Sumner College Catalog



TERM 1 NUR318 Introduction to BSN and Strategies for Success Prerequisites: none Credits: 5.0 / Course Hours: 50

COM311 Intercultural Communication Prerequisites: SOC207 Credit Hours: 4.0 / Contact Hours 40 Communicating and establishing relationships with people of varying cultures builds healthier and more peaceful communities, reduces conflict, and increases tolerance. This course combines theory and application of intercultural communication to develop an understanding of how to communicate with people from diverse cultures. The course explores how cultures use communication in different ways and strategies for sharing information between cultures and social groups. BIO313 Pathophysiology Prerequisites: BIO131, BIO132, BIO133 Credit Hours: 4.0 / Contact Hours: 40 This course is a study of the pathology and general health management of diseases and injuries across the life span. Topics presented include normal function, disease processes, trauma, cancer, and pain management. Common diseases and disorders of each organ system will be studied to develop an understanding of how pathophysiological processes disrupt normal functioning of the human body. TERM 3 NUR322 Nutrition for Nursing Practice This course covers the science and fundamentals of human nutrition. Topics include nutrients and nutritional requirements across the lifespan to maintain nutritional balance, support growth and development, and restore health. The course focuses on identifying and promoting healthy nutrition for diverse patient populations. NUR324 Holistic Health Assessment and Health Promotion Prerequisites: PSY201, BIO313, NUR318 Credit Hours: 5.0 / Contact Hours: 50 This course examines theories and practice of holistic health assessment and health promotion for individuals and families across the lifespan. Looking beyond physical assessment the course explores the social determinant of health, health beliefs and practices of individuals and families, and proposes patient-centered health promotion interventions. Topics for assessment include socioeconomic, age, developmental stage, gender, cultural, spiritual, psychological, and pain. Prerequisites: BIO313, NUR318 Credits: 5.0 / Course Hours: 50

This course serves as an introduction to the BSN nursing program and the role of the baccalaureate nurse generalist as outlined in the American Academy of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education. National and organizational guidelines for clinical practice are explored. Strategies are introduced to enhance success throughout the program including; learning styles, study techniques, effective written communication using APA 7th edition format, time management, identifying and utilizing scholarly literature, civility, and netiquette in the online environment. This course introduces moral philosophers and traditional moral theories. These theories will be applied to various real-world ethical concerns. Basic problem-solving skills are considered to assist in resolving moral dilemmas. Students will map their personal ethical values and construct a moral code. MAT105 College Mathematics Prerequisites: None Credit Hours: 4.0 / Course Contact Hours: 40 SOC207 Ethics Prerequisites: SOC110 Credit Hours: 4.0 / Contact Hours: 40 College Mathematics covers basic mathematical, algebraic, and geometric concepts and applications. Topics covered include fractions, decimals, and percentages; ratio and proportion; solving linear equations; consumer mathematics; metric and customary measurement; basic geometry; and probability and statistics. This course provides the opportunity to strengthen basic math skills and practice applying those skills in a real-world environment. TERM 2 MAT309 Statistics to Inform Decisions Prerequisites: MAT105 Credit Hours: 4.0 / Course Contact Hours: 40 This course presents concepts of statistics related to the collection, display, and analysis of data. Descriptive statistics, correlation, regression, prediction, the logic of statistical inference, elementary probability models, estimation and tests of significance and graphing techniques for presenting data will be studied. Data presented in research studies will be examined for accuracy and significance to inform decisions.


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