King's Business - 1925-06



June 1925


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year. The Lord has blessed us won­ derfully. F o r some tim e evangelistic meetings have been conducted by several evangelists in th e school and also in different churches. M a n y have tu rn ed to th e Lord. A number of the pupils in my school have also accepted the Lord. Since our pro­ vince does no t forbid us th e use of th e Bible in the school, I have a g reat opportunity in in stru cting th e chil­ dren in th e Word of God. During the summer months I have been preaching in different churches, chiefly on Sun-, days. During th e w inter we have our meetings in the schoolhouse and it is my privilege to assist several others in preaching the Word.” F riends of Mr. and Mrs. H . J. H ill, (Pyeng Yang, K o rea), will be glad to have this, word from them : “The Cleland Memorial church, which Mrs. H ill and I sta rted four years ago among th e very poor outside th e city wall, continued to ‘outgrow its clothes.’ Into the little building, 22 feet square, about 190 adults crowd every preaching service,, and nearly as many for prayer meeting Wednesdays. They huddle together on th e floor, men and women separately, sitting almost in each o th er’s laps. In th e men’s Sunday school a t 9 a. m. we get along fairly well w ith about 80 present. But in the women’s Sunday school, w ith 115 women, many of them w ith bab­ ies, when they crowd into 12 circles for classes, Mrs. Hill literally cannot get around. About 20 of these women are ju s t out of dense heathenism . W hat a joy to teach them of our Sav­ ior! I wish I had space to speak of some individually. And when 200 wig­ gling children crowd into 20 classes in th is room you really cannot picture th e difficulties under which they are ta u g h t.” . F re d A. Johnson, ’22, w rites from Tuba City, Arizona: “We are getting along real well. My little girl was so very sick th is past summer, b u t the Lord through His grace and mercy restored her to h ealth in answer to our prayers. It is w onderful how much He loves and cares fo r us and is ready to h ear when we call upon His name in faith and in tru th . I preach the Gospel on th e streets on Sunday even­ ings, and I can say th a t th e Lord does work when we know w hat we preach. I often h ear some one laugh, while others, it seems, can’t help b u t listen. Oh, it is wonderful th e way God’s Word cuts; it makes a sinner conscious of the fact th a t he is a sinner. The Indians know th a t a man who tu rn s to the Lord from ' heathenism is an entirely different man to them . The white m issionaries say th a t th e testi­ mony of a native Christian is very strong for th e unsaved Indian to listen to or hear. The Bible makes it alto- (Continued on page 277)

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nethery w rite from Independence, Oregon: “We are ju s t about settled on our new field a t Independence, Oregon. The Lord Is blessing us and continuing to use us, so we' can still lift our voice in His praise. We have long desired a field near to w ife’s home, and the Lord has answered our prayer, as He opened the door for us here a t Independence. We follow H arold P roppe on th is field. He has been used under God to do a good work here. P ray w ith us th a t th e Lord will let us humbly en ter into His labors, in fellowship w ith the Master.” The following Bible In stitu te grad­ uates are tak ing medical work a t the National Bible In stitu te, New York City, in addition to Miss May Robert­ son, ’24, and Miss Nora Jo rd an , ’24, mention of whose trans-continental trip by auto was made in th e May K. B.: Mr. D. J . Unruh, ’23, Mrs. D. J . • Unruh, ’24, and Carmen Carpenter, ’24. Mrs. Unruh w rites: “The medical course is quite extensive, and we really feel th a t we shall be greatly benefited thereby.” Mr. U nruh has been p u t in charge of th e evening s tre e t meeting a t Columbus Circle, a few blocks from th e school. Soon a fte r Miss C arpenter’s arriv al th ere 'she was made reg istra r of th e N. B. I., and secretary to th e Dean. E rn e st Diem, ’21, is located on th e Brazilian border. He w rites: “Up to th e p resen t th e re has never been a station here, though our m issionaries have passed through many times preaching the good news. It was, therefore, my privilege to found the station. Bella V ista is on th e Apa river, which divides Bella Vista, P ara­ guay, and Bella Vista, Brazil. I am responsible for both towns. We now have meeting halls on bo th .sides, the one on th is side being in our house a t present. On one side my work is in Portuguese, and on th is of course in Spanish, so you see I am struggling to get another language.” Miss M artha Leal, ’24, sailed from New York on the lin er “A rabian” for London, and f r o m thence to Egypt. We quote from a le tte r re­ ceived from another B. I. gradu ate concerning Miss Leal’s departure. “All of us five B. I. folks w ent to the pier to see her off. She and h er p ar­ ents were happy, and all were in good sp irits.................. We sang ‘B.I.O.L.A.’ and a number of other favorite songs for them. I guess we created quite a scene, for when we sang ‘Blest be th e Tie th a t Binds’ for th e farewell song, th ere was a hush, and we could not help b u t see many a tear-drop fall as we viewed th e passengers on th e boat. We all wished her God’s blessing over th e w ater, and thu s she went to her field of service.”

SIX B .I . O. L. A. BRAUNS! G. H. B raun, P. G. ’23, and Mrs. B rau n (E lsa Blakely, ’22 ), are a t present located in Eugene, Oregon, where they are studying in th e state university. Mr. B raun w rites to his sister M argaret, ’19, who is back a t th e Bible In stitu te tak ing post g radu ate and o ther classes th is year: “Tell Dr. Maclnnis I sure­ ly appreciate w hat he gave us down there. Ever and again we come up against th e very things he emphasized, and it is a g reat th ing to be prepared for the shock, and to know th e real facts in the case. They surely can make things look nice and logical. I don’t see how a single person, who has not had tra in ­ ing in th e opposite direction, can go through th e university w ith­ out his faith being w recked en­ tirely. Had if no t been for the B. I. train ing I should often be deeply d istressed.” Mr. Dave B raun, ’20, and wife (nee L inda Lehman, ’19), are still tak ing care of his m other’s ranch in Dalles, Oregon, besides . helping in th e local church, di­ recting th e music, as well as teaching th e young men’s and young women’s Bible Classes. E lizabeth and Marie B raun, form er students,, are engaged in city mission work in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Six members of th e B raun fam ily have attended the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles. Is this not quite a testimony? Miss B irdie G ilgert, ’20, w rites from Sells, Arizona: “We are back a t work in th e th ick of it. We have many things for which to be th ank fu l— w ater for one. I t seems so good to tu rn on th e faucet and th e re flows w ater. No more hauling w ater. This year our work has been increased— night school two evenings a week for the older Indians, teaching them to speak English, read, w rite and work in numbers. This work is very in te r­ esting. We hold a prayer meeting ser­ vice in a neighboring village. We are hoping to sta rt a cooking class. The Lord is still very precious to us, and He teaches th e wonderful things in His Word. Oh, for more tim e to study! Some one has been praying very h ard for us, for which we are g ratefu l to our Lord.” H . H . Nikkei, ’23, w rites from Dal- meny, S ask.: “ I am still teaching in th e same place where ■I ta u g h t last

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