King's Business - 1925-06



June 1925

Full Gospel Sunday School Supplies

CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR TOPICS (Continued from page 270) bu t gain souls for Christ. While I was asleep I dreamed of these things and when I awakened th e first th ing I thought of was this g reat work. All my desire was for th e conversion of the heathen. All my hope was in God.” J U L Y 5, 1925 W hat Makes a Nation G reat? Deut. 28:1-14 (P atrio tic Consecration Meeting) Civilization rises and falls in ratio to its sp iritu al life. The prosper­ ity of a nation depends upon its sp irit­ uality. Every g reat nation has gone down to destruction when it has for­ saken God. God is no r e s p e c t e r of nations. Let us no t be led astray by the though t th a t democracy will save usj or th a t education, prohibition, social service, League of Nations, great arm ies, or powerful a ir and ocean fleets will save us, if we fo r­ sake God. Roger Babson, the well-known sta ­ tistician, said, “The survival of our Republic depends upon the immediate teaching in our schools and homes of w hat is really worth while. Schools develop intellect. Theaters and nov­ els foster passion. The church is the sole organization which develops those good motives of love, sympathy, hope and inspiration on which th e indus­ tria l salvation of the world depends. But th a t organization is asleep, and other agencies which develop hate, jealousy and fear are running ram ­ pant.”. , If our N ation is to be great, it m u st have th e Bible. Daniel W ebster said, “ If we abide by th e principles tau g h t in the Bible, our country will go on, prospering, h u t if we and our poster­ ity neglect its instruction and au tho r­ ity, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obs­ curity.” If our. country is to be g reat in the future, we m u st have Christian homes. The home is the foundation of the na­ tion. “As goes the home, so goes the nation .” The Gospel of Jesus Christ is th e only thing th a t can create and hold a tru e home. Anything th a t hin­ ders Christianity in the home is the enemy of the home, and the enemy of th e home is th e enemy of the nation. The modern fam ily life, the various outside activities, th e divorce evil, the lack of the fam ily altar, the various amusements of th e day, all have th e ir p art in destroying the Christian home. John Roach S traton said,- “A fter years of observation in the homes of the people, I have a pro­ found conviction of mind and h eart th a t the th e a te r and movie have done more th a n any. other force to m ar and destroy the holier things in life.” If our nation is to be great, we m ust have th e C hristian church— a church composed of twice-born, spirit-filled men and women, separated from the world and its allurem ents and amuse­ m ents; surrendered to His will and way, concentrating and specializing upon th e w inning of souls. W ithout th e presence of such a church our land is doomed to destruction.

Arizona, piano teacher; Miss Mildred M artin of the John Brown College fac­ ulty, voice teacher; Miss Helen Yeths of Los Angeles, California, teacher of Sight Singing and Keyboard Harmony; Gordon E. Hooker of the John Brown College faculty, orchestra leader and teacher of Evangelistic Piano Play­ in g ; Mr. Jud ie Foutz of th e John Brown College- faculty, hand leader and teacher of instrum ents. This is a real School of Music under definite Christian supervision. Send or w ire imm ediately fo r the sixteen page illu strated bulletin out­ lining the courses and fees, to Gordon E . Hooker, reg istrar, Sulphur Springs, A rkansas. (If on the W estern Coast send to H erbert G. Tovey, 536 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.) THE WINSTON BIBLECROSSWORD PUZZLE BOOK Contains Fifty Entertaining and Instructive Cross Word Puzzles that will enlarge the knowledge about the lands, customs and characters of the Bible CLOTH— 128 PAGES— PRICE $1.00 For Sale at All Bookstores THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO. Publishers Philadelphia S" 3 "■% ■ THE ■ . as : 3 SS « ' BIBLE v ss § SS CROSSWORD SS I SS ■ PUZZLE ■ SS i 11 ■ BCJuiv ■ i s 1 "■ ■ h m m m ■ mm 0 ■* ", r emrulaujwd IwirwUwCrw.Word Sii t Ss Cimi <•* CbimKn st As Blbk ■■ ■SI «4 1 » Cena SB mm ■ ■ ■■ a SS h u Ì u m u ébéb SS s

The paper for every member of your Sunday School. Five or more copies, 18 c each per quarter. Joy Bells For the boys and girls of the Prim ary Departm ent. Five or more copies 9 c each per quarter. Senior Full Gospel Quarterly An exposition of the International Sunday School course that is safe and scriptural. Five or more to same address, 9 c each a quarter. Intermediate Full Gospel Quarterly For young people between the ages of 12 - 17 . Five or more to same address, 8 c a quarter. Junior Full Gospel Quarterly For young people below the age of twelve. Five or more to the same address, 7 c each a quarter PICTURE LESSON CARDS PICTURE LESSON ROLLS LESSON LEAFLETS S a m p les o f o a r q u a rterlie s a n d p a p ers sen t on req u est THE CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE PUBLISHING CO. 260 W est 44th St. New Y ork City 25 Thousand Copies FREE—'One for You of our 1925 SPECIAL REFER­ ENCE GUIDE to the best in Sound Christian Literature, and all listed by subject. Thousands of subscrib­ ers to this publication will undoubt­ edly want a copy, so we advise you to write for yours at once. It’s free. A ddress D ept. K

EVANGELICAL PUBLISHERS 858-860 College Ave., Toronto, Canada.

“The Baffled Rabbi” Jew ish boy holds crowd-

BIG $2.50 BIBLE w ith lielps by M oody, W hittle and others F R E E Sell only 25 copies of our beautifully illu stra te d C hris­ tian Home Maga­ zine at 10c each, and re c e iv e this, h a n d s o m e g if t. S en d n o m o n e y until you sell the magazines. Address The Christian Home Magazine

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Tabernacle HYMNS No. 2

A B o o k T h a t S in g s I ts e lf! | TABERNACLE HYMNS No. 2 offered a t BOGPRICEREQUCTI0N Adopted by Churches every- ,__ ___ _ where—351 hymns—Book loaned loKno* i ^ u P m o«i?o 30 days to Music Committees. Sample sent—Cloth 50c; Manila, | par lWJaa formerly 80e. W RITE NOW I 4 TABERNACLE PUBUSH ING CO. ¡2 9 S. La Salle S t. Room 915 Chicago, 111.

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