Sumner College Catalog

Copyrighted materials can include music, pictures, books, magazines, and newspapers in all forms, including the date obtained from the Internet. In addition to any civil or criminal liabilities, any unauthorized reproduction or use of copyrighted materials is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from school. Anyone found to have infringed a copyrighted work may be liable for Actual Damages and Profits. A copyright owner is entitled to recover the actual damages suffered by him or her as a result of the infringement and any profits of the infringer that are attributable to the infringement. Statutory damages for copyright infringement range from $750 up to $30,000 for each work infringed, and if willful infringement is proven by the copyright owner, that amount may be increased up to $150,000 for each work infringed. In addition, an infringer of a work may also be liable for the attorney’s fees incurred by the copyright owner to enforce his or her rights. Sexual Harassment Policy Sumner College makes every effort to ensure that all students are in an environment void of all types of harassment. Sexual harassment is a violation of Title IV and any violations will be strictly enforced by the school. The school defines sexual harassment as any form of unwelcome sexual advances, comments, or actions including but not limited to: • Verbal comments of a sexual nature; • Physical actions of a sexual nature; • Telling sexual jokes; • Making unwelcome sexual advances; • Making sexual gestures; • Subjecting someone to unwanted sexual attention; • Photographs or cartoons in sight on a book or in the office that may offend; • Emails or websites with content that is offensive or sexual in nature that could offend; • Attempting to coerce someone into a sexual relationship; • Punishing or threatening to punish someone for refusal to comply; • Implying that sexual favors may be a basis for performance evaluation or for grades in a course The college will not tolerate any such action. Any student or faculty member who believes they are a victim of sexual harassment should immediately contact the Director of Education or the President of the College. The college will conduct a formal investigation of all allegations and any person or persons that are found guilty of sexual harassment will face disciplinary action up to and including expulsion or dismissal. All information pertaining to any sexual harassment incidents will be confidential. A violation of this policy may subject the violator to immediate expulsion and/or dismissal from the college, and may also result in the matter being referred to the proper law enforcement authorities for further action.

Drugs & Intoxicants Policy Sumner College is a drug free environment for students, staff, and faculty. The possession or use of any illegal drugs, intoxicants, or other substances is strictly prohibited. Students, staff and faculty are not to be under the influence of any legal or illegal intoxicant including alcohol or any other medication on the premises of Summer College. The use of alcohol or medical marijuana on the campus or within the college facilities, including all extern, clinical rotation, practicum, and preceptor sites used by the college in conjunction with a college sponsored educational activity is likewise prohibited by this policy regardless of whether a person is deemed to be intoxicated or not. A violation of this policy may subject the violator to immediate expulsion and/or dismissal from the college and may also result in the matter being referred to the proper law enforcement authorities. The full policy can be found at the following link: 2022 Sumner College Alcohol and Drug-Free College Policy Institutional Verification Policy & Procedure What is verification? The verification process is a process where the institution will require the student/spouse/parent to provide documentation to support the data reported on the FAFSA and printed on the SAR/ ISIR. It is anticipated that about 30% of the students will be selected for verification by the United States Department of Education (USDE) via its contractor (CPS) or by the institution’s Financial Aid Office (FAO). How do I know that my application has been selected? The verification flag will have a value of “Y,” and next to the EFC will be an asterisk referring to a comment in the student section of the SAR that tells applicants they will be asked by their school to provide documentation. For 2020-2021, verification tracking flags will place the student in one of five verification tracking groups, which will be explained later. The institution must verify any information in which there is a reason to believe it is incorrect on any application. Students with these applications are considered to be selected for verification by your school even though you may not be verifying the same data as for CPS- selected applications. The institution, at its discretion, may require a student to verify any FAFSA information and to provide any reasonable documentation in accordance with consistently applied school policies. Regardless whether the application was selected by CPS or by the institution, all other verification requirements, such as deadlines and allowable tolerances and interim disbursement rules, apply equally to all students who are being verified. What items need to be verified? Once the student is placed in a group, each group contains different items that need to be verified.


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