How One Bible Class Did I t—
The plan adop ted by the Berean Bible Class, of Columbus, Ohio, to awaken interest in The King’s Business, and at the same time secure a full attendance, is so unique and suggestive th a t we are passing it on for the benefit of some other mem bers of “OUR FAMILY” who may have been wondering how they could help in the campaign for doubling the circulation of their magazine. We are printing the notice just as it was sent to us by Mr. Watrous. How we wish we might pass on all the good things that have been said about the help and inspiration received from The King’s Business, and the methods employed and experiences encountered by those who have taken this m atter upon their hearts, but lack of space, of course, forbids this. We do, however, want to express our deep appreciation of the splendid response that has come to our appeal. Over Six Thousand Trial Subscriptions have been received, as well as an Unusually Large Number of Regular Yearly Subscriptions but WE WANT EVERY MEMBER OF TH E FAMILY TO HAVE THE JOY OF SHARING IN THIS BLESSED SERVICE.
O ldest Bible W ins Prize.
Berean Bible Class of GRACE METHODIST PROTESTANT SUNDAY SCHOOL C olum bus, Ohio. Special Notice! D on’t fail to com e to the B erean Class next Sunday m orning. BRING YOUR BIBLE WITH YOU. T he one having th e oldest Bible in the class will receive a y e a r’s subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS a m onthly m agazine published in Los A ngeles, C alifornia, th a t should be in every C h ristian hom e. In addition to the m agazine you will receive a S. S. Q u a rterly on th e re g u la r lessons, as well as th e W hole Bible S. S. Lessons. DON ’T FA IL TO BE PRESENT nex t Sunday m orning. YOU MAY BE TH E ONE TO WIN th e subscription to TH E KING’S BUSINESS. COME! COME! COME!
E dw ard W atrous, P res. Mrs. W. K. K rouse, Secy. Fill out the Coupon on Page 286, or D rop Us a Postal and say “COUNT ON ME” to help double the circulation of Our Bible Family Magazine. T he K ing ’ s B usiness 536-558 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
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