Christian Colleges and Schools sent a team to inspect Morris Brown from top to bottom—finances, faculty, facilities, staff, academic programs. In April of the same year, Morris Brown was voted to become a candidate for accreditation. “That was one of our biggest wins to date. Once we became a candidate for accreditation, we could then apply for Federal Financial Aid.” Morris Brown would have its financial aid program reinstated in December of 2021 and not long after receive its full accreditation; thereby, defying what appeared to be insurmountable odds. ”We overcame every single challenge,” said Dr. James happily. Without a communications team, marketing department, or even an assistant, Dr. James and his supporters achieved the unthinkable and became a bright beacon of hope to other HBCUs that have also experienced such great loss can be restored. “History will also show that we tripled our enrollment during a pandemic— without the assistance of a federal financial aid program and even without accreditation,” Dr. James continued. One of the groups most excited about the restoration of Morris Brown, of course, is current students. Many of these students enrolled at the college without the ability to apply for financial aid or the opportunity to participate in many traditional collegiate experiences, such as joining fraternities and sororities, marching in the band, playing sports, and more. Now that the institution is fully accredited, Dr. James
looks forward to bringing back each of these experiences.
“This institution has been known as a haven for all hungry souls,” Dr. James went on. “What does that mean? We are a safe haven for all—when we say all, we mean all—who want to be safe while receiving an education in a college environment. Many times when a student needed a second chance, it was Morris Brown standing there with its arms wide open.” Morris Brown has continued to operate with the help of God, alumni, and the A.M.E. church. Dr. James is very proud of this monumental accomplishment. He is most proud of the fact that there was no litmus test, guide, or direction on how to restore an institution after having lost its accreditation. Dr. James has now been contacted by four other HBCUs that are looking to reopen. What’s interesting is that Morris Brown was in far worse shape than some of these institutions. How can you help support the incredible vision of Dr. James and the Morris Brown College family?
Being able to help others, change lives, and change generations for years to come is Dr. James’ "why." "Data shows that once you help someone get a college degree,” he said, “their lifetime earnings increase, their children’s lifetime earnings increase, and you can change the story and trajectory of entire generations. This is my calling, and this is what I enjoy.” Morris Brown is aiming to be one of the best institutions—not only in Atlanta, and not only in GA,but across the country. Dr. James wants to cultivate the best academics, programs, and overall college experiences the college can possibly have to make sure that the story of his ancestors and of this institution never dies; and that they excel in everything that they do.
Here are three ways he mentioned:
1. Be a walking billboard. Mention “The Hard Reset.”
2. Help Morris Brown recruit students, as the college is the most affordable HBCU in the city of Atlanta.
3. Go to and give to Morris Brown College.
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