King's Business - 1937-04

April, 1937



at which he knelt in submission to the Lord Jesus Christ, an Institute student was at his side with the open Word. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God” (John 1:12). This was God’s Word, unmis­ takable in its meaning. The utterance re­ called the message given on an earlier oc­ casion in the Evening School, the truth' concerning God’s Love-Gift, the Lord Jesus Christ. That night, by invitation, the Altogether Lovely One became the Saviour of one more for whom He had died. For Derchar, the break with the theatri­ cal life was inevitable and complete. His heart overflowed with a joy which the world could not give. The new Christian came to live at the Institute soon after his conversion. A little later, he was accepted as a student in the Day School where he pursued the study of the Word with dili­ gence. He served on a gospel team, a group of students who traveled for a num­ ber of months in evangelistic work, and through contacts made on that trip, he was led into more than two years’ service among the Hopi Indians in Arizona. On the backside of the desert, like others of the Lord’s called ones, Andrew began to learn to walk by faith. “I needed those years of peculiar disci­ pline,” he recounted, smiling. “Without them, my spiritual equipment would have been sadly incomplete.” C ommissioned It was during a missionary address de­ livered at the Bible Institute of Los Anr geles that the Lord spoke to Andrew Der­ char about evangelism in Europe, and the young man saw that linguistically he was enabled to make a contribution to the meet­ ing of that dire need. “I did not want to go!” he declared. “I loved America. I had become a naturalized citizen of this country. But as I thought back to that night when I had received Him, God’s Gift, and remembered that since that hour all my life had been en­ riched, ill love I cried to Him, ‘Lord, take me; send me where Thou wilt.’ He is sending me home—home with the gospel made precious to me, by His grace, at Biola.”

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to the Hebrews, the Psalm is taken up and the promise is repeated and confirmed. Al­ most two thousand years have passed since that time, and the promise still stands in the Word of God awaiting its fulfillment. Man is still in slavery, “sold under sin” (Rom. 7:14). “We see not yet all things put under him” (Heb. 2:8). “But we see Jesus’’ (Heb. 2:9). “Jesus” is the human ñame of the Son of God, the name given to Him as Son of man. And today it is as the Son of man that He sits at God’s right hand. He is there representing us, and He is God’s token to us of the fulfillment in due time of the wonderful promise of Psalm 8. In the Man Jesus is begun the fulfillment of that promise. All authority is given to Hint in heaven and in earth. This is not yet manifest, but the day is surely coming when at the human name, the name of JeSüs, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess His lordship (cf. Phil. 2:9-11). Then it will be revealed that the Man Christ Jesus is become the Head of a new race, including those redeemed by His blood. To those redeemed the promise of Psalm 8 will be completely fulfilled, and they shall reign with Him in full dominion over the works of God’s hands. Then truly, and not until then, shall the name of Jehovah be “excellent in all the earth.” HOME FROM HOLLYWOOD [Continued from page 128] “What a friend we have in Jesus, Ail our sins and griefs to bear!” The young European covered his face with his hands. “O my God,” he prayed silent­ ly, “help me to find that Friend!” That evening, before leaving the din­ ing room, the secrets of his heart still un­ touched by prying human words, Andrew Perchar promised a Biola student that he would attend evangelistic meetings being held in a church in Hollywood. He went once, twice—four times; and at the altar

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