Grading Procedures Grades are submitted to the registrar by the instructors at the college. The instructors have 10 business days to submit their grades to the registrar at the end of the term. Grades will be available for viewing on the Student Portal.
of the next term will result in the letter grade of “F.” The grade of “I” will be calculated as credit attempted in the calculation of successful course completion percentage. If a student takes a failed course more than once both the original credit hours and subsequent repetitions will be calculated as credits attempted in the successful course completion percentage. In cal- culating the CGPA, only the higher grade for the repeated course will be used. An incomplete grade, leave of absence and withdrawal will also be counted in the calculation of successful course completion percentage if the student was charged for any portion of the class. Students are allowed to retake a course one time if they earn a ‘C-’ or lower. Transfer credits from other institutions will not be used in the calcu- lation of satisfactory academic progress or the Sumner College GPA/ CGPA calculation. If a student transfers from another program within the institution, only those courses that apply to the new program will apply to the satisfactory progress calculation. If a student graduates from another program within the institution, only those courses that apply to the new program will apply to the satisfactory progress calculation. Leave of Absence The President or Director of Financial Aid may grant a leave of absence and/or waive interim satisfactory standards for mitigating circumstances such as poor health, family crisis, or other significant occurrences outside the control of the student. These circumstances must be documented and it must be demonstrated by the student that the circumstances have had an adverse impact on the student’s satisfactory progress in the academic program. The student will not receive credit while on a leave of absence. No waivers will be granted for graduation requirements. The maximum time frame allowed for a student to request a leave of absence is 180 calendar days in a 12-month period. Please contact the Financial Aid Department for additional information regarding this policy. Attendance Policy Students who miss more than 20% of the total hours of any course will be automatically withdrawn from that course. If a student is withdrawn from a course due to attendance, they are allowed to retake the course one time. If a student is withdrawn from a course for attendance or fails a course on the second attempt, they are withdrawn from the program. A student may appeal withdrawal from a course by completing Course Withdrawal Appeal Form. Tardiness Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and arrive on time. Any student arriving 15 minutes after the scheduled start time for a class will be recorded as tardy. Leaving up to 15 minutes before the instructor dismisses class will also result in a tardy being recorded. Three (3) incidents of tardiness will be equivalent to one class absence. If a student is not present for 50% or more of a scheduled lecture or lab class, they will be considered absent for the entire class
Academic Grade Scale/Grade Point Equivalent
4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
90-93 87-89 84-86 80-83 77-79 74-76 70-73 67-69 64-66 60-63
A- B+
59-Below Incomplete
Withdraw W
Dropping a Course Students who drop a course prior to 60% of the total class hours scheduled being taught will receive a ‘W’ on their transcript. Students who drop a course after this point will be graded out of the course and a final grade will be listed on their transcript. This final grade will be calculated into their GPA and CGPA. Course Repeats, Incompletes, Withdrawals, Transfers, & Graduates Enrolling in Additional Programs Students have the option to retake academic classes and substitute the second grade in the calculation of the student’s CGPA and suc- cessful course completion rate, if a grade of a C- or lower is earned. However, in no case may the student extend as a regular student beyond one and one-half times the normal program length in order to complete the program. An “Incomplete” (“I” grade) will be given to any student who does not completely fulfill the requirements of a course. A grade may be substituted for the “I” if the student successfully completes the unfinished work within one academic term. Failure to complete the work required for a course before the end
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