Admission Requirements
Photo Below: Sumner College Cascade Campus
Licensure and Certification Graduates of the Practical Nursing program may apply to sit for the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nursing (NCLEX- PN), and graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing may apply to sit for the National Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). State Authorization Sumner College offers distance education outside the state where the institution or program is physically located in Oregon. All 50 states plus U.S. Territories regulate education on the state level. Sumner College makes every effort to follow each state’s regulations regarding offering distance education programs in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and accreditation standards. Students should research whether the Sumner College programs meet their state’s licensure requirements. A student’s physical location is identified at the time of application to determine program authorization requirements for enrollment in our programs. The basis for determining the student’s physical location is determined by the student’s official enrollment agreement. If a student changes their physical location during the program, they shall notify Sumner College by completing a change of address form. Change of Address Forms are available through the student portal. Sumner College Professional Licensure by State Sumner College meets the licensure requirements for the states listed by program. Each state’s regulations regarding offering distance education programs according to all applicable laws, regulations, and accreditation standards. Students are strongly encouraged to research whether the programs offered at Sumner College meet the profession’s requirements in their state. Follow this link to access State Educational Requirements NCLEX Reimbursement Program Graduates of a Nursing program will be reimbursed for the fees to sit for the NCLEX if they pass it on their first attempt within 45 days after their original scheduled Graduation Da te, as stated on their enroll- ment agreement. Please note that students that have repeated a term for reasons including, but not limited to, unsatisfactory academic progress or a leave of absence will not be eligible for the NCLEX Reimbursement Program. Reimbursement checks will be sent within 30 days after the date in which the student has contacted the college via email to confirm they passed the exam. Costs that are reimbursed include the state application fee (any state), the fingerprinting fee, and the Pearson Vue exam fee. Background Check Policy It is a policy of Sumner College to ensure that enrolling students are aware of the potential effects and consequences of past criminal behaviors. Prospective students may be denied admission based on their criminal background. A criminal background may affect the student’s ability to obtain licensure. Please click the link below to review the requirements for licensure for the state of Oregon: How a Criminal History Can Affect The Licensure Process Sumner College is required to perform a background check on all nursing students prior to a student being assigned to a clinical site. The results of that background check will be made available to the clinical site. Pending or prior criminal charges may result in the student being unable to be assigned to a clinical facility. Students with prior criminal charges may not be granted a license even if he/she
“The teachers are there support- ing you, they are interested in your success and that makes a huge difference in motivation ” ~Kristen W. Sumner Graduate
passes the NCLEX exam. If you have a prior conviction, please talk to the admissions department about your background prior to enrolling in any program. Drug Test Policy Clinical facilities require the school to follow drug screening require- ments, which may include random testing, prior to being assigned to a clinical facility. Results are on a pass/fail basis. Students who fail the drug screening may be dismissed from the college. Failure to complete or participate in any required drug agency screening will result in the nursing student being withdrawn from the program. In the event a student fails, they may appeal if he/she feels it was a false positive. Right to Rescind Policy A disciplinary matter or criminal conviction, whether occurring prior to the time of application, while the application is under review, or after the admission decision has been made, may affect the College’s decisions regarding admission, or enrollment. Sumner College reserves the right to rescind admission or enrollment if a circumstance or event arises. Additionally, is an application misrepresents any information during the admissions or enrollment process acceptance may be rescinded at the College’s discretion. The Oregon State Board of Nursing may deny nursing licensure to persons with criminal arrest or conviction histories. Immunizations Policy Sumner College has never mandated nor does it currently require the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of acceptance for students. In instances where a clinical site mandates vaccination for participation in a clinical rotation, students may submit an exemption request, which will be forwarded to the clinical site for consideration and deter- mination. All students are required to submit proof of immunization for the following prior to their first clinical site visit. 1. Measles, Mumps & Rubella 2. Varicella 3. Tuberculosis Test with Negative Result (within the last 2 years) 4. Tetanus-Dephtheria-Pertussis Toxoid (within the last 10 years) 5. Hepatitis B or titer Follow this link to review the requirements for immunizations in the state of Oregon. All students are responsible for meeting the requirements set forth in the college catalog.
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