Sumner College Catalog

Professional Standards and Code of Conduct

consideration during termination, appeal, and the re-entry process. Appeals to Termination Should a student disagree with the determination that he/she is not making satisfactory academic progress the student may file an appeal about that determination with the Director of Education, and College President if necessary. Additional Termination Policy for the Practical Nursing Program If a student exhibits unprofessional or unethical behavior, the Depart- ment Chair will evaluate the issues and determine course of action that could include a written warning, disciplinary action, or termina- tion. Repeated behaviors may cause termination from the program. Any student that is unprofessional or judged unsafe to practice in the clinical setting may also be terminated from the program. Termination from the program will require a recommendation from the Depart- ment Chair to the Director of Education as in all student termination matters. Final discretion rests with the College President. Formal Grievance and Complaint Procedures STEP 1: Grievant should verbally present his/her grievance before the Director of Education at Sumner College for resolution within 30 days of occurrence. If the grievance is not resolved, then grievant will receive a copy of the Grievance Form and should proceed to Step No. 2. STEP 2: Grievant may submit a completed grievance form requesting a hearing before a Grievance Committee. The hearing will outline his/ her grievance and what steps have been taken to resolve the problem. This must be completed within 45 days of meeting with the Director of Education. STEP 3: Within 15 days of a request for hearing, a hearing date and time will be scheduled with written notification to all parties involved as well as a copy of the grievant’s completed grievance form. STEP 4: At the grievance hearing, the grievant will present his/her complaint to the Grievance Committee, then the Grievance Committee will ask questions of the grievant if necessary. If any additional parties are involved, their connection will be presented before the Grievance Committee. A record will be made of the grievance hearing by a Court Reporter and a transcript will be provided at the expense of the one requesting the transcript. STEP 5: Within 30 days from the date of the hearing, a written Findings of Facts and Order will be provided to all parties. If the Findings of Facts and Order is not satisfactory to the grievant, he/ she may seek legal counsel for resolution or other legal means that grievant may wish to pursue. Copies of all grievance materials will be sent to and reviewed by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools.

Students should attempt to resolve any grievances they may have with their school first. Should attempts to resolve these problems with appropriate school officials fail, or should the student be dis- satisfied with the final outcome of the college complaint process, then the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC), can respond to a formal complaint. Office of Degree Authorization (ODA) Higher Education Coordinating Commission Students may contact the Higher Education Coordinating Commission at: 3225 25th St. SE, Salem, OR 97302 (800) 452-8807 or by sending an email to Students may also access the complaints web page at: Complaints filed on behalf of or by a student against the college must be postmarked within one year of the student’s last date of attendance. Washington Workforce Board Any questions or complaints may be addressed to the following addresses and/or phone numbers: Workforce Board, 128 – 10th Ave. SW, Box 43105 Olympia, Washington 98504

Web: Phone: 360.709.4600 E-Mail Address: This school is licensed under Chapter 28C.10

Nothing in this policy prevents the student from contacting the Workforce Board at: 360.709.4600 at anytime with a concern or complaint.

The college is accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). Accrediting Bureau for Health Education Schools (ABHES) 6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 730 North Bethesda, MD 20852 The Accrediting Bureau for Health Education Schools (ABHES) is a national accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.


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