June 1925
Christian leadership and glorify Him w ith th e ir splendid talen ts th a t He has so graciously given them. The rem ainder of the banquet even ing was spent up a t Peace Hill, where a .never-to-be-forgotten t i m e was e n j o y e d . The sky was clear and beautiful and the stars were shining th eir approval of the scene they looked down upon. A fter an E aster P ageant was given and th e Choir had sung “H allelujah for the Cross,” the girls were given an opportunity to testify as to th e ir life ambitions in His service, and anything else th a t they cared to say about th eir Christian lives. Many testimonies were given - some by girls who had heard the Lord’s voice calling them to prepare to go to China, India, Africa, and o th er d istan t fields. O ther testimonies as to th e joy they found in th e Lord were given and were a real inspira tion. Several girls arose and said, “ I w ant to take Jesus as my Saviour”=H and surely a lovelier place to come to Him would have been hard to find, for th ere they were, in Christian company, a t the foot of the illum inated cross on Peace Hill! Then a short history of the Euodia Clubs was given by Mrs. Stew art, and w ith Miss Merrill, the leader of Euodia, leading the way. the procession of five hundred moved down th e slopes of Peace Hill, each teacher and council girl bearing a lighted candle, which was typical of Euodia girls shining for Jesus in a sin- darkened world. The flickering can dles were a message in themselves as Euodia moved down from the heights of Peace Hill into the valley of ser vice for Him. One of the most encouraging phases of th e whole conference was the work done by th e girls themselves. It was they who sang th e Gospel messages so lovingly and enthusiastically in the choir; it was they who kept things lively and orderly in the dining room ; it was they, and for this we sincerely th ank th e dear Lord, th a t did personal work w ith many a girl who was slow in making her decision for Christ. Their h earts ju st yearned to have other girls, like themselves, “T a s t e and See th a t the Lord is good.” The results of the Conference are not all tabulated, and can never be tabulated un til etern ity pulls back the veil and discloses other resu lts th a t we can only Surmise here, bu t surely the Lord did “ exceeding abundantly” in every way, and we praise Him from th e bot tom of our hearts and give Him all the praise and glory. , So again we say w ith the wise one: “Whoever helps a girl helps hum an ity ...........Whoever would lift hum anity Godward, let him help a girl find Jesus Christ.?! Vf BIOLA HALL WORK D avid C ant, Supt.— O ur C ity M ission fo r Men in th e cen ter of Los A ngeles. M eetings co n tinuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. N oon-day P ray e r M eeting. B HE criticism is often made and th a t we “ over-persuade” men—
th a t our efforts are beyond th e work of the Holy Spirit. One of our honest critics in speaking to his audience last Sunday said of us we actually grabbed men walking along the street, and planted them up against a lamp post or telephone pole, literally jammed th e Gospel down th e ir th ro ats and then went away and boasted of our conversions. “A lie w hich is all- a lie M ay be m et w ith an d fought w ith o u trig h t, B ut a lie w hich is p a rtly a tru th Is a h ard er m a tte r to fight.” A boasting sp irit any time or any where is tru ly deplorable, bu t a bu rn ing zeal which sends men out into the highways and byways to speak to strangers about th e most vital things in a personal way is certainly not of the flesh, for we know of no more dif ficult or delicate work. A strong pur pose of h eart ra th e r to “wear out than ru st o u t” is surely commendable. W hat if all men thus approached and who profess Christ are not genuinely converted? Will we not leave the out come w ith Him who is th e Searcher of hearts? Are we to quench the Spirit and let men go unwarned and unreached into a Christless grave? One of these zealous soulw inners stood in fron t of Biola H all and called out as the careless crowd passed, “I ’m on my way to heaven; where are you going?” A man an swered as he hu rried on, “I ’m 'headed for h ell!” Yet in less th an ten m in utes th a t selfsame man retraced his steps, crying out, “W hat m ust I do to be saved?” That man le ft Biola Hall headed for heaven. In strik ing con trast was one who laughed when sounded on