King's Business - 1925-06

June 1925



In our last article we made mention of the g reat opportunity th ere was in Mexico a t the present time. Recently th ere have come into our possession two letters from Mexico, one from a member of our Bible class, in which he related how he had visited some towns and held meetings, after which the people told him th a t it was th e first tim e they had ever heard the Gospel and asked him to come back again. The other le tte r was from a young man who spent a year in the States, He w rites: “ I direct myself to you in order th a t you m ight help me w ith trac ts and Gospels, also send me th ree or four Bibles. I tell you the tru th , I am asking for them gratis, because the Mexicans are poor here. When I retu rn ed from the United States I brought some Bibles w ith me, and on seeing how eager the people were for th e Word of God, I gave them the Bibles. It was a g reat pleasure for, me to give them away. The people ju st crowd around me when I preach to them , and many times it is morning before we break up. Many of them have accepted the Saviour, and we are now desirous of building a Chapel, but th e people are so poor. I have sold two of my mules for this purpose, and we are asking if you will not ask your Churches to help us.” Here we have: a cry to “ come over and help us.” These people are w ithout a mission­ ary, b u t God is blessing th e effort of one of his little ones. It has been our privilege to visit the Good-will Mission several t i m e s recently and give the message, and many souls responded to the invita­ tion. Our meetings on th e Plaza are quite fru itfu l, from two to sixteen ’souls accepting the invitation, for all of which we praise the Lord, and for His marked blessing on His owil Word. We covet the prayers of God’s people for this work, also th a t the Lord would supply th e Bibles,: T esta­ ments and Gospels for distribution down in Mexico. WORK IN THE SHOPS M arion H. R eynolds, Supt.— M eetings H eld in Shops, F actories, C ar-B arns an d Fire-Engine H ouses in Los A ngeles. K BANY and varied a re .tb e inci- th e year. In fact, so strong is the evi­ dence of God’s favor th a t it would be impossible for us to ever tell all the many blessed things th a t He brings abou t through the means of the preached W o rd .' Two weeks ago as we 1 sat in the office dictating some letters, in came a young man whom we had m et many tim es before. In fact, we h ad ’ preach­ ed the message in the shop where he had worked for th e past five' years, and had noticed him tim e and again, had talked w ith him, bu t to no avail. Dismissing th e secretary, we were delighted to hear him say, “Mr. Rey­ nolds, I came today to ask you to show me how to be saved.” Rejoicing th a t he had come to th is place a t last,

we found th a t during th e years we had been preaching to him and dealing w ith him he had been m iserable, though he had assured us tim e and again th a t he was satisfied. How God’s Word does come in, “There is no peace saith my God for the wicked.” Opening our Bible we tu rned to the sixth chapter of John, the thirty-sev­ enth verse, and had him read the verse, explaining th e way God had of giving peace of h ea rt and mind to those who would tak e it. We saw him drop to his knees and cry out, “Lord, ju st now I come,” and w ith a prayer to God for His keeping, we led him into th e assurance of salvation (John 20 :31 ). Almost th ree weeks have passed and we have received th ree letters from him ; letters th a t have been filled w ith expressions of g ratitude and thanksgiving for all th a t God has done lo r him. In the words of the old song,

“He came to Jesus as he was. Weary, worn and sad. He found in Him a resting place, And He h ath made him glad.” Time would fail us and space is denied us, else we could tell you of one who on a dying bed came out for Him; or of the one who, riding along on the train , came to H im ; or of those in the special services held recently who came—yes, and we could tell you of the boys in the car barns, or those along th e Union Pacific where we go to preach in th e shops* or up a t San Bernardino in th e Santa Fe Shops— or for th a t m atter, we could tak e you w ith us to any of the twenty-four meetings held each week, or to the hospitals th a t we visit, and let you see •some of th e real things th a t are going on, bu t we do covet a place in your prayers. W ill you pray? (Continued on page 280) the th ree men indicates somewhat the value of the investment. , They were formerly all well known as d runkards of the lowest type, b u t how th e Lord has given them the victory. The old, white-haired man received baptism th is fall, and the others are waiting to be received. “Another evidence of the moving of the Spirit in our m idst is th e zeal w ith which those who have not been able to read or w rite are attend ing classes so th a t they may read th e ir own Bibles. The group shows some of those who are now studying toward th a t end. “Oh, th a t the Lord would enable us, w ith your cooperation, to go in and claim th e promised blessing! In order to do this we must build a chapel next spring, or else re-ren t the present hall a t a high rate. L ast summer, the mem­ bers of our little assembly— in view of th is coming expense— ren ted and cul­ tivated land, the profits to be applied to the building fund, and are plan­ ning to undertake the same work the coming year, May th e Lord prompt you to pray much for th e success of th is en terp rise.” We are sure “Our Fam ily” will be glad to have fellowship in prayer w ith th is splendid testim ony for th e Lord Jesus Christ in th is far off land.

-i-''•&- ■¿y 'c* aàs ■ ^ THE WORD OF GOD IN THE GARDEN OF RUSSIA

A member of The K ing’s Business Fam ily, Mr. W alter E. Craighead, w riting ’ us from Bessarabia, Rou- mania, says: “F irst of all, I w ant to th ank you for th e blessing you are passing on "to

1 dents th a t tak e place in the i m inistry committed to us as | the message is carried to the different groups from day to day, week in and week out, through


us each month through the pages of The K ing’s Business, which is a g reat helper in the work the Lord has com­ m itted to us here. I t has occurred to me th a t you m ight like to know some­ thing of th e work in which we are engaged in this p art of th e world, formerly known as ‘The Garden of Russia,’ and we are sending you some snapshots which will give you an idea of the activities in which we are engaged. “ It has been a joy to preach the Gospel for nearly two years to crowds of hungering people. The picture of


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