Conduct Policy Satisfactory attendance and participation are necessary for the successful completion of any program of study. We feel that there is a direct correlation between attendance and success. Students are expected to attend classes regularly and to conduct themselves in a manner which is conducive to learning and is not disruptive to other students. We expect that students will adhere to our strict non-dis- crimination policy and will actively embrace potential differences in the student body population during their studies at Sumner College. To ensure compliance, and maintain a healthy, nurturing, learning environment for all, Sumner College maintains an evaluation program. A Student whose conduct and/or attendance is unsatisfactory may be: • Given a warning • Placed on probation • Suspended from the school for a period of time • Withdrawn from the Academic Program STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT Academic Dishonesty Any form of deception in the completion of assigned work is consid- ered a form of academic dishonesty. This includes, but is not limited to: copying another’s work from any source, allowing another to copy one’s own work whether during a test or in the submission of an assignment, any attempt to pass off the work, data, or creative efforts of another as one’s own and knowingly furnishing false information about one’s academic performance to the college. If a student is found to have committed one or more of the acts listed above, the student may receive a failing grade on the assignment or exam in question, or fail the course. At the discretion of the President, Director of Education, and Department Chair a student in violation of the above conduct policy may be terminated from the college. Weapons Policy With the single exception of on-duty law enforcement personnel who may be on the college campus to teach or assist in teaching a class or for some other law enforcement purpose and regardless of any person’s status as a concealed weapons permit holder, the possession of firearms and/or other personal weapons is strictly prohibited on the premises of Summer College. No student, staff, or faculty member is permitted to carry or possess such a weapon within the campus facilities. This policy extends to all extern, clinical rotation, practicum, and preceptor sites used by the college in conjunction with a college sponsored educational activity. Violation of this policy will result in the student being expelled from the school and face possible criminal charges.
Copyright Infringement The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials is prohibited. This may include but is not limited to Internet file-to-file transfer, student-to-student transfer, photocopies, or undisclosed use of copyrighted material in essays or other works created by a student. Students using copyrighted materials are required to identify the source of the material and its copyright in all school materials. Copyrighted materials can include music, pictures, books, magazines, and newspapers in all forms, including the date obtained from the Internet. In addition to any civil or criminal liabilities, any unautho- rized reproduction or use of copyrighted materials is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from school. Anyone found to have infringed a copyrighted work may be liable for Actual Damages and Profits. A copyright owner is entitled to recover the actual damages suffered by him or her as a result of the infringement and any profits of the infringer that are attributable to the infringe- ment. Statutory damages for copyright infringement range from $750 up to $30,000 for each work infringed, and if willful infringement is proven by the copyright owner, that amount may be increased up to $150,000 for each work infringed. In addition, an infringer of a work may also be liable for the attorney’s fees incurred by the copyright owner to enforce his or her rights. Sexual Harassment Policy Sumner College makes every effort to ensure that all students are in an environment void of all types of harassment. Sexual harassment is a violation of Title IV and any violations will be strictly enforced by the school. The school defines sexual harassment as any form of unwelcome sexual advances, comments, or actions including but not limited to: • Verbal comments of a sexual nature; • Physical actions of a sexual nature; • Telling sexual jokes; • Making unwelcome sexual advances; • Making sexual gestures; • Subjecting someone to unwanted sexual attention; • Photographs or cartoons in sight on a book or in the office that may offend; • Emails or websites with content that is offensive or sexual in nature that could offend; • Attempting to coerce someone into a sexual relationship; • Punishing or threatening to punish someone for refusal to comply; • Implying that sexual favors may be a basis for performance evaluation or for grades in a course
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