King's Business - 1925-06


June 1925



( B The Messiah, of the Old Testament Prophecÿ

^Sixty-six Old Testam ent prophecies an d th e ir New Testam ent fulfilment P asto r A. Reilly Copeland, Tabernacle B ap tist Church, Waco, Texas

VH.__Christ’s T rial an d Sentence 1 —

5 —

Christ’s wisdom in th e temple.

’Jesus Christ ta u g h t th a t He was the one. prophesied of, or w ritten about, in th e Old T estam ent (Luke 2 4 :2 7 ). He also stated th a t every thing w ritten of H imself must be ful­ filled (Luke 2 4 :4 4 ). When Jesus went into th e synagogue a t Nazareth (Luke 4:17-18) He was handed the Book of the P roph et Isaiah and read from th e 61st chapter, verses 1, 2, and th en closed the Book and told them th a t th a t Scripture was fulfilled in th eir ears. David often spoke of Christ (Psa. 1 6 :8 ). He refers to Him as coming in th e “ volume of th e Book" (Psa. 40:7, 8). P aul refers to th is Scrip­ tu re as concerning Messiah (Heb. 10: 7). Christ said th a t He was th e “Be­ ginning and the End, fhe F irs t and th e Last, th e A lpha and Omega.” (Rev. 1:11, 17). This Scripture has its coun terpart in th e Prophecy of Isaiah (4 4 :6 ; 48 :12 ). I.—Prophecy of Christ’s B irth . 1—

.—Deserted by H is disciples.

(Psa. 119:99; Luke 2:46, 47). 6— (Isa. 40:13; 1 dor. 2 :1 6 ). H I.—Prophecy of Christ’s W ork. 1 — Christ’s fore-runner was John the Baptist. (Isa. 40:3, 4; Matt. 3 :3 ). 2— Christ purifies th e temple. (Psa. 69 :9 ; John 2 :1 7 ). 3 — Christ’s m inistry in Galilee. (Isa. 9:1, 2; Matt. 4:15, 16). 4 — Christ’s wonderful m iracles. (Isa. 35:5, 6; Luke 7 :2 2 ). 5 — Christ’s P arables in teaching. (Psa. 78:2-4; Matt. 1 3 :35 ). 6— Christ’s message rejected by the Jews. (Isa. 6:9, 10; Matt. 13:14, 15). 7 — Christ rebuked th e Pharisees. (Isa. 29:13; Matt. 15:8, 9). IV. — Christ’s Deity Affirmed. 1— ^-Called the Son of God. (Psa. 2 :7 ; Acts 1 3 :33 ). 2— A King. (Psa. 45 :11 ; Luke 1 9 :38 ). 3— -Foundation Stone. (Isa. 28: 16; 1 Pet. 2 :6 ). 4 — Redeemer. (Isa. 59:20; Rom. 11 :26 ). 5— His Glory. (Isa. 6 :1 ; John 1 2 :41 ). V. — Christ’s Universal Mercy. 1 — Mercy to th e rem n an t Jews. (Joel 2 :32 ; Rom. 11 :15 ). 2 — Mercy to th e Gentiles. (Hos. 2 :23 ; Rom. 9 :2 5 ). 3— ¿L ight to th e Gentiles. (Isa. 49 :6 ; L uke 2 :3 2 ). 4__Invitation to all people. (Isa. 45:22; Matt. 1 1 :28 ). 5 — Christ’s invitation th rough the Spirit. (Isa. 55 :1 ; Rev. 2 2 :17 ). VI.— Christ’s Closing E arth ly Minis­ try . 1— His rid e into Jerusalem . (Zech. 9 :9 ; Matt. 21:4, 5). %—H ated w ithou t a cause. (Psa. 69 :4 ; John 15 :25 ). 3— Betrayed by a friend. (Psa. 43 :9 ; Matt. 2 6 :50 ). 4 — gold for th irty pieces of silver. (Zech. 11:12; Matt. 26 :15 ). 5 — P o tte r’s field purchased w ith th e money. (Zech. 11:13; Matt. 27: 5, 8). 6— T ragic death of th e traito r. (Psa. 69:25; Acts 1:18-20). Christ’s m ind superior to men.

