Sumner College Catalog



TERM 2 BIO132 Anatomy and Physiology II Prerequisites: BIO131 Credits: 4.0 / Course Hours: 40

TERM 1 NUR120 Introduction to BSN and Strategies

for Success Prerequisites: none Credits: 5.0 / Course Hours: 50

The class covers nutrition and fluids, and the endocrine, urinary, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems, as well as the common disorders of those systems. Students will master the fundamentals of the structure, function, and diseases of the human body. PHA102 Pharmacology Prerequisite: PHA101 Credits: 2.0 / Course Hours: 20 This course is the second of a two term series that covers clinical pharmacology and the integration of pharmacological principles into nursing practice. It includes the specifics of each drug classification, including their uses, mechanisms of action, contraindications, precautions, interactions and adverse effects. Nursing processes include assessment, monitoring, managing adverse effects, and patient education, with an emphasis on developing the clinical judgment necessary for patient care and safety. SOC110 Sociology I Prerequisites: None Credits: 4.0 / Course Hours: 40 An introduction to the sociological perspective and to the study of sociology as a scientific discipline. Sociology 110 will examine human social behavior, focusing on individuals and groups as well as the study of social factors including status, role, race, class, sex, and age. This course will also focus on societal structure, stratification, institutions, groups, and organizations by cultural processes such as socialization and group interaction. ENG102 English Composition Prerequisite: None Credits: 4.0 / Course / Clock Hours: 40 This course is an overview of the fundamental principles of American English as it applies to composition. This class introduces students to critical thinking, reading, and writing at the college level. Organization, use of details, sentence structure and correct grammar are also stressed. MED101 Medical Terminology Prerequisite: None Credits: 2.0 / Clock/Course Hours: 20 The focus of this course is to study the construction of medical vocabulary from Latin and Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes with a body system approach and using introductory descriptions of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. This course is designed to provide the students with a basic understanding of medical terms.

This course serves as an introduction to the BSN nursing program and the role of the baccalaureate nurse generalist as outlined in the American Academy of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education. National and organizational guidelines for clinical practice are explored. Strategies are introduced to enhance success throughout the program including; learning styles, study techniques, effective written communication using APA 7th edition format, time management, identifying and utilizing scholarly literature, civility, and netiquette in the online environment. BIO131 Anatomy and Physiology I Prerequisites: None Credits: 4.0 / Course Hours: 40 The class covers the organization of the body, chemistry, cell biology, body tissues, and disease, and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular and digestive systems. Major diseases are included, with an emphasis on conditions common in long term care. Students will master the fundamentals of the structure, function, and diseases of the human body. PHA101 Introduction to Pharmacology Prerequisite: None Credits: 3.0 / Course Hours: 30 This course is the first of a two-term series that covers clinical pharmacology and the integration of pharmacological principles into nursing practice. It includes the specifics of each drug classification, including their uses, mechanisms of action, contraindications, precautions, interactions, and adverse effects. This course focuses on drugs affecting the nervous system; immune system; respiratory system; and drugs that treat inflammation, pain and infection. Nursing processes include assessment, monitoring, managing adverse effects, and patient education, with an emphasis on developing the clinical judgment necessary for patient care and safety. HUM102 Culture and Arts Prerequisite: None Credits: 2.0 / Clock Hours: 20 This course introduces nursing students to the personal and social aspects of visual art through lectures, slide shows, and individual practice. It explores art as an expression of individual and cultural identity, and as social criticism. Students directly investigate these concepts by producing original artwork focusing on specific visual ideas such as color, realism, symbolism, self-portraits, etc. Students also discuss the role of art within nursing care and in their own lives.


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