June 1925
th rough th e ir m inistry. L et every member of The K ing’s Business Fam ily tak e these dear friends upon th eir hearts for prayer as they re tu rn to th eir beloved China, th a t— if the Lord ta rry— they may see m ultitudes tu rn ing from darkness to ligh t and confessing Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. (See page 244.)
Dr. and Mrs. Keller and “Mother K eller’’ (now in her eighty-eighth year) are in the homeland for a much needed rest, for the first tim e in eight years. How our h earts have rejoiced as we have looked into th eir faces and have had th e privilege of hearing them tell of the wonderful things th a t God has perm itted to be done in Hunan Province
C h in e s e So ld iers Eager for th e B ible By Carleton Lacy, Secretary China Agency, American Bible Society
viction th a t he must preach the Gos pel. The whole page was heavily lined w ith various ink and pencil m arks, bu t th is verse stood out: “When I speak w ith thee, I will open thy mouth, and thou sh alt say unto them , Thus saith th e Lord Jehovah.” Then I understood how on th e preced ing Good F rid ay th is commander of the camp had preached in Jefferson Academy w hat was term ed “ one of the g reatest sermons our students have ever h eard ” . W ith th a t Bible in my hands I could not resist runn ing over its pages; th ere was scarcely one unmarked. It was th e Bible of a very diligent stu dent. I t proved th e tru th of his as sertion: “ I spend about a th ird of my day in Bible study, and am always finding new tru th and new blessing.” P erhaps th a t explained the events of the morning. F o r several days there had been special religious services in th e camp. The secretary of the Pocket T estam ent League had been urging the soldiers to a more diligent, per sisten t study of th e Scriptures. A t noon on th a t memorable E aster Monday fo u r thousand men in uniform marched past the tables and received from th e hands of th e ir colonels each a pocket Testament. Then w ith the open Book held high overhead they solemnly swore to re a d a portion every day and seek to bring its message into the life of another man. Most of them will keep th a t pledge, for before them is th e ir commander, a w orthy exam ple and inspiration to earnest Bible study and consecrated, manly living. ¿¡.Vs ¿fe ¿fe THE BIBLE B— uy it. I —nvestigate it. B— elieve it. L—^ ove it. E-—xemplify it. — R ichard Newton.
The whole message was personally applied in his effort to restore order in the ravaged province of Shensi. The heroic declaration of th e He brews in Babylon had become the motto of th e w arrior in the face; of overwhelming forces: “Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us..............
At 2:30 o’clock on E aster Monday afternoon, six of us sat down to lunch w ith Brigadier-General Feng in his headqu arters a t Tungchow. The meal over we pushed back our chairs and gathered around the little General in an eager group. He had promised to tell th e story of his conversion, and
But if n o t.............. we will no t serve thy gods,” and had steeled his alleg iance in constant loyalty to the Lord. “Thy God, whom thou servest con tinually, he will deliver thee,” had be come his shield and buckler in war. and' in peace. A fter we had been photographed tog eth er and were sitting informally about the General’s desk, I asked him to let me see his Bible. He had re ferred to Ezekiel 3:10 and 17, and I tu rn ed to read th e words which had placed on a Chinese soldier th e con
th a t of the battle of Chengchow, for which he had been decorated by the P resident of China. Mr. Davis (George T. B. Davis, Sec reta ry of th e Pocket Testament League) was ready w ith his pencil and pad. He intended to get every word of th a t priceless interview , and th ree of us were th e re to in terp ret. F o r us who could understand the Gen era l’s eloquent and dram atic n a rra tive, th e next two hours were filled w ith inspiration and delight. Again and again, as he told his story, General Feng jumped from his chair and seized his Bible to read some loved passage th a t had really tak en hold of and had shaped his life. He read from the Psalm s, from Jerem iah, from Daniel, from Proverbs, from Samuel. The story of David and Goliath was linked up w ith th e words of Proverbs: “There is no wisdom nor under- - standing Nor counsel against Jehovah. The horse is prepared against th e day of b attle; Gut victory is of Jehovah.”
PRAYER PRODUCES THINGS We covet the earnest prayers of our King’s Business Family. If every one would remember it every day we are sure that a great enrichment would follow. Please Pray
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