Sumner College Catalog



Student Services Student Services assist students in locating desirable living accom- modations and securing part-time and/or full-time employment during non-school hours. The Student Services department provides information on services not available through the school, including, but not limited to: childcare, public transportation, and public agencies. Advising is provided by the college to assist students in solving any problems that may arise while enrolled at the college. Instructors, as well as administrative staff, are available for private advising sessions to give students the opportunity to discuss in an open manner any personal or academic concerns they may be experiencing. The college will refer students with more severe problems to facilities that are capable of dealing with more complex situations. All Sumner College students are entitled to academic advising from their Department Chair and the Director of Education. Sumner College strives to help all students prepare for an academic path that is consistent with the employment goals of the student. All students are initially scheduled for an acceptance interview with a college official. An orientation is conducted for all incoming students, and the Depart- ment Chair will schedule periodic meetings with students to discuss issues impacting their education and progress while at Sumner College. The Department Chair, Student Services, and the Director of Education are available to students as necessary. Career Services The Career Services Department at Sumner College assists students in obtaining gainful employment in their chosen career field. To assist its graduates in meeting this objective, Sumner College provides students with the skills needed for finding employment, provides as- sistance in the pursuit of employment opportunities, as well as tech- niques necessary for a successful interview. While we cannot and do not guarantee employment, we will assist our graduates in securing a position in their chosen field by using all available resources. Current students and graduates may utilize career placement as- sistance from the college. There is no charge for this service. Please contact the Student Services department at Sumner College for more information. Graduates may return to Sumner and audit classes they attended while enrolled at Sumner College at no charge. Please contact the Director of Education if you are interested in auditing specific classes. The auditing of courses must be approved on a space availability basis.

Library Services The LIRN collection provides students with millions of peer-reviewed and full-text journal, magazine, and newspaper articles, e-books, podcasts, audio, and video resources to support their academic studies from Gale, Cengage, ProQuest, EBSCO, eLibrary, Books 24x7, and more, covering topics for General Education, Business, and Medical programs. The LIRN library is available to all enrolled students at Sumner College. Students will be given a username and password to access the database while they are enrolled at the college. Sumner College makes every effort to provide students with an atmosphere conducive to learning. A student library is available for all current students to use for educational purposes. Students may check out books, with the exception of reference texts, for two weeks. Any lost or damaged books will be charged to the student based on the current market price of the book. Wireless and high-speed internet are available in the library. The LIRN Librarian Service is available to assist with analyzing library services, resources, and database usage to ensure library effec- tiveness. Students can request help through a user-friendly pop-up question form on the LIRN Portal. One of the LIRN librarians will provide assistance via e-mail, phone call, or screen-share depending on the complexity of the students’ needs. Books & Supplies Sumner College provides e-books to students as part of their tuition cost. The e-books are made available no later than the 1st day of class through the online classroom. A book list is provided if the student would like to purchase hard copy books. Lab supplies including scrubs are included as part of tuition and are distributed to students no later than their 1st day of lab. All students must scrub fit to receive scrubs. Tutoring Resources Sumner College provides tutoring resources to all students at no extra cost. Students can schedule time in the open skills lab to practice nursing lab skills through the Canvas LMS platform, with a nursing lab instructor available during designated hours. Math tutoring is also offered to support students’ needs. Course Audit Students who transfer courses into their academic program of study may audit the course. Students are not charged to audit the course, but they must pay for the textbook used in the course. Students wishing to audit courses will need to contact the school registrar. This request is granted on a space availability basis.


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