Tuition and Fees
(c) After classes begin for a term, a student who withdraws from a course is eligible for a partial refund through the middle week of the term. Refunds shall be based on unused instructional time and shall be prorated on a weekly basis for schools using a semester, quarter or nontraditional calendar. Without specific office approval, refund rates shall not be differentiated on the criteria of a student’s source of income or loan repayment obligations except as otherwise required by law. (d) Any fees for credit transferred, for credit attempted or earned by examination or portfolio must be based on the cost of service actually provided, ordinarily less than the cost of regular instruction. The mere award of credit does not justify a fee. (e) Academic policies shall not artificially prolong the enrollment of a failing student with the effect of increasing financial obligation. (f) Separation from the school for reason of discipline or other admin- istrative action shall not cause forfeiture of ordinary refund amounts. State of Washington Cancellation Policy 1) The school must refund all money paid if the applicant is not accepted. This includes instances where a starting class is canceled by the school. 2) The school must refund all money paid if the applicant cancels within five business days (excluding Sundays and holidays) after the day the contract is signed or an initial payment is made, as long as the applicant has not begun training. 3) The school may retain an established registration fee equal to ten percent of the total tuition cost or one hundred dollars, whichever is less, if the applicant cancels after the fifth business day after signing the contract or making an initial payment. A “registration fee” is any fee charged by a school to process student applications and establish a student record system. 4) If training is terminated after the student enters classes, the school may retain the registration fee established under (3) of this subsection, plus a percentage of the total tuition as described in the following table:
either party. The percentage of the student’s program completion will be based on the unit of measurement (enrollment period) oof that program as registered with the State of Oregon as set forth in this catalog. Any refund will be calculated on the basis of the published class schedule, using the last date of attendance as the termination date. An applicant may cancel their enrollment at any time before the commencement of their training by giving written notice to the college; and all monies paid by applicant will be refunded if notice of cancellation is received within five business days after signing the Enrollment Agreement. An applicant request- ing cancellation subsequent to five business days after signing the Enrollment Agreement but prior to beginning classes shall be entitled to a refund of all tuition monies paid to the college and the application fee if cancellation of enrollment occurs within 5 business days. Supplies purchased through Sumner College are nonrefund- able. Nonrefundable fees that are charged after the first day a student attends class are the application fee, the registration fee, and the lab fees. Lab fees are prorated based on the point in which the student drops. If training is terminated by the student or Sumner College for any reason after entering classes, unless the college has discontin- ued the program of instruction, the student is financially obligated to the college according to the following formula:
If the student completes this amount of training: One week or up to 10% whichever is less Two weeks or up to 20% whichever is less Three weeks or up to 30% whichever is less Four weeks or up to 40% whichever is less
The school may keep this amount of the tuition cost:
More than 50% 100% State of Oregon Cancellation Policy
If the student completes this amount of training:
The school may keep this amount of the tuition cost:
One week or up to 10% whichever is less
(a) Tuition shall be charged by the credit hour or by fixed rate for instruction during an academic semester, quarter, or shorter term. No student is obligated for tuition charged for a term that had not commenced when the student withdrew or a term that was truncated by cessation of school services. (b) Except as noted below in this section, fees not included in tuition shall not exceed five percent of full-time tuition for any term in which separate fees are charged. One-time application or admission fees may exceed 5 percent of first-term tuition, but shall not exceed $200. Lab or equipment fees related to the actual necessary operational costs of specific courses may exceed 5 percent of tuition, provided that the fees are made known to students prior to enrollment in the course. Nominal fees for late payments, course withdrawals and the like are acceptable.
More than one or 10% whichever is less but less than 25%
25% through 49%
More than 50% 100% 5) When calculating refunds, the official date of a student’s termina- tion is the last day of recorded attendance:
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