June 1925
Since the inception of th e Montrose Bible Conference, Montrose, Pa. sixteen years ago he has been associated w ith Dr. R. A. Torrey as Secretary of th e Conference. Dr. Maclnnis has been a member of the Faculty of the In stitu te for the past two years and comes to us in th e full streng th of life, w ith years of experience in th e active m inis try and well qualified to assume th e duties which he has now undertaken. The Board of D irectors commends him to the friends of the Bible In stitu te for th eir prayers th a t he may be used of God in directing the educational w ork of the In stitu te. Dr. Maclnnis will have associated w ith him Dr. Ralph A tkinson as Associate Dean of the school, who has been w ith th e In stitu te for a number òf years. A DECLARATION OF UNDERSTANDING, POLICE: AND MOTIVES IN ACCEPTING THE DEANSHIP OF THE BIBLE INSTI TUTE OF LOS ANGELES. In accepting th is im portant position, involv ing so many interests, I wish to outline my understanding of the n atu re and purposes of the Bible In stitu te and the. policies which shall govern me in carrying out my ta sk and responsibility as the Dean: 1. Our R elation to th e Church of Christ. The fundam ental fact of my life is th a t I am a Christian and, therefore, a member of the Church of Christ. I am also a m inister of Jesus Christ, having been called of God, and having definitely consecrated my life and all th a t I am to His work and His will th rough His Church. I understand th e mis sion of th a t Church to be the w inning of men and women to Christ, making them His dis ciples and teaching them to observe all things whatsoever He has commanded. I also believe th a t the Church is th e chief in stru m ent used by our glorified Lord in carrying out His purposes in th is age. Therefore, it is essential th a t any In stitu tion to which I would pledge my life and service m ust be in harmony w ith th is purpose and will of God in His Church. I understand the Bible In stitu te to be a p art of the Church and in complete harmony w ith its fundam ental mission and purposes— no t an independent organization in competition w ith the Church, b u t a v ital p art of the Church life, cooperating w ith every o th er v ital p art of the Church in carry ing out its world mission.
OUR NEW DEAN T HE Board of D irectors of the Bible In sti tu te of Los Angeles takes pleasure in presenting to its friends th rough The K ing’s Business the picture and the “Declara tion of Understanding, Policy and Motives” underlying acceptance of th e Deans'hip of the school by Dr. John Murdoch Maclnnis. Dr. Maclnnis was born in Prince Edward Island, Canada; is a g radu ate of th e Divinity School of Philadelphia, the Syracuse Uni versity, and Moody Bible In stitu te of Chi cago; was ordained as a m inister in the Red River Presbytery of Minnesota. He has enjoyed a successful m inistry in some of th e largest churches in th e United States. His pastorates were the McAllister College P resbyterian Church of St. Paul, Minn.; th e Montrose P resbyterian Church, Montrose, P a.; Gaston P resbyterian Church of Philadelphia, P a.; P a rk S treet P resbyter ian Church, Halifax, N. S.; his la st m inistry being in th e South P resbyterian Church of Syracuse, N. Y.
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