King's Business - 1925-06

June 1925



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Pointers for Preachers and Teachers

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A THREE-FOLD WALK 1. CONSECRATION. W alking be­ fore the Lord in loving obedience as Abraham (Gen. 17 :1 ). 2. COMMUNION. W alking w ith God in responsive fellowship as Enoch (Gen. 5 :2 3 ). 3. CONTROL. God w alking in us in personal control and progress,, as He promised the saints in Corinth (2 Cor. 6 :16 ). ^ g - F . E. M. 1. Feed the flock, v. 2. 2. Be an example to th e flock, v. 3. 3. Look for th e Chief Shepherd, v. 4. 4. Be humble, vs. 5, 6. 5. Cast your care on God, v. 7. 6. Beware of the devil, vs. 8, 9. 7. Endure afflictions, v. 9. ■ - T h e Gospel Message. SALVATION 1. Its author, Isa. 12:2; Jonah 2:9. 2. Its source, 2 Tim. 3:15, 3. Its greatness, Heb. 2:3. 4. Its cost, T itus 2:14. 6. W hat it has done, T itus 3 :5 ; 1 Cor. 6:11. 6. W hat it will bring, 1 P eter 1:4, 5; Heb. 7:25. — The Gospel Message. PROVERBS 3 :6 OUTLINED 1. W hat?——“Acknowledge H im .” 2. Where?— ^“ In all thy ways.’-’ • 3. Why?— “He ..shall direct thy p aths.” — C. C. Many of The K ing’s Business family have responded to the call for sound Gospel literatu re , especially back num ­ bers of The K ing’s Business, for use in th e work being carried on by Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Cross, in charge of th e Mississippi R iver Mission Gospel Boat. These dear servants of God m in­ ister to the Lumber camps, qu arter boats, steamboats, isolated families and communities along th e “F ath e r of W aters.” Professed conversions have averaged about one fo r every meeting conducted. In sixty meetings th ere were sixty professions, w ith five backsliders reclaimed and th ree fam i­ lies reconciled. These statistics cover a period of about six months. L itera­ tu re may be sent care of Wealthy S treet B aptist Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan. SOUND GOSPEL LITERATURE WANTED MISSIONARY LESSON H ints from 1 P e te r 5

5. F o r satisfaction, Isa. 55:1. More th an bread to the hungry and w ater for the thirsty. 6. For rest, Matt. li: 2 8 . No rest for the wicked. God said it. 7. Come forgetting yourself, Matt. ' 16:24. By loping your life you will find it again. 8. To salvation, Rev. 22:17. Nobody le ft out of th is invita­ tion. 9. F o r your rew ard, Matt. 25:34. Not saved by works. But rew arded according to our works. The Bible Today. “PREACH THE WORD!” P- —reach (2 Tim. 4 :2 ). R— emove not (Prov. 22 :28 ). E— xhort (2 Tim. 4 :2 ). A—bound (1 Cor. 15 :58 ). C— ontend (Jude 3). ■ H—-o! Come ye! (Isa. 55 :1 ). T— woedged sword (Heb. 4 :1 2 ). H— olding fo rth (Phil. 2 :1 6 ). E—very good g ift (Jas. 1 :1 7 ). W— ho? (Ex. 32 :36 ). O— magnify the Lord (Psa. 34 :3 ). R— ejoice (Matt. 5 :1 2 ). D— o all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10 :31 ). .W iaBU -T. Q. H.‘ SOMETHING LEFT OUT “The man who made my toy horse fordot something, mamma.” “W hat was th a t, d e a r ? |^ | “ He fordot to, put some go in th e legs.” We often find something is left out in th e of God’s people. 1. F aith was lacking in the Thessa- lonian believers (1 Thess. 3:10 I. 2. Love was w anting in th e Church a t Ephesus (Rev. 2 :4 ). 3. Unity was not found among the saints in. Corinth (1 Cor. 1:11-13). 4. Thoroughness was deficient in Ananias ,and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11). 5. Running well continually was left out in th e lives of the disciples in Galatia (Gal. 5 :7 ). 6. Imperfection was discovered in th e works of t h e ' Church a t Sardis (Rev. 3 :2 ). 7. Fervency was ' wanting in the Church a t Laodicea (Rev. 3:15, 16). ; -^ P r o p h e tic Witness. DELIVERANCE 1. Frond death, Eph. 2:5. 2. F rom darkness, 1 P eter 2:9.. 3. ■ From deception, T itus 3:3. 4. From blasphemy, 1 Tim. 1:13. 5. From disobedience, T itus 3:3. 6. From unrighteousness, 1 John 1:9. 7. From hatred , T itus 3:3. — Selected.

(Excellent sermon m aterial may also be secured f r o m the Christian Endeavor Topics on page 270) RESULTS FROM READING THE WORD Whenever God’s Word is kep t and obeyed beneficent results follow. Think of what th e Word is, and how it im­ p arts its character to those who follow, its precepts. 1. It is a Word of grace to save, as the Sam aritans found (John 4 :4 1 ). 2. It is a Word of Power to heal, as th e C enturion’s servant experienced (Matt. 8 :8 ). 3. It is a Word of au tho rity to deliver, as th e man w ith an unclean sp irit discovered (Luke 4:31-36). 4. It is a Word of Revelation to unfold, as Mary of Bethany knew (Luke 10 :39 ). 5. It is a Word of Assurance to persuade, as P aul declared to th e Thessalonians (1 T h ess.. 2 :1 3 ). 6. It is a Word of Victory to over­ comers, as is seen in Ephesus (Acts 19:18-20). 7. It is a Word of floliness to sanc­ tify, as Christ ta u g h t His disciples (John 17:6, 14, 17),— E. E. M. THREE JOYOUS CONSIDERATIONS I. Salvation assured. (1) Redemption already obtained, Heb. 9:12. (2) The Saviour able to save, Heb. 7:25. (3) The Saviour able' to keep, 2 Tim. 1:12. (4) An imperishable life now present, John 5:24; 10:28. (5) A sure word of promise, Titus 1 :2 ; 2 P eter 1:19. H. The life cleansed. (1) A judicial cleansing th a t is complete, 1 John 1:7. (2) A cleansing and sanctification now by the Word, Eph. 5 :26 ; John 17:17. (3) P erfect cleansing when the Saviour comes, 1 John 3 :2 ; Phil. 3: 20 , 21 . III. A glorious hope. (1) It makes us ‘ not ashamed, Rom. 5:5. (2) It purifies, 1 John 3:3. (3) It is blessed, T itus 2:13. (4) It is a living hope, 1 P eter 1: 3, 4. V—Exchange. GOD’S CALLS (Three thousand of them in th e Bible) I. To safety, Gen. 7:1. 2. The Ark, a type of Christ. B ring some one w ith you, Num. 10:29. And Hobab came. 3. To prayer, Heb. 4:16. An intercessor ready to help us. 4. Come back, Hos. 6:1. The devil lies. Christ w ants you.

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