King's Business - 1937-04

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offerine- prizes to each reader who will w rite us th at he has made a p u rchase 'o r has recommended the services or commodities of our adver- tisers to friends who have made an actual pnrcnase. One reader writes of accepting an agency resulting in sales exceeding $160.00, and another of publishing a book through interfflt aroused through these columns, while many w rite of sm aller purchases.^ We believe th at by these innovations we have turned advertising into me T c h a n & , a n d yhave forged a chain of three strong links between our advertiser and his public. These links are Display Space (for educational values) Classified Section (for quick finding)

The DOUBLE REPRESENTATION plan has now been used fo r over one year by THE KING’S BUSINESS. By "double r e p u t a t i o n ’ we mean our offer to ru n a free classified ad m our BUYERS GUIDE section giving the address and commodity with the page reference referring to the display ad for each advertiser purchasing one inch or more of display space. .. . . . . . Such a plan as this is a departure in advertising methods, but w well worthy of the attentive study of the space buyer. We believed th at this plan would increase the response to our adver­ tisers’ appeal by making their ads easy to find, and evidence multiplies ^ D u rin g 'th e past year the advertising of THE KING’S BUSINESS has nearly doubled, and many advertisers w rite us of the increasing response to their appeals. , . . We will be glad to send our rate card and sample copies to advertisers 2*1)?'addition to the free Buyers’ Guide listing, THE KING’S BUSINESS has conducted two Readers’ Contests (and is now advertising a third),

Readers' Prize Offers (for attention value) LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA


B U Y E R S ’ G U I D E

WESTERN BOOK AND TRACT COMPANY (O akland’s Leading Bible H ouse), 1730 Tele­ graph Ave., O akland, Calif. Dr. H. A. Ironside, President. C hristian literature. Send for our catalogues and receive free booklet, also1_ _ CARTOON TRACTS PACE CARTOON TRACTS, STRIKING,SCRIP- tural, illu strativ e tra c ts, w ith PACE cartoon and accom panying m essage. For soul-w in­ ning, C hristian life, sermon m aterial, etc. Sample p ack et 25c. Gospel T ru th P oster Service, Findlay, Ohio. CHOIR AND PULPIT GOWNS CHOIR AND PULPIT GOWNS, HANGINGS, Bible M arkers, etc. Also pulpit furniture, bulle tin boards, communion sets. Fine m aterials beautiful work. W rite for prices. S tate deft nitely w hat is needed. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 S. F ourth S t^G igenville^jlL _________ __ CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSN., 810 N. Wells St., Chicago, 111., publishers of “W h at H inders P ra y er?” by R ichard W. Lewis, D.D. Price 30c. See display ad page 154. __________________________________ _______ CHILD EVANGELISM FELLOWSHIP, 203 N. W abash Ave., Chicago, 111., offers publications by J. Irvin O verholtzer, helpful to those interested in child evangelism . See display ad page 154._____________________________________ CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, INC., 1506 N. T hird St., H arrisburg, Pa. Offers free sample of Sunday-school publications and Bible courses for Young People’s Societies. See dis- play ad page 144._______________________ • CLASSIC PRESS, 1629 OGDEN ST., DEN- ver, Colo., publishers of book, “Things Really Precious,** by Stanley H. Bailes. See display ad page 139. THE BOOKLET “CHRIST’S COMING,” HIGH- ly recommended, has been printed in seven editions in less th an a year. Price .25c and postage. Send orders to th e author, Dr. G us­ ta v Edw ards, 4211 N. H erm itage Ave., Chi- cago, 111 . __________ EYE-METHOD PUBLISHING CO., 1712-16 E. 20th St., O akland, Calif., tak in g subscrip­ tions to th e “G raphic Guide,** w eekly periodical of studies in Old and New T estam ents. See display ad page 158.


ASTHMA REMEDY MRS. G. ROBERTS, 302-K AVENUE ROAD, Toronto, Can., will send inform ation reg ard ­ ing rem edy for asthm a upon request. See display ad page 159. ATTORNEY CLAUDE A. WATSON, 5603 N. FIGUEROA St., Los Angeles, Calif. A ttorney-at-law . See display ad page 157. _____________________ BEVERAGES PAN AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, 2704 S. V erm ont Ave„ Los Angeles, Calif. Famous Mate tea an d D esert tea. See display ad page 159. ___________ BIBLE BINDING___________ THE BIBLE BINDERY, BIBLES REPAIRED and rebound. Flexible leath er covers a spec­ ialty. S atisfaction guaranteed. Agency: / " “w A nalytical Bible. G race W hidden, 2026 E. F ourth St., Long Beach, Calif._______________ MAGAZINE BINDERY SERVICE, GARRIOTT Bldg., S cottsburg, lnd„ rebind Bibles, furnish covers for m agazines. See display_ad_pageJ_5L ._______ BIBLE CHARTS___________ JAMISON’S CHRONOLOGICAL PANORAMA of the Bible, lithographed in 9 colors, on fine m ap Cloth, 17x34 inches. Price $1.75 including key, postpaid. Abridged one-color edition, 10c. Prof. Lewis H. Jam ison, 75! Olive Ave., Long Beach, Calif. BOOK C L U B ________ PINEBROOK BOOK CLUB, 42 N. 8 TH ST., Philadelphia, Pa., offers free m em bership m club and furnishes inform ation about latest and b est C hristian books. See display ad page 151. BOOK STORES___________ THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE, 313 W . THIRD St., Los Angeles, Calif. A supply house near a t hand. E verything for th e church. See dis­ play ad page 147._________________________ _ BIOLA BOOK ROOM, 560 SOUTH HOPE ST., Los Angeles, Calif. H eadquarters Fundam ental L iterature. See display ad page 146.

Price if Paid In Advance

Price $ 4.50 6.00 12.00


Price $18.00 24.00 48.00 4o.uv

Times 121212

Listings 30 words >/t Inch I Inoh i i n

$17.10 22.80 45.60

3 3 3

u *w.uu Copy due 10th ef month preceding date of publication _________ AGENTS WANTED_________ GEORGE W. NOBLE, MONON BLDG., CHI- cago. 111 ., will send free catalogue and price list regarding selling proposition. See dis­ play ad page 145. _____________________ _ WESTERN SALES SERVICE, P. O. BOX 434, Berkeley, Calif., offers 25 photos for $1.00. A gents wanted. See display ad page 145. AID IN SACRED SONG WRITING CORRECT HYMN MUSIC ASSURES EDITOR- ial consideration. Send hym n or poem for FREE criticism . Enclose dime for samples. Raymond Iden (KB ), Composer, A rranger, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. ____________ANNUITIES_____________ AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, BIBLE HOUSE, A stor Place, New Y ork City. Free booklet describing annuity agreem ents. See display ad page 155._________________________________ MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE, 153 INSTITUTE Place, Chicago, 111. W rite for new booklet, "F acts," for inform ation regarding annuity plan. See display ad page 153. ANNUITIES— INSURED_______ THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc., 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif., offers Insured Annuities as a profitable form of C hristian investm ent. See display ad back cover. APPEAL FOR FUNDS________ HUNAN BIBLE INSTITUTE, CHINA DE- partm en t of the Bible In stitu te of Los An­ geles, 5‘58 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif., in arg en t need of funds to m aintain w ork during com ing year. See display ad p age 124._______ ART WORK NATIONAL ART SCHOOL, INC., 3601 MICH - igan Ave„ Chicago, III., will send free booklet describing "Koehne Method” of photo color­ ing. See display ad page 159.

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