June 1925
this puzzle book will find a welcome place. Some day some wise person will perhaps w rite an essay on “The Moral Value of Cross Word Puzzles,” in which no doubt will be listed the virtues of perseverance, concentration, patience and tolerance. But in the meantime, it may be pointed out th a t recourse to the Bible or Bible Diction ary is in itself of considerable useful ness in helping our children to find the order and location of the sacred books, and in getting some acquaintance w ith B i b l e geography and biography. (W inston) $1.00 (Folder w ith solu tion, 10c.) P ray ers a t B ethany Chapel, by John W anam aker, edited by A. Gordon Mac- Lennan, D.D., P asto r of B ethany P res byterian Church, Philadelphia. A companion volume to th a t issued a year ago under the title “ P rayers of John Wanamaker-.” H ere are one hundred and thirty-five prayers of a busy business' man,: made on the Lord’s Day, in behalf of the people whom he loved and among whom he labored for many years. The w riter had the privilege of praying w ith Mr. W anam aker in his home, in his oflice, in th e woods, as well as having sweet fellowship w ith him in Christian work. His sterling worth and manly faith in God’s Word was a g rea t inspiration in th e early days of our m inistry, and his name is fra g ra n t in our memory. We h eartily commend this book, especially to laymen. (Revell) $1.25 SOME SUMMER CONFERENCES Mount Hermon Summer Confer ence (C alifornia) will begin Jun e 14 and extend through th e month of Au gust. F acu lty and speakers will include th e following well known speakers: Dr. Melvin Grove Kyle, St. Louis; Dr. Wm. Ray Dobbins, B irm ingham , A la.; Dr. W. I. Carroll, of Texas; Dr. Ezra Van Nuys, San Francisco; Dr. John Stevens, Oakland; Dr. Stew art P. MacLennan, Hollywood; Dr. W. E. Crouser, San Jose; Dr. C h a s. S. K n i g h t , - S a n Jose; Dr. A rth u r T. O’Rear, Oakland; Dr. G. A. Briegleb, Los Angeles. Hotel or auto camp reservations may be made a t any time; and addi tional inform ation as to dates or rates may be had by addressing C. S. Price, Gen. Mgr., Mount Hermon, Calif., or Dr. F rancis W. Russell, Exec. Secty., a t th e same address. Southwestern B ible Conference, San Diego, Calif.; will be held Ju ly 5-19. Speakers will be Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, P residen t of th e Southwestern Theological College, Dallas, Texas, anfi Dr. W. Irving Carroll, of Marshall, Texas. F u ll inform ation can be had from Southwestern Bible Conference, 705 E Street, San Diego, Calif. Iowa Christian F undam entals B ib le Conference, June 14 to 21, a t Iowa S tate F a ir Grounds, Des Moines, Iowa. Speakers: Dr. Jam es M. Gray, J. A. Sutherland, H enry Ostrom. Program will consist of Bible study and inspira tional addresses fo r Christians morn ing and afternoon, and evangelistic meetings at night. Address, Mr. John Dunkerton, 915 40th Place, Des Moines, Iowa.
Evangelical Theological College (AN UNDENOMINATIONAL SEMINARY FOUNDED IN 1924) D A L L A S , T E X A S
FIRST YEAR FACULTY LEW IS SPERRY CHAFER, WM. M. ANDERSON, IR., D. D., A. H PERPETUO A M ■ « H I CARROLL, D. D., À. C. GÀEBELÊIN, D D B B SU t ' J ? ? o S!DE' ROLLIN T. CHAFER, OTHERS TO BE ANNOUNCED FOR I H t. oea -UISD YLAR. A Complete Theological Course is Offered Leading to Th. B. and Th. M. Degrees; Including Thorough Exegetical and Expository Training in the Whole Bible FREE TUITION AND DORMITORY ROOMS. BOARD AT COST A ddress th e REGISTRAR, 1519-23 H ughes Circle, - - - - D allas, Texas
Pipe-T one Folding O rgans 4-O ctave D ouble Reed In o rd e r to in tro d u ce o u r La te st Mode l Liberty IPipe-Tone Folding Organ« ‘eith er le a th erette covered, o r 3 -ply oak case. W e will accep t fo r a lim ited tim e o rd ers a t $40.00 each (list p rice $70.00.) A. L. WHITE MFG. CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III.
M A K E YO U R S P A R E T IM E P A Y I A ftP M T C need intelligent m en f j / * " 3 * 2 an d women. W ork all or WANTED Pa r t ‘im e- Sell B i b 1 eIS— B o o k s— C alendars— M ake big m oney. No experience necessary. L ib eral discounts. N ational E ducational 3ociety 433 S. D earborn St., C hicago, 111.
GRACE SAXE’S ( b o o k s Bible Study Helps (HI” I y ° u DON’T KNOW HOW to g et y o u r friends, Sunday sch o o l C lass o r m id-w eek P ray er-m eetin g folks in terested in actu ally stu d y in g th e Bible fo r them selves, send fo r free catalo g u e explaining M iss Saxe’s Bible stu d y p lans, w hich pe epIe’ ?ld a n d young, WANT to stu d y a n d show them HOW . Sam ple copy of m o st po p u lar plan, (29 lessons in 1 1 1 1 1 guying also full inform ation reg ard in g th e NEIGHBOR HOOD BIBLE CLASS MOVEMENT th ro u g h o u t th e U nited S tates, 23 cents. , GRACE SAXE, Room 604, 218 S. Wabash Ave., - - Chicago, 111.
John Brown University C O E D U C A T I O N A L I N T E R D E N O M I N A T I O N A L E V A N G E L I C A L L ocated in S u lp h u r Springs, A rk an sas, th e b e au ty spot of th e O zarks. H ealth center, w ith m any fam ous m edicinal springs. E nvironm ents absolutely w hole som e, h ealthy and clean. H ighest lite ra ry standards. Full courses from first y e ar high school up. Specialized courses in vocational train in g . Bible study com pulsory. School pledged to th e old evangelical faith. M odernism , in te r collegiate athletics and frate rn ities b a rre d . P red elin q u en ts an d u n ru ly stu dents no t accepted. A w holesom e fam ily life, w ith a w holesom e p ro g ram of re cre atio n and am usem ent. School owns golf course, lake, p a rk s and w onderful springs. L arge, m odern buildings. T ables served from o u r own « n n ^ A f t u ^ L r d e n s and p o u ltry y ards. T uition, room , bo ard an d lau n d ry $3UU.UU. H igh objective th a t of train in g y o u n g p eo p le in a w ell-rounded and th o ro u g h ly grounded C h ristian life. S tu d en t body lim ited to 250 students. W R I T E T H E JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY, Sulphur Springs, Arkansas E vangelist Jo h n E. Brown, P resident.
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