th is all im portant subject. “Oh, lots of time yet.” Pleaded w ith and zealously importuned, he was asked for his name and address, w ith the rem a rk : “ I w ant to look through the death list and see if your name is among them during th e coming week.” W ithin a week th a t name was checked off among th e dead. “He th a t being often reproved, hardeneth his neck; shall suddenly be destroyed, and th a t w ithout remedy.” “Are you going to speak this afte r noon,” we asked a worker. “ I th ink not. I don’t feel th e leading of the Holy Spirit to speak, and am afraid I may be testifying in the flesh.” We said nothing, b u t when th e other boys had finished speaking we suggested a season of prayer to w ater th e seed sown. Before we had all prayed this man was out on the platform giving the message. P rayer had brought the fresh infilling and constrained him to witness. Among th e crowd soon gathered, one man stood th roughou t w h o ' was convicted, and after a personal in ter view these two were kneeling in prayer, and a definite acceptance of Christ resulted. This young man, like thousands of others, was out of work and penniless. He had ju st arrived in Los Angeles a week before from New York, his baggage held up at the hotel, — desperate, lonely, discouraged. All this, proved God’s opportune time. W ithin two days an excellent position w ith a big concern was secured,
although he was one of six hundred applicants. His ringing testimony to God’s answering prayer was an inspi ration. A man of fifty-four walked up to th e speaker a t Biola H all and said, “ I am dying.” He said it w ith a finality th a t did not belie his weak and feeble con dition. Discharged from a sanitarium as a hopeless case afte r eight months’ treatm en t, he then and there knelt and accepted the Lord Jesus as his per sonal Saviour. W ith barely streng th enough to stagger home he left th e hall w ith shining face. No one in all those eight months had told him ought of “th e way, the tru th ; and the life.” He had been waiting, hoping against hope, for months to have “ the way” pointed out to him. A woman for several years a victim of spiritualism had become so pos sessed by demoniac power th a t every m ental and physical faculty and p art of her body was wrecked by excessive abuse. She had struggled and had tried many physicians bu t ra th e r grew worse, till hopeless, helpless, she too drifted into Biola Hall. Prayerfully, patiently, lovingly and Scripturally was this case handled, and when event ually she called upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, pleading His aton ing sacrificial death in her behalf, she le ft praising and glorifying God for salvation from the u tterm o st to th e uttermost. A man wanted to know where Cain got his wife; he found out how he ^could be saved from the penalty and power of sin, and become p art of the bride of th e Lamb. “Why did they not tell me th is sim ple way of life when I was a child, before sin gripped and possessed me?” asked a man who had stood and lis tened for over twenty times a t our entrance to the zealous witnesses. A fter an interview , lasting th ree hours, to “what saith the Scriptures?” ■the obstacles and difficulties of a life tim e were swept away and a living faith in a living Book revealed a liv ing Saviour, the only One who gave Himself for us th a t He m ight redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself a peculiar people zealous of good works.” M i MU SPANISH WORK R obert H. B ender, Supt.— Gospel M eetings an d H ouse to H ouse W ork am ong 50,000 M exicans in Los A ngeles a n d V icinity. “ A nd Jesu s w ent ab o u t all th e cities and villages, . . . . preaching th e gospel of the K ingdom , . . . . B ut w hen H e saw th e m u lti tudes, H e w as m oved w ith com passion on them .” ® UR h ea rt has been overflow not help b u t feel moved w ith com passion on th e m ultitude as was the Lord Jesus, for wherever we go, we can see the m ultitude of Mexicans, because as the Lord said, they “ fainted and were scattered abroad as sheep having no Shepherd.”
ing w ith joy for the past few weeks because of th e bless ing of the Lord upon the work committed to us, and while we have been rejoicing, we cou
against those who testify to the saving power of the Lord Jesus from the entrance of Biola Hall and up and down Main stree t th a t we are “ overzealous”
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