Sumner College Catalog


grade appeal procedure. If the matter is not resolved at the instructor level, an appeal can be made to the Director of Education, in accor- dance with the school’s or College’s appeals process. The decision of the Director of Education will be communicated to the student, the instructor and the Department Chair. If the matter is not resolved within the school or College, the student may appeal to the President. This appeal must be made within 10 consecutive calendar days after notification of the decision of the Director of Education. The President shall review the full record of the case and appeal documents. At this level, the President may appoint an ad hoc academic appeals committee to review the record and provide advice on the matter. The decision of the President is final and will be com- municated to the student, the instructor, the Department Chair and the Director of Education. Academic Probation At any evaluation point, if a student does not meet the minimum standards for academic achievement, the student will be placed on probation until the next evaluation point. At the next evalua- tion point, if a student meets the minimum standards for academic achievement, the student will no longer be on probation. While on probation, if a student meets the minimum standards for academic achievement, the student will no longer be on probation. While on probation, if a student does not meet the minimum standards for academic achievement at the next evaluation point, the student will be dismissed unless there are mitigating circumstances. If there are mitigating circumstances which demonstrably affect the student’s academic achievement, the student may continue on probation for the next term. At the time which it will be determined that the miti- gating circumstances have been resolved and did, in fact, affect the student’s academic achievement and significant improvement has been achieved. Students on probation may still be eligible to receive Title IV funds or any other agency funding depending on the situation. Re-establishing Satisfactory Progress A student may reestablish satisfactory academic progress prior to the next review point by completing the missing coursework. Appeals for Suspension Students placed on academic suspension have no right of appeal. Students placed on suspension for other than academic reasons may appeal their suspension if they feel there are compelling reasons for reinstatement from suspension. Steps to Appeal • Obtain an appeal form from the Director of Education • Meet with the Director of Education to complete the appeal form Appeal Decisions The Director of Education will render one of the following decisions: Appeal approved: The student is expected to fulfill the expectations outlined on the Academic Appeal form. If the student does not fulfill the appeal expectations, they will be suspended for at least one term without the possibility of appeal. Appeal denied: The student is suspended for one term and must complete a re-entry plan with the Director of Education and their De- partment Chair before they will be allowed to enroll for the following term. All students will retain a right to request an additional review by the College President. The decisions of the College President are final.

student’s ability and desire to satisfactorily complete the program. Once a student has improved his/her CGPA, or successful completion percentage as outlined in the catalog under “Minimum Academic Requirements”, he or she may be reinstated as a regular student and re-establish his/her eligibility for Title IV funds or any other agency funding. Once the student has been reinstated as a regular student, he/she will be placed on Academic Probation for the next academic term. Successful completion of the term while on Academic Probation will result in the student being placed back in good standing with the college. Academic Review At the end of each term, the college reviews the grade point average (GPA) of all enrolled students. If a student’s term GPA or cumulative grade point average falls below 2.00, that student is immediately notified of their academic status, referred to the Director of Education for academic assisting and placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation retain eligibility for financial aid. Minimum Academic Requirements & Evaluation Points Students must also achieve a minimum of the following cumulative grade point average (CGPA) at the specified program evaluation points in order to remain enrolled as a regular student and to continue to receive financial aid: • At 25% of the maximum program time frame, students must achieve a CGPA of 2.0 and successfully complete 55% of all credits attempted. • At 50% of the maximum time frame, students must achieve a CGPA of 2.0 and successfully complete 60% of all credits attempted. • At 75% of the maximum time frame, students must have a CGPA of 2.0 and successfully complete 70% of all credits attempted. • At 100% of the maximum time frame (or graduation, whichever comes first), students must have completed all of the program requirements with a CGPA of 2.0 or higher are placed in an extended enrollment status. Probation is not permitted at this point. Any student who does not meet the above mentioned requirements will be placed on academic probation. Failure to comply with academic probation remediation requirements will lead to academic suspension Students have the right to protection from inaccurate academic eval- uation. Any students wishing to appeal a final grade due to improper evaluation may appeal the grade using the Grievance Procedure set forth by the college. Only final grades may be appealed and this policy does not apply to any specific assignment, test, quiz, or portion of the course. Any students wishing to appeal a final grade due to improper evaluation must meet with the instructor within seven (7) days after their final grade is issued. The student should first discuss the course grade fully with the instructor of the course. If the matter cannot be resolved by consul- tation with the instructor, the student should use the departmental and ultimately dismissal. Grade Appeals


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