__________ _______________ THE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S
June 1925-
A U ni que M ini s t ry been opened up by correspondence stu dents eager to pass on the tru th s re ceived through th eir courses. Many Bible classes have been organized, the teacher using the lesson m aterial from the In stitu te and subm itting to the secretary for help such questions as had perplexed members of th e class. Some B ehind P rison B ars The secretary takes a special in te r ! est in a large group of earnest stu dents who are behind prison bars. The placé of banishm ent has become to many th e place of sp iritual blessing. Scores of men converted in San Quen tin prison have been saved "from des pondency by devoting th e ir tim e to correspondence Bible study. In Ana- mosa prison one man became so en- GET THE VISION (Isaiah 6:1-8). Tune— “Come thou Foun t of every blessing.” Get the vision, wondrous vision, Not of sordid things of earth ; These have now well-nigh despoiled us Of the things of untold worth. Get the vision, matchless vision, T h at the ancient prophet saw, Of the high and holy" Being Which inspired such sacred awe. Get th e vision, lofty vision, Of the Lord upon His throne/ T h at shall in the dust p ro strate us, Till, indeed, we’re all His own. Get the vision, th rilling vision, Of “ the King, the Lord of H o sts;” May our eyes behold the glory Of the moving “ door” and “posts.” Get; th e vision, melting vision, T h at from us th e cry shall w ring: Woe is me, for I ’m undone, Lord, Since “mine eyes have seen the K ing.” Get the vision, fiery vision, T h at shall bu rn up self and sin, And th e living coal refine us, Making us all pure within. Get the vision, broadened vision, Till th e world’s g reat need we see. And our h earts cry out, w ith fervor, Here am I, send me, send me.
HE m inistry of th e Word of God th rough the CorresponT dence School departm ent has in the last few years become a noteworthy branch of the
grossed in Bible, study th a t when friends began an ag itation to obtain . an early parole for him, he asked them to postpone it for several months in order th a t he m ight com p lete. his course, feeling th a t he was unfit to face the world un til he had secured a good grip upon th e “ Sword of th e Spirit.” One stud en t, recently released from San Quentin, never having been con nected w ith a church before entering, felt th a t his only salvation would be to seek th e fellowship of some com pany of Christian men. Knowing th a t scores of men in San Quentin had re ceived th eir courses through the gen erosity of Mr. Brooks’ men’s Bible class in Glendale, an organization of two hundred members, this man deter mined th a t he would not re st un til he had found th is class. He used the five dollars allowed him by the prison upon his dism issal, to make his way to Glen dale, where he has proven to be a most faith fu l atten d an t at th e class as well as an active soul winner. Members of the class assisted him to get a new s ta rt in life, and w ith his fam ily assembled again, he recently called a prayer meeting a t his home to dedicate the humble home to Christ. Needless to say, th e members of th e Bible class have been greatly encouraged to make such investments for the sowing of “ the good seed,” having had abun d an t opportunity to see th a t “ the Word of God is quick and powerful.” “ I t is better to go to heaven through San Quentin prison,” testified this brother, “ th a n to go to hell through some modern university.” A Remedy F o r Ills of th e Church In these days when the tendencies of higher learning are away from God, it behooves the children of God to be well fortified w ith th e Word of God. Such helps as those offered by our Cor respondence School, sown in the lives of our young people, would save them from such places as San Quentin and make tru e men and women out of them. Mr. Keith L. Brooks, the secretary, will be glad to furnish inform ation as to these studies to any whose names and addresses are furnished him. A course for those of Jun io r and In ter mediate age is about to be issued and th is we are confident will fill a g reat need. W rite Mr. Brooks a t the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, 536 So. Hope Street.
In stitu te work, resulting not only in th e building up of hundreds of believ ers bu t in th e salvation of many souls each year. The n atu re of the courses offered is such as' to fascinate the stud en t and develop originality. The most success ful teaching is.th a t which compels the stud en t to dig deep into the Bible for himself, and it was w ith th is object in m ind th a t all of our courses were pre pared. Bible Questions Answered One resu lt is th a t the secretary of the Correspondence School is besieged w ith Bible questions, each one of which he endeavors to answer from the Scriptures. This personal in terest in th e hundreds of students th rough out the world has been a m inistry richly blessed of God. There are few preachers to whom is given so rare a privilege as th a t possessed by Mr. Brooks. The increasing number of students, each w ith his peculiar prob lem, has driven Mr. Brooks to prepare and publish scores of different leaf lets on Biblical subjects as a means of answering some of the more frequent questions. A far-reaching m inistry of th e printed page has resulted, for each stud en t is urged to pass on these leaf lets to others. A system whereby each le tte r and lesson carries .a different tra c t to the student, has been devel oped, as well as a well organized plan of circulating salvation trac ts among th eir unsaved friends. Wideness of th e F ield E arn est students are reporting work from such d istan t places as South Africa, China, Australia, England, Wales, South America, New Zealand, Panama, not to mention hundreds of cities and towns in Canada and the United States. Lonely m issionaries take u d cour ses to keep them in touch w ith the home Bible teachers or to steady them in the modernistic tendencies sweep ing away many of th e ir associates. Country pastors fin’d ready m aterial in th e ir lessons for sermon building. Sunday school teachers get a ground ing in God’s Word th a t makes them more efficient teachers. Out of the way churches having no pastors, have
Give th e vision, O, our F ather, Of Thyself, and of Thy Word; Let th e message of salvation By all m ortals soon be heard.
—A. W. Orwig, Los Angeles.
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