King's Business - 1925-06



June 1925

whirlpool of sin round about them , or in other words, be able to live victor­ iously above it, and not be affected by it. I w ant it to be constantly tru e of me, ‘He p u t a song in my m outh.’ ” P ray for th e Jun e g radu ating class — th a t each one of these young men and women may find ju st th e place which God has chosen as th e ir field of service. P ray for all form er B. I. students now out in active service in either the Home or Foreign fields. STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION We felt ourselves carried back into th e Bible times and times of m iracles when Mr. V artan A tchinak told us at the Student Missionary Union meet­ ing April 2nd, th e story of God’s care of his school on the slopes of Mt. Leb­ anon during th e g reat war. In a won­ d erful Way God protected them from the Turks and provided food for the school children and workers. April 9th Mr. A tchinak spoke again, show­ ing stereopticon views of Palestine. The audience would not let him stop when he was through w ith th e pic­ tures, so he went on and described his imprisonm ent by and escape from the Turks and his th rilling experiences in w ar times. The next week th e European P rayer Band had charge of the meeting. Solos were given by members of the prayer band and the leader gave a ta lk illus­ trated by stereopticon pictures of mis­ sion work in Europe. On April 23rd we found ourselves in a little qu arry section of V irginia where Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Whitwell had carried on mission work among the mountain whites. They proved to be very in teresting people, and we saw clearly th e ir g reat need of evangeliza­ tion and education. Mr. Geo. H. L ittle was th e last speaker for the month of April and gave us a very in teresting comparison of Hebrew m anners and custom s,w ith our Christian life. He was dressed in costume and showed us some curios from Bible1lands. Please pray especially for a Bible Lands P ray er Band, which we have ju st started . Remember also th e young people who are to g radu ate in June. THE WORLD WIDE REVIVAL PRAYER MOVEMENT Its Purpose. To unite all who be- Uevingly pray for th is blessing, and to add such as may catch th is vision. The P etition . “W ilt thou not revive us again th a t thy people may rejoice in Thee?” (P sa. 8 5 :6 ). “T hat men may know th a t thou whose name alone is JEHOVAH a rt th e Most High over all th e e a rth ” (Psa. 83 :18 ). The P re p aratio n on Our P a rt. “B ring ye all th e tith es into the sto re­ house, th a t th ere may be m eat in mine house; and prove me now herew ith, saith the Lord of Hosts.” The P rom ise On H is P a rt. “ I will open you th e windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing th a t th ere shall not be room enough to receive it. And all nations- shall call you blessed,

Helps on the page where needed

BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPENINGS (Continued from page 273) gether different. No m a tte r w hat the color of th e skin may he, a man who is in Christ is a new creation, praise the Lord. I have also two Bible classes in th e government school to teach dur­ ing the week, beside th a t I have two Sunday schools to teach, and then sometimes when the Lord puts the desire in my h e a rt to visit th e homes I go. I m ight ask you again to pray for these poor heathen Indians. They really live like animals, and th a t is heathen. If you knew the n atu re of th e ir religion it would make you sick a t heart. It is very h ard for them to tu rn from th e ir evil ways. Of course no man can in his own streng th , so please pray much for the Hopis.” Miss E dn a C. A lger w rites from Shuntefu, China: “L ast summer I spent ju st two months in the hospital in Peking, then had to stay on in Peking for ano th er month for trea tm e n t a t th e hospital, so was n o t able to re tu rn to my work here for some time, when I came on the last express th a t came through before the railroad was cu t because of th e war. I am so th ank fu l th a t I came a t th a t tim e because I do not know how long I should have had to stay' in Peking if I had not come. Even though the fighting has stopped; things do no t seem very well settled yet and it is impossible to predict w hat will tak e place. I now have over 100 girls in my school here, and as we are adding th e Ju n io r High School work we have more older girls than formerly, which makes th e work even more interesting. The m ajority of th e older girls are Christians, b u t th ere are some who have no t taken a defi­ n ite step for the Lord yet, and I long to see them all accept Him as th e ir Saviour. Will you please remember me especially in prayer these coming months th a t th is last year before my furlough may be filled w ith fru itfu l service for th e Master and th a t I may be used in w inning souls for Him. I am due to go home on furlough again th is summer and am looking forw ard to the pleasure of seeing my family and friends again. I hope to spend p art of the furlough tim e in Los Ange­ les. We certainly did enjoy having the Welles and Mae F lath ers here for a visit th is past year. I t seemed to me like having some of my own family and I ju st wished th a t I could keep them here.” PRAY YE! E. H. Osborn, 1916 graduate, now working among th e Japanese a t Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, under the Hawaiian Board, requests prayer for this very difficult work. Miss P auline A. F raas, working under the Africa Inland Mission at Moto, in th e Belgian Congo, has handed to us the following request: “ I long th a t th e B. I. friends will pray most of all th a t th e Word as it goes through my mouth may be in power. How valueless it is otherwise. Then please pray th a t the m issionaries may be kept from being pulled under in the

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