King's Business - 1925-06


June 1925

TH E K I N G ’S . B U S I N E S S

BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M rs. L ym an Stew art, Supt.— Tw enty-five W om en Engaged in H ouse to H ouse Personal W ork, Bible C lasses an d Soul W inning Clubs. EUODIA CONFERENCE

April 6-9, and practically every one of th e forty-five clubs was splendidly represented. Over five hundred girls attended the conference, and in all ways th e conference was a g reat suc­ cess. The Bible Study hour, or In stitu te hour, was adapted in a very special way to th e High School age. It was definite in its evangelistic note and the m aterial was logically and Very a ttrac­ tively presented. The Chapel hour was a g reat bless­ ing to all th e girls. Some of th e best speakers in the world, so Euodia says, were on th e Chapel hour program . The Lord Jesus was presented in all His beauty, and th e Holy Spirit made Him very real and beautiful to the h earts of th e girls. Many decisions’ were made a t this hour; not decisions occasioned by emotion or undue u rg­ ing, but quiet, definite decisions. There were no big mass acceptances, but th e decisions were individual and were made afte r due consideration and by th e loving urging of the Holy Spirit H imself as He so manifestly hovered over the group. The Sunrise hour, so early in the morning, was one of the sweetest hou rs of the day. The hour was quite early and th è girls felt refreshed and alert, and all n atu re seemed to ‘‘tun e in ” on those early moments- of the 4ay and join in making them espe­ cially precious to the h earts of the girls. Decisions for Christ were made a t th a t hour too. The afternoon was given over each day to good, wholesome* Christian fun

and frolic, and each girl was given an opportunity to build up physically in the sunshine and fresh air. To see the merry, glowing-faced groups th a t trooped in, hungry as wolves, a t the supper hour, would be to have no doubt th a t life had g reat zest and delight for all Euodia. Dips in the surf, tennis tournam ents, basket ball games and stun ts filled th e recreation tim e brimm ing full each day. Several splendid pageants were given, and the Lord blessed each one and made its message impressive. A .big banquet* had been arranged for Wednesday night, April 8th, and such a happy tim e would be hard to excel! Over five hundred girls, sing­ ing th eir school songs and giving their school Euodia yells and having ju st th e most delightful tim e imaginable! F o r the “to a st” p a rt of the banquet one-m inute talk s were given by rep re­ sentative girls from each club. The subject was “W hat Constitutes a Model Euodia,” and the subject was handled in a masterly manner by each girl who spoke. The talk s were short, crisp, definite, and rig h t to the point, and were a real revelation of the Christian ideals of thè girls. Many a girl caught à b etter vision of the aim of Euodia, and a t least One decision to accept Christ and let Him make her “ fra g ra n t” for Himself was made by a girl who had been deferring .h er decis­ ion. It would be easy to see th a t the Lord has brought into the Clubs fine, ambitious leaders among the girls themselves, who can be train ed for

VERY wise person once said, • “Whoever helps a girl helps hum anity w ith a perpetuity of an >intimacy which no other help given to human

beings can equal. Whoever would lift hum anity Godward, let him help a girl find Jesus Christ. Such a girl, trained as a Christian leader, is th e chief influ­ ence for the uplift of th e world.” People who have had any connec­ tion w ith the Euodia work for High School girls can bear abundant testir mony to the absolute tru th of the above statem ents. God’s richest bless­ ing has always attended th is work among girls, and He always makes the work especially fruitful. At this tim e th ere are forty-five splendid classes, bearing th e name “Euodia” and being carried on in th e d istrict of each High School in Los , Angeles and outlying cities. The purpose of the classes is to win girls to Christ, to build up those who have already accepted Christ and to encour­ age girls in definite Bible study. Many m issionaries and Christian workers in the field today owe th eir knowledge of Jesus Christ and their- earnest desire to serve to the touch th a t Euodia had on th e ir lives when they were in High School. The F ou rth Annual Euodia Confer­ ence was held at the Pacific Palisades, .


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