King's Business - 1925-06



June 1925

Any Book Reviewed o r Advertised in These Columns may be Obtained a t B iola Book Room 536-558 8. Hope St., Bos Angeles, Calif.

• E ssentials of P rayer, by E. M. Bounds. The sixth in th e series of “Bounds Spiritual Life Books,” con­ cerning which Mr. Homer W. Hodge says in his introduction to the present volume: “The work of editing these books has been a labor of love and has brought g reat profit and blessing to my own soul. A fter years of close study of the literary remains of th is g reat Christian, I am fully persuaded th a t to bu t few men have been given such sp iritual power as was vouch­ safed to Edward McKendree Bounds.” (Revell) $1.25 How to Study th e Bible, (The Sec­ ond Coming and O ther Expositions) by I. M. Haldeman, D. D. Dr. Halde- man is so well known to Bible teach­ ers th a t th ere is no need of an extend­ ed review of his latest book. Mr. Charles G. T rumbull, Ed ito r of The S. S/ Times, says of Dr. H aldem an’s w rit­ ings: “There are few living w riters whose expositions of th e Bible and its precious tru th s search me out and bless me as do Dr. H aldem an’s. I praise God for having b rough t h is teachings into my life.” (Revell) $ 2.00 Two Books of G reat Value by the noted author, Jam es H. Brookes, D.D., the famous leader of the evangelical forces of th irty years ago, are Am Out­ line of th e Books of th e Bible— one of the most helpful helps to Bible study ever issued. Every teacher and preacher should possess it. The other, The Mystery of Suffering, a new sixth edition from new plates. In th is vol­ ume th ere is the b reath of th e man of God, a sweet sp irit of conscious suffering, a sympathetic desire to aid suffering sain ts to fasten th eir faith upon the God of all com fort and rest in th e everlasting arms. (Revell) $1.00 each. Evolution, Is I t Philosophical, Sci­ entific or S crip tu ral? by Rev. Alexan­ der Hardie, A. M., of th è Methodist Church (Southern C alifornia). We commend this volume to our readers containing, as it does, accumulated inform ation from many sources, giving the historical background and facts relating to th e degrading manifesta­ tions of m aterialism eventuating from the teaching of evolution. It is the “ slaugh ter of an ugly theory by beau­ tifu l facts” and not “ the slaugh ter of a beautiful theory by ugly facts.” Every, teacher in our public schools Should read it. (Times-M irror P ress) The Bible Cross W ord Puzzle Book, by' Gabrielle E llio tt and A rthu r Rex Forbush. Among the few good books of recreation for Sunday afternoons

lovingly tu rn ed to days of long ago by reading th is fra g ra n t little book. (Revell) 60C The Supreme Issues of Life, by W il­ liam H. Howitt. A “ brief ab stract of revealed teaching which points out the sure remedy for every hum an woe and the tru e source of joy th a t will never fail, confidently addressed to all those burdened souls who feel th eir need of help and are honestly minded to ac­ cept th e perfect r e l i e f h e r e i n explained.” A book which cannot fail to be helpful to all who sincerely desire to live a holy life. (Evangelical Publishers, Toronto) $1.00 Matthew Twenty-four and Revela­ tion, by Henry W. F ro st, D.D. An anal­ ysis, literal tran slation and exposition of each. Many of our readers know and love Mr. F ro st, who for many years has been the American leader o f the China Inland Mission, and one of the Lord’s chosen men. He has . given years of study to the prophetic Word and presents the resu lt of his study of these two impelling prophecies in a clear, concise manner. (Oxford Uni­ versity P ress) $2.50 Preachographs, by M. S. R i c e , “P reacher of Metropolitan Methodist Church, Detroit, Michigan.” F o r a period of one year the “ preacho­ graph s” contained in these pages were published by a News F eatu re Syndi­ cate over a large section of th e coun­ try. The messages are couched in terse Anglo-Saxon, marked by volcanic d irec tn ess. and a w ealth of epigram. There are fifty-two of them , each con­ taining suggestions of m aterial value to m inisters. (Revell) $1.50 Bible Snap Shots, by Amos R. Wells, editor of “The Christian Endeavor W orld.” These “ Snap-Shots” are the liveliest and most in tim ate mode of picturing. Here are ninety in terest­ ing, profitable sketches, each a vivid word-photograph of some fam iliar Bible scene, w ith a practical, usable application for these times. The au tho r has w ritten seventy books, a dozen of them being on th e Bible, but in none of them has he done b etter work th an in this. (Revell) $1.50 New T estam ent Criticism, its His­ tory, Source and Results, by H. E. Dana, Professor of the New Testament in the South West Baptist Theological Seminary. A brief survey of the n a­ tu re and necessity, history, source and resu lts of New Testam ent criticism. Dr. Dana takes th e position th a t the frank way to deal w ith th is question is to face the facts and indicate the direction to which— to a conservative evangelical— those facts seem to point. (The World Co., F t. W orth) $2.00

Life and W ork of David liv in g - stone, by J. J. E llis. The name of “L ivingstone” is a household word among th e Lord’s people and here is a little story of his life, illu strated and easy to read. Seven chapters tell the history of a g reat man, a good man. God’s man. (Pickering & Inglis) (1 /— 40V). The Offerings, by Mrs. T. C. Rounds, a well known servant of the Lord. A history of th e offerings from th a t of Abel to th a t of our Lord upon the cross. This study is of g reat im port­ ance to every lover of God’s Word and work and affords an opportunity for Bible teachers to fortify themselves for a course of helpful addresses (Christian Alliance Pub. Co.) Paper, 50

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