Sumner College Catalog


(iii) The institution does not provide the clock hours that are the basis for the credit hours awarded for the program or each course in the program and, except as provided in §668.4(e), requires attendance in the clock hours that are the basis for the credit hours awarded. The requirements of paragraph (k)(2)(i) of this section do not apply to a program if there is a State or Federal approval or: licensure requirement that a limited component of the program must include a practicum, internship, or clinical experience component of the program that must include a minimum number of clock hours. (l) Formula. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (l)(2) of this section, for purposes of determining whether a program described in paragraph (k) of this section satisfies the (i) A semester hour must include at least 37.5 clock hours of instruction; requirements contained in paragraph (c)(3) or (d) of this section, and of determining the number of credit hours in that educational program with regard to the title IV, HEA programs: (ii) A trimester hour must include at least 37.5 clock hours of instruc- tion; and (iii) A quarter hour must include at least 25 clock hours of instruction. Credit Policy The allocation of credit for Sumner College course work is based on the quarter system. Classroom instructional hours are typically 50 minutes each with a 10-minute break. Classes typically meet four hours each week for a period of ten weeks. Homework is assigned and graded each week. Students are expected to spend approximately two hours of time outside of class on homework for every one hour of classroom lecture. The course syllabus details the specific credit require- ments, including homework and the grading system for each course of instruction. The award of Sumner College credit is in compliance with the requirements of the State of Oregon and adheres to the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Sections 34 CFR 600.2 and 34 CFR 668.8. The regulations are available on line at ecfr. Students are advised to consider their time availability when committing to any program of instruction based on the total number of hours their studies will require each week. A full-time student is one who is taking twelve or more credits during each ten-week term. Quarter credit hours are determined as follows: • All Programs: 10 hours of lecture = 1 quarter credit hour • BSN Program: 20 hours of laboratory = 1 quarter credit hour; 30 hours of clinical = 1 credit hour • PN Program: 30 hours of laboratory or clinical = 1 quarter credit hour Credit Hour Development Procedure Consistent with Sumner College policy on the award of credit, the requirements of the State of Oregon and the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Sections 34 CFR 600.2 and 34 CFR 668.8, the following procedure is established in order to ensure that a fair and reasonable standard of assessment is applied to curriculum

development and to the award of college credit for all coursework undertaken at this institution. Rationale for Curriculum Development Sumner College curriculum is developed based upon identified and verified occupational needs. The articulated need may be identified by any number of sources including: • Inquiry and requests by potential, past, and present students

• Sumner College faculty and administration • Sumner College professional advisory boards • Media and other public sources

Verification would consist of more detailed research into the request and background, including an examination of all available data. State and Federal job market projections and United States Department of Labor occupational studies would be examined as would any addition- al sources of information the school might be able to develop. Profes- sional contacts on information from within the particular industry of the suggested position would be strongly solicited and heavily relied upon in determining the need for a particular program. The basic rationale is that there is a professional training need Sumner College can fill in order to help become employable and productive members of our community. It is the overarching intent of Sumner College to ensure that our students are not only employ- able in terms of the professional training we provide, but that our graduates actually obtain employment. Process for Curriculum Development Once a program decision is made, extensive research is pursued into what training is actually required in order for a person to be both employable and successful in the occupational specialty. This research involves close involvement with many of the same contacts and source material as was employed in the initial determination phase. The United States Department of Labor along with other federal and state job specific information is accessed in order to see exactly what is required in terms of job skills in any given occupation. The profes- sionals actually working in this field, their employers and represen- tative are contacted to ensure that curriculum is developed that will meet the needs of the profession. If licensure is required, those standards and requirements are ex- tensively reviewed, the licensure authority contacted, and all of the development work progresses in close cooperation with that licensure authority or board. Beyond these critical steps and data gathering, the Sumner College process is for our faculty to continue their input by working closely with the Department Chair of the selected profes- sional area on the program design and the curriculum development. Syllabi are developed in close cooperation between the Department Chair, faculty members and college administration with consultation, review and input from outside professional sources including any program advisory board. Additionally, all programs are compared with public and other private colleges in the area to ensure consistency and the comparative strength of our programs.


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