USMSA News 13 - June 2023

RESEARCH: Health, Well-being and Reduction in Social Isolation are some benefits of Men’s Shed attendance According to a SAGE Journal Article, “(Referring to the companionships and new connections established in the Shed), the participants value the function of the Men’s Shed in reducing social isolation…one study reported that ‘Social contact through the Shed was emphasized by participants as a way the Shed contributed to their health and well-being’ … referring to improvements in mental health… contributing to better mental health, better physical health and energy levels, improved confidence, better partner relationships, new friendships, etc.” (Moylan, 2015, Flood & Blair, 2013)

Sage Journal Article: “The Role of Community-Based Men’s Shed in Earth Promotion for Older Men: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review. American journal of Men’s Health March-April 1-18, 2022. Authors: Linda Foettinger, Birte Marie Albrecht, Thomas Altgeld, Dirk Gansefort, Carina Recks, Imke Stalling, and Karin Bammann, Creative Commons Attribution/Open Access/SAGE. Research also from Meylan, et al, 2015


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