June 1925
EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 265) In connection w ith the work being done among th e employees of th e Union Pacific, th e w riter recently ar ranged for a concert by th e In stitu te Men’s Glee Club for th e members of the Union Pacific Masonic Club a t the Alexandria Hotel, a t which tim e four hundred members w ith th e ir fam ilies and friends were present. A le tte r has been received from the P resident of th e Club, expressing th e ir apprecia tion, in which he says: “We are g reat ly indebted to Mr. Reynolds, Shop Superintendent of the Bible In stitu te, and to Mr. Trowbridge, who was kind enough to offer th e services of the Glee Club. Also to Mrs. Reynolds and n er little son and daughter, who rend ered a few vocal selections, and sev eral numbers on th e Saxaphone. Every one present enjoyed the concert to the fullest extent, and it is hoped we may again have th e pleasure of hearing them in the n ear fu tu re .” WORK AMONG THE JEWS Jam es A. V aus, Supt.— Bible C lasses an d P e r sonal W ork, S treet M eetings an d Sem i-m onthly M ass M eetings for Jew s of Los A ngeles. HE door bell of our home rang one evening, and when we responded to the. sum mons we found huddled to gether, ju st outside the door, a whole Jew ish family, consisting of a husband, wife, and two children, and the w ife’s mother and h er son. A fter some general conversation we learned th a t the w ife’s mother was a Hebrew -Christian, haying accepted Christ as h er Messiah several years previously. The husband, though tol eran t of Christianity, was somewhat skeptical and indifferent. The wife, though outw ardly quite resen tfu l of any discussion of Chris tianity, seemed to impress us as more interested th a n she cared to adm it. H er m o ther’s conversion had evidently made a profound impression upon her, and though rebellious tow ard God by reason of th eir poor circum stances in life, yet we felt hopeful of really influ encing her to follow her m other’s example. The husband and the moth er-in-law have attended one of our Jewish meetings, which they both seemed to enjoy. L ater the wife was taken ill and had to go to a hospital. While she was th ere our workers called on her re peatedly, and a few days ago, to our g reat joy, she confessed Jesus Christ as h er Saviour. We are now concentrating in prayer for th e conversion of th e husband, and in th is we ask our read ers to join. SEAMEN’S DEPARTMENT Claude H . P earson, Supt.— O ur W orkers b o ard all vessels in th e p o rt of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services a n d D istrib u tin g L iteratu re. [HERE is a tie th a t binds Christians together w ith a love th a t reaches across tim e and space, for in Christ we have onfe common F ath er, one common object of adoration, one blessed hope. We lean upon th e same "B lest be t h e . tie th a t binds O ur h e arts in C hristian love.”
HOW HIGH DOES YOUR SOUL’S AMBITION SOAR? A re y o u satisfied? H ave y o u learn ed th a t circum stances have n o th in g to do w ith happiness? A re you having daily trium p h ov er self a n d S atan? A re you h aving con tin u o u s answ ers to y o u r p ra y ers? Do y o u know th a t to lea rn th e m eanings of th e C ross will enable y o u to an sw er “Yes** to th ese questions? It will help you to le a rn these m eanings if you will read th e new m onthly m agazine f t j 99 ‘Christ Life, or theWord of the Cross’ SPIRITUAL, DEVOTIONAL , CONSTRUCTIVE, FO R YOUNG AND OLD Its sphere of teach in g is th e life of crucifixion w ith. C hrist an d of th e fullness of th e S pirit. The b e st w riters on th is them e are co n trib u tin g . H ow ard A. B anks, editor. H elps on Senior and Ju n io r C h ristian E ndeavor T opics. A b ridged E xposi tions on th e In tern a tio n a l a n d F u n d am en talist S unday School Lessons. Price, $1 .00 a year, or 10 cents a copy. Sample copy free. Address Union Gospel Press, Box 680, Cleveland, Ohio.
THE HARVEST TRULY IS PLENTEOUS In various p a rts of th e w orld a N ative T rained C h ristian m ay be su p p o rted in th e w ork of God fo r an entire y e ar fo r from $15. to $600. L iteratu re free. PAU L H . TABER, Sec.,. Box K, 2007 F o ster A ve., Brooklyn, N. Y. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH T his is being done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E van g elists an d Bible W om en w ho a re being su p p o rted for from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 fo r a year. W rite Rev. H . A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 G reene Ave., B rooklyn, N. Y., for free literatu re.
THE SONG BOOK FORA ll USES Non Denominational. Two divi sions: great hymns of the Church “-masterpieces of modern gospel songs. Use for every s e a s o n , service or occasion. Satisfies everybody. Sample Copy— 30 Days’ Trial Bend TODAY foP'BETUBNABLBsample j copy prepaid—BlueVellumPaper, 50c; Silk Basket Cloth, 75c.
T ab ern acle P u b lish in g Co. D ept . 615—29 S. L a S alle S t ., C hicago Distr. at N.Y., Dallas, Atlanta,Los Angelet
THRILLING STORIES of Missionary Efforts with Savage Cannibals T his new series fo r young people, “Christian Hero” Books read w ith a th rill of vivid fiction; y e t each sto ry is tru e. The high exam ple of th ese d ed icated lives will m old an d influence all young people w ho read th ese books. JOHN G. PATON B y Bessie L . Byrum It is difficult to find a good p lace to sto p reading u n til you tu rn th e la st page of th is book. Much of th e sto ry is in the form of a dialogue. It keeps one’s in te re st on edge all the tim e. It gives a v ery good acco u n t of th e life of th is fam ous m issionary to th e cannibals. C loth bound. 127 p ages. 75c
True Adventures of a Brave Christian Lad JAMES HUDSON TAYLOR B y Gloria Hunnex It w as w ritten b y a m issionary to th e sam e c o u n try w here T ay lo r acq u ired his fam e. The a u th o r is p a rtic u la rly fitted to m ake th e sto ry in terestin g an d a cc u ra te because of h er expe riences. Chinese life, m anners, an d custom s are charm ing, an d th is sto ry of T ay lo r is one of u n u su al in terest. It is tim e well sp e n t to -re a d it. C loth bound. 7 5 c By J. A . Morrison The su b -title of th is book is “The L ion-H earted R eform er.” It required a m an of iron nerve an d courage to do w h at L u th er did. H ow he fearlessly took his sta n d a g ain st th e c o r ru p tio n of th e R om an C hurch an d in th e face of losing his life, is a m o st ab so rb in g sto ry . Y ou will enjoy it. C loth bound. 155 pages. 7 5 c B eautiful V elvet M ottoes of 15— sells for $3. W hen sold, send us $2.00 and keep th e difference fo r yourself o r w o rth y C hris tia n w ork. W RITE TODAY. Send no m oney. Send y o u r o rd er to d ay . C om plete catalo g of books, Sunday School a n d C hurch Supplies, Bibles, etc., sen t FREE on request. DEPARTMENT 1 2 A N D E R SO N , IN D IA N A BRANCHES * A venue KANSAS CITY, IS th a n d P ro sp e c t A venue YAKIMA, WASH ., 10 S ou th S eventh S treet MARTIN LUTHER
ATLANTA, G A , 638 Edgew ood A venue
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