Sumner College Catalog

the school might be able to develop. Professional contacts on information from within the particular industry of the suggested position would be strongly solicited and heavily relied upon in determining the need for a particular program. The basic rationale is that there is a professional training need Sumner College can fill in order to help become employable and productive members of our community. It is the overarching intent of Sumner College to ensure that our students are not only employable in terms of the professional training we provide, Once a program decision is made, extensive research is pursued into what training is actually required in order for a person to be both employable and successful in the occupational specialty. This research involves close involvement with many of the same contacts and source material as was employed in the initial determination phase. The United States Department of Labor along with other federal and state job specific information is accessed in order to see exactly what is required in terms of job skills in any given occupation. The professionals actually working in this field, their employers and representative are contacted to ensure that curriculum is developed that will meet the needs of the profession. If licensure is required, those standards and requirements are extensively reviewed, the licensure authority contacted, and all of the development work progresses in close cooperation with that licensure authority or board. Beyond these critical steps and data gathering, the Sumner College process is for our faculty to continue their input by working closely with the Department Chair of the selected professional area on the program design and the curriculum development. Syllabi are developed in close cooperation between the Department Chair, faculty members and college administration with consultation, review and input from outside professional sources including any program advisory board. Additionally, all programs are compared with public and other private colleges in the area to ensure consistency and the comparative strength of our programs. Scheduling of Classes but that our graduates actually obtain employment. Process for Curriculum Development Sumner College schedules all classes problematically and in sequential, back to back, cohort blocks of instruction. This scheduling method allows all students to move through their training in the most expeditious, consistent, and cohesive manner possible. Using this modality, students have a specific program start date and a specific program end date. In this way, students are able to minimize their time in school, reduce overall costs, do career, and life planning. By maximizing their use of time and other scarce resources, students are able to enter the workforce, not only well prepared, but far sooner than through a traditional training delivery program.

Scholarship Program Sumner College offers institutional scholarships. Sumner College recognizes current students who are inspired and motivated to earn a diploma or degree at Sumner College in the following programs; • Bachelor of Science in Nursing • Practical Nursing • RN to BSN Program To be eligible for the Sumner College Scholarship, students must be attending a program of study at Sumner College. The scholarship award may be up to $1,000.00 and will be applied to tuition and fees for the 1st academic year (or additional academic years for those who re-apply) at Sumner College’s discretion. Please note the following additional criteria: • No cash payment will be awarded for the recipient of the scholarship and no portion of the grant will be refunded to the student • The scholarship will only be awarded to tuition and fees • Students must be attending Sumner College full time with unmet financial need (if using federal funding) and have completed their first term of study at Sumner College to be eligible to apply for the scholarship • Students must be in good standing (attendance, GPA, SAP and classroom participation) with Sumner College • The scholarship recipient must have a valid ISIR on file with Sumner College for the applicable award year and have all available federal and state financial aid applied to their tuition and have a remaining unmet financial aid balance for their tuition, unless the student is paying cash • The scholarship award will be applied to the last term of each academic year only; however, students may re-apply for the Sumner College Scholarship for consideration towards additional academic years • Applications for the Sumner College Scholarship are available online at: • Up to five recipients will be selected each academic year • In addition to completing this application all applicants are required to submit a 500-1000 word typed essay explaining how the Sumner College Scholarship will help them achieve their academic goals. • The deadline for submitting a completed application is no later than the end of the fourth week of the student’s second term. • Completed applications must be emailed to: scholarships@ • The scholarship recipient will be notified within 60 days after the respective deadline for submission.


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