(Zech. 13 :7 ; Matt. 26 :31 ). 2 — 53 :8 ; John 18:28, 32). 3 —

Christ was illegally tried. (Isa.

Falsely accused. (Psa. 35:11;

Mark 14 :56 ). 4 —

sile n t under accusation. (Isa.

53 :7 ; Matt. 27:12-14). 5—

Mocked. (Psa. 22:7, 8; Matt.

2 7 :43 ). 6—

Scourged and sp it upon. (Isa.

50:6; Matt 2 6 :67 ). 7 —

Nailed to the cross.


22 :16 ). VIII.— Christ’s Crucifixion and Death. l._-C rucified, between two thieves. (Isa. 53:12; Matt. 2 7 :38 ). 2 — drink. (Psa. 69:21; John, 2 8 :30 ). 3 —

Offered gall and vinegar to

.prays for His enemies. (Psa.

109:4; Luke 23 :34 ). 4 —

Cries on the Cross. (P sa .22 :1 ;

Matt. 27 :46 ). 5 —

He was pierced w ith a spear.

(Zech. 12:10; John 19 :34 ). 6—

The seed of th e woman. (Gen.

No bones broken. (Psa. 34:20;

3 :15 ; Gal. 4:4.) 2— 9 :26 ; Luke 3 :3 6 ). 3— 12 :3 ; Gal. 3 :8 ). 4—

A descendant of Shem. (Gen.

John 1 9 :36 ). 7 —

Soldiers cast lots for His gar

The seed of Abraham . (Gen.

ments. (Psa, 22:18; John 1 9 :24 ). 8—

Christ dism issed His Spirit

A Hebrew of th e line of Isaac.

(Psa. 31 :5 ; Luke 2 3 :46 ). 9 —

(Gen. 17:19; Gal. 4 :2 8 ). 5—

Christ’s death was voluntary

Of the line of Jacob. t (Gen.

(Psa. 40:6, 8; John 10:17, 18). ■ 10— Christ’s death vicarious. (Isa. 53:6; 1 Pet. 2 :2 4 ). IX.— Christ’s Burial, Resurrection, Ascension and R etu rn . 1 — Buried w ith th e rich. (Is 53 :9 ; Matt. 27:57, 60). 2— R esurrected from th e dead (Fsg,. 16:10; Acts 2:27, 31). 3— Ascended to Heaven. (Ps 16:11; Acts 2 :32 ,36 ). 4^-R esto red to His form er glory. (Ex. 24 :J.0 ,17 ; John 1 7 :1 ,4 ,5 ; Acts 3:17, 21; Rev. 3 :2 1 ). 5 — Christ is coming again. (Deut. 33:2; Jude 14 :15 ). a— Coming in judgm ent power. (Isa. 50 :3 ; 2 Thess. 1 :8 ). 1 )— Christ comes as Judge and King to set up His Kingdom. (Psa. 96:13; Isa. 1 :26 ; 2 Tim. 4 :1 ). c—-Christ will be Ruler in per­ son over th e earth. (Isa. 40:10; Rev. 22 : 12 , 20 ).

28:14; Rom. 9 :1 3 ). 6—

From th e nation of Israel.

(Num. 24:17; Luke 1 :6 8 ). 7—

Of the trib e of Judah. (Gen.

49:10; Rev. 5 :5 ). 8—

—To be a P roph et like Moses.

(Deut. 18:15; Acts 3 :22 ). fiSrA p riest like Melchizedek. (Psa. 110:4; Heb. 5:10.) 10— David. (Jer; 33:15, 17; Acts 2 :3 0 ). 11— mother. (Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1 :2 3 ). 12— Born a t Bethlehem . 5 :2 ; Matt. 2:5, 6). II.— Prophecy of Christ’s E arly Life. 1 —

A Jew of th e royal family of

—Miraculously born of a Virgin


V isited by th e Magi. (Isa. 60:

6; Matt. 2:1, 2 ). . 2— 11:1; Matt. 2 :1 5 ). 3—

Fleeing from Herod.


Herod’s slaugh ter of th e inno­

cents. (Jer. 31:15; Matt. 2 :1 8 ). 4 — (Psa. 69:8; John 7 :5 ; Matt. 8 :2 0 ).

R ejected by His own brethren.

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