June 1925
to have a full report in the July number, and are sure that our readers will be eagerly looking forward to it. It is a joy to know that an increasingly large number of pastors, churches and laymen are becoming identi fied with the Christian Fundamentals Association, and while the enemy is on the alert, faithful believers in the whole Word of God are uniting with intensified interest in defence of the faith once delivered. The following telegram telling of the intense interest being aroused by the sessions of the Conference was received just at the last moment before going to press: T. C. Horton: Wire received. Regret your absence. Audience exceeded capacity of building tonight. Local Episcopal dean consents to meet Riley in debate on evo lution Monday night in City Auditorium, ten thousand capacity. Bryan speaks in same auditorium, Sunday afternoon and evening. Our warmest greetings and love. (Phil. 1:3.) (signed) Riley, Norris, MacLennan, Munhall. A CORDIAL INVITATION We have had as our “ paying guests” now for three months several thousand of the very finest Christian people in the world, and the letters of appreciation which we have received from many of you lead us to believe that you have been as happy with us as we have been to have, you in our midst.
With such a feast of good things as we have in store for the coming year for “ Our Family”-we feel sure that you will desire to come into full fellowship with us, and have prepared a little memorandum on page 286 which you can fill out and return to us before you forget it, so that you will not miss a single copy of thev“ Family Message.” God bless you all. A SERIES OF DISPENSATIONAL STUDIES In these days when “ scoffers” everywhere are ask ing “Where is th e prom ise of H is com ing?” , and are regard ing th e prophecies of S cripture as m erely “fig u res of speech” and “poetry,” i t is essential th a t believers be able to give a “reason fo r th e hope th a t is in them .” This can best be accomplished by a know ledge of dispensational tru th , or th e p lan and purpose of God fo r th is ea rth and th e universe, which He h as so clearly revealed in th e Bible, th e key to which is “The Lord com eth!” To m eet th is need, Mr. H orton will give— following th e completion of th e p resen t “Outline Studies in th e Book of Ju d e ”— a series of simple and brief “Dispen sational Studies.” If we know th e tru th “ th e tru th shall set us free.”
T k e K ingdom s o f th is W o rld Hornera Hodgson
JN a moment of time th e devil showed Christ a marvelous seene: below them as they stood on th a t m o u n t a i n
own peculiar and wonderful way, Christ will obtain all those kingdoms, far more surely, far more inevitably, and far more certainly than if He had yielded to th a t strange, devilish vision on the Mount of Temptation. Mount Calvary, or the Mount of Temptation? From which will you set fo rth to conquer life? T h at ques tion has confronted every soul on this earth from the earliest days, in g reater or lesser degree; bu t the devil does no t need to present all the king doms of th e world to little souls, to cheap little souls! Oh no, he bargains too well fo r th a t; to many a soul he has b u t to show the vision of a bag of gold or a big bank roll, a th eatre, or a name in big headlines, and th a t cheap little soul is his! The question arises in one’s mind whether, if the devil has power thus to produce visions as he did before Christ, he has ever presented visions of tem ptation to others th an Christ. ' This surely may be answered in the affirmative. Undoubtedly the evil hu man mind, receptive of every Satanic impression, h as ten thousand times been urged on to crimes by a g litter ing vision of those pleasures to be ob tained by fu rth e r sin. Granted, then,
th a t such is the case, one wonders what visions Satan presented to Cain, th a t inspired th e building of th a t first city? Did th a t first outcast from God behold the kingdoms of th e world, and, choosing them , elect th e devil for arch itect of th e ir beginnings? We have a city on high whose Builder and Maker is God; and Satan, who is ever “ the ape of God,” would aid only too gladly to build a world-metropolis th a t would so dazzle and bewitch and bewilder the senses of men th a t they would forget th a t they were h u t pil grims, and be content to linger for ever am id its Satanic seductions. Be th a t as it may, our lesson for our daily duty is to ever press on to th e Jerusalem which is above, w ith the pilgrim sp irit glowing steadfastly in our bosom as we tu rn our eyes from thé Babylons th a t lu re weak souls to perdition. Here have we no continuing city, b u t we seek one to come, and we desire no earth ly glory or dominion un til the Ancient of Days gives unto His chosen ones tn a t kingdom and dom inion and glory which shall never pass away, and we shall reign on th e earth w ith our Be loved Lord through th a t g reat un clouded age of glory.
peak, alone, th ere stretched all the glories of the world-—all th e pal aces and pyram ids, all th e towering edifices of every modern city, and every fair vision ever w rought by the hands of men from the days of ante diluvian glory, un til the fall of the last g reat gorgeous Babylon. And Christ’s eyes swept over th a t dazzling pageant of the m arshalled splendor of a world gone splendor-mad, and tu rn ing from it all, in h eart beheld a lonely grey hill, cross-crowned; He refused the grandest b r i b e ever offered by the prince of th is world! But th a t is not the end. NO! T hank God, th a t is not the end! The day is not far hence when we shall trem ble and th rill w ith joy, as trem endous voices echo through th e whole universe the m ighty F act fulfilled a t last-— “The kingdoms of th is world ARE become th e ' kingdoms of our Eord. . . ” H allelujah! Amen and Amen! Not by th e devil’s way, and not by m an’s way (which is bu t ano th er name for the devil’s w ay), bu t by His
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