul exhorts us to “walk in the Spirit.” So there is comfort for us all in the golden promise in Isaiah. —Sunday School Times. •Copyrighted, 1936, by the Bible Institute Col- portage Ass’n of Chicago, reprinted with express permission. For out of disappointment Flow sweetest odors yet. — F rances R idley H avergal . MAY 30 Our Guardian Spirit MAY 29 A Firm Basis for Future Faith

WIN THE BOYS AND GIRLS Oxford Illustrations of Bible T ruths Prepared Colors and Chemicals, harm less, ready to use w ith directions and helps. Four talks (with duplicate set) 50c Postpaid C. A. Schmitt 144 Prospect St. Reading, Mass. EVANGELISTIC NOTICES [Continued from page 132] spent in the First Evangelical Congrega­ tional Church of Lebanon, Pa. Many souls found the Lord, and the revival spread to other communities from which large dele­ gations had come to the meetings. While in Lebanon, Mr. Robie spoke in the high school to fifteen hundred young people. On March 7, Mr. Robie was scheduled to open a series of meetings in Millville, N. J., and in the latter part of March in the City Mis­ sion, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Other plans in­ clude services in Springboro, Pa., in April; Mohawk, N. Y., in May; Boonville, N. Y., in June; Syracuse, N. Y., the latter part of August, and Baltimore, Md., in September. OUR LITERATURE TABLE [Continued from page 133] Open-Air Child-Evangelism By J. IRVIN OVERHOLTZER With an intense love for children and a con­ viction that they can be won for Christ, the author explains the simple methods of reaching children in groups on the streets. His many years of successful experience in leading children to a knowledge of salvation proves the practicability of such plans as are outlined in this book, which is a most convincing testimony to the value of evangelizing the children. 31 pages. Child Evangelism Fellowship Supply House, 5308 El Verano Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Paper. Price 35 cents. Step by Step Through the Bible with Children, VoL 1 By ALMA H. BAILEY The gospel is clearly illustrated in each of these Bible studies for children, with which are correlated visual aids for reaching small children. Very prac­ tically the method of leading them to the Lord Jesus is explained, thus enabling even inexperienced teachers to use this effective means of evangelism. 95 pages. Child Evangelism Fellowship Supply House, 5308 El Verano Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Paper. Price 50 cents. What Time Is It? By BASIL HOLT With dynamic conviction and unusual spiritual insight, the writer forcefully urges evangelism in the darkening days of this rapidly closing era. His graphic sketch of modern fulfillments of prophecy are irrefutable proofs of the brevity of time remain­ ing for a true Christian witness in all nations. Numerous quotations from authentic^ sources certify statements which are advanced in this stirring chal­ lenge to “make Him known” before God’s clock strikes. 239 pages. The Standard Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. Immortal Words o f Christ and the Apostles By JAMES W. WOODROW “In compact and related sequence/* correlated passages of the Bible have been arranged in topical form in this unique volume. No words of the author are inserted, but the whole is composed of Scripture which, because of the systematized ar­ rangement, forms a coherent self-commentary of the Bible. The orderly divisions of the contents make this book convenient for devotional reading. 160 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. Among devotional writers, there are few whose utterances show more penetration, sympathy, and hope than do the comments of Oswald Chambers. The volume traces its source to the dreary days of heartbreak that composed the period of the World War, when the author, in lectures given in Y. M. C. A. huts and before student groups, offered to despondent souls the unfailing comfort of the Word of God. 286 pages. Dodd, Mead & Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. The Place o f Help By OSWALD CHAMBERS

“The School with a Soul!” Three-Fold Training EAD—a complete accredited aca­ demic course. EART—thoroughly .evangelical; in­ terdenominational. AND—over 30 skilled trades taught. GRADES— HIGH SCHOOL UNIVERSITY A N ALL THE YEAR H O M E AN D S C H O O L FOR YOUR CH ILDREN AN D Y O U N G PEOPLE. Siloam and Sulphur Springs, Arkansas. In the Beautiful, Healthful Ozarks. VERY NOMINAL COST For complete details, write JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY Siloam Springs, Arkansas “The Highest Type School for the Highest Type Student”


SONG BOOK Compiled by Don M. Allen (com­ poser of “All That I Need Is Jesus’*) ;

87 pages of bright heart reaching favor­ ites. NOTE SOME NEW NUMBERS: “Jesus Is a Friend of Mine/* “A Prayer for Service.’* —Also— “By The Mercies of God/* a song leaflet (illustrated). Special—both for 25 cents. Prices on quantities. ORDER FROM DON M. ALLEN 558 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

BETTER WALL PAPERS come from LLOYD’S Correspondence Invited

48 W. 48TH ST.


Plan Now To Attend Biola’ s Evening School Next Fall.

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