King's Business - 1925-06



June 1925

and ye sh all be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of H osts” (Mai. 3:10-’ 12 ). The P rospect. “And I will restore to you the years th a t the locust hath eaten, th e cankerworn and th e cater­ pillar and th e palmerworm , my g reat arm y which I sent among you.

th a t I am the Lord your God and none else” (Joel 2:25, 26, 27). The Position. “And th is is the con­ fidence th a t we have In Him, th a t If we ask anything according to His will He heareth us. And if wh know th a t He h ear us whatsoever we ask we know th a t we have th e petitions th a t we desired of him ” (1 John 5:14-15). “ God is no t a man, th a t he should lie; n either the son of man th a t he should repent: h ath he said, and shall he not do it? or h ath he spoken and shall he not make it good” ? (Num. 2 3 :19 ). Thousands ,of God’s faith fu l chil­ dren in all p arts of the world have been praying— some for many years— “Revive us again O Lord.” New Year’s Day, 1924, a company of 21 missionaries,, constrained of the Holy Spirit, met in Shanghai (the most cosmopolitan city in th e world) to pray for worldwide revival. The covering of the Spirit was present and The Worldwide Revival P ray er Move­ ment came into being. Its first anni­ versary was observed w ith an all-day prayer-m eeting in Shanghai. We lov­ ingly and earnestly wish members in far-away countries would unite w ith us in waiting upon God for th e cov­ eted and promised blessing (Matt. 1 8 :19 ).—Worldw ide Revival P rayer Movement, Shanghai, China. BIG MEETING IN LYNN, MASS. The Rev. A rthu r J. Smith, New York Evangelist, recently conducted a successful meeting in the W ashing­ ton S treet B aptist Church, Lynn, Mass., th e Rev. Dr. Cliester Underhill, pastor. It is stated th a t this church had never before had an evangelist, yet Dr. Smith had the h earty support of the pastor and people. He was assisted by Mr. and Mrs. John Ross Reed of Fairm ount, West Virginia, who did a fine piece of work in con­ ducting th e musical programs. , G reat meetings were held for men on Sunday afternoons a t which time Dr. Smith spoke. Mass meetings were held for women on Wednesdays and on Mondays. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, boys’ and g irls’ meetings were held. Dr. Smith w ent from Lynn to Bra- denburg, Fla. for a two weeks cam­ paign held in the P resbyterian Church. SUMMER SCHOOL OP MUSIC OF THE JOHN BROWN UNIVERSITY The Second Annual Summer School of Music of tiie John Brown University will be held a t Sulphur Springs, A rkansas, commencing Ju ly 13, con­ tinuing for five weeks. H erb ert G. Tovey of Los Angeles, California, will be general director this year, and the following faculty has been engaged: Clarence Burg of F o rt Smith, A rkansas, S tate Exam iner for Piano Teachers, head of Piano D epartm ent; Milton R asbury of Phoe­ nix, Arizona, expert violinist and solo­ ist, head of Violin D epartm ent; H er­ b ert G. Tovey of Los AngeleSj Califor­ nia (d irecto r), head of Voice Depart­ m ent; Mrs. Milton R asbury of Phoenix,

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