King's Business - 1925-06



June 1925

EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 265) In connection w ith the work being done among th e employees of th e Union Pacific, th e w riter recently ar­ ranged for a concert by th e In stitu te Men’s Glee Club for th e members of the Union Pacific Masonic Club a t the Alexandria Hotel, a t which tim e four hundred members w ith th e ir fam ilies and friends were present. A le tte r has been received from the P resident of th e Club, expressing th e ir apprecia­ tion, in which he says: “We are g reat­ ly indebted to Mr. Reynolds, Shop Superintendent of the Bible In stitu te, and to Mr. Trowbridge, who was kind enough to offer th e services of the Glee Club. Also to Mrs. Reynolds and n er little son and daughter, who rend ­ ered a few vocal selections, and sev­ eral numbers on th e Saxaphone. Every one present enjoyed the concert to the fullest extent, and it is hoped we may again have th e pleasure of hearing them in the n ear fu tu re .” WORK AMONG THE JEWS Jam es A. V aus, Supt.— Bible C lasses an d P e r­ sonal W ork, S treet M eetings an d Sem i-m onthly M ass M eetings for Jew s of Los A ngeles. HE door bell of our home rang one evening, and when we responded to the. sum­ mons we found huddled to­ gether, ju st outside the door, a whole Jew ish family, consisting of a husband, wife, and two children, and the w ife’s mother and h er son. A fter some general conversation we learned th a t the w ife’s mother was a Hebrew -Christian, haying accepted Christ as h er Messiah several years previously. The husband, though tol­ eran t of Christianity, was somewhat skeptical and indifferent. The wife, though outw ardly quite resen tfu l of any discussion of Chris­ tianity, seemed to impress us as more interested th a n she cared to adm it. H er m o ther’s conversion had evidently made a profound impression upon her, and though rebellious tow ard God by reason of th eir poor circum stances in life, yet we felt hopeful of really influ­ encing her to follow her m other’s example. The husband and the moth­ er-in-law have attended one of our Jewish meetings, which they both seemed to enjoy. L ater the wife was taken ill and had to go to a hospital. While she was th ere our workers called on her re­ peatedly, and a few days ago, to our g reat joy, she confessed Jesus Christ as h er Saviour. We are now concentrating in prayer for th e conversion of th e husband, and in th is we ask our read ers to join. SEAMEN’S DEPARTMENT Claude H . P earson, Supt.— O ur W orkers b o ard all vessels in th e p o rt of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services a n d D istrib u tin g L iteratu re. [HERE is a tie th a t binds Christians together w ith a love th a t reaches across tim e and space, for in Christ we have onfe common F ath er, one common object of adoration, one blessed hope. We lean upon th e same "B lest be t h e . tie th a t binds O ur h e arts in C hristian love.”

HOW HIGH DOES YOUR SOUL’S AMBITION SOAR? A re y o u satisfied? H ave y o u learn ed th a t circum stances have n o th in g to do w ith happiness? A re you having daily trium p h ov er self a n d S atan? A re you h aving con tin u o u s answ ers to y o u r p ra y ers? Do y o u know th a t to lea rn th e m eanings of th e C ross will enable y o u to an sw er “Yes** to th ese questions? It will help you to le a rn these m eanings if you will read th e new m onthly m agazine f t j 99 ‘Christ Life, or theWord of the Cross’ SPIRITUAL, DEVOTIONAL , CONSTRUCTIVE, FO R YOUNG AND OLD Its sphere of teach in g is th e life of crucifixion w ith. C hrist an d of th e fullness of th e S pirit. The b e st w riters on th is them e are co n trib u tin g . H ow ard A. B anks, editor. H elps on Senior and Ju n io r C h ristian E ndeavor T opics. A b ridged E xposi­ tions on th e In tern a tio n a l a n d F u n d am en talist S unday School Lessons. Price, $1 .00 a year, or 10 cents a copy. Sample copy free. Address Union Gospel Press, Box 680, Cleveland, Ohio.

THE HARVEST TRULY IS PLENTEOUS In various p a rts of th e w orld a N ative T rained C h ristian m ay be su p p o rted in th e w ork of God fo r an entire y e ar fo r from $15. to $600. L iteratu re free. PAU L H . TABER, Sec.,. Box K, 2007 F o ster A ve., Brooklyn, N. Y. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH T his is being done in A frica, C hina, India, by N ative E van g elists an d Bible W om en w ho a re being su p p o rted for from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 fo r a year. W rite Rev. H . A. B arton, Secy., Box B, 473 G reene Ave., B rooklyn, N. Y., for free literatu re.

THE SONG BOOK FORA ll USES Non Denominational. Two divi­ sions: great hymns of the Church “-masterpieces of modern gospel songs. Use for every s e a s o n , service or occasion. Satisfies everybody. Sample Copy— 30 Days’ Trial Bend TODAY foP'BETUBNABLBsample j copy prepaid—BlueVellumPaper, 50c; Silk Basket Cloth, 75c.

T ab ern acle P u b lish in g Co. D ept . 615—29 S. L a S alle S t ., C hicago Distr. at N.Y., Dallas, Atlanta,Los Angelet

THRILLING STORIES of Missionary Efforts with Savage Cannibals T his new series fo r young people, “Christian Hero” Books read w ith a th rill of vivid fiction; y e t each sto ry is tru e. The high exam ple of th ese d ed icated lives will m old an d influence all young people w ho read th ese books. JOHN G. PATON B y Bessie L . Byrum It is difficult to find a good p lace to sto p reading u n til you tu rn th e la st page of th is book. Much of th e sto ry is in the form of a dialogue. It keeps one’s in te re st on edge all the tim e. It gives a v ery good acco u n t of th e life of th is fam ous m issionary to th e cannibals. C loth bound. 127 p ages. 75c

True Adventures of a Brave Christian Lad JAMES HUDSON TAYLOR B y Gloria Hunnex It w as w ritten b y a m issionary to th e sam e c o u n try w here T ay lo r acq u ired his fam e. The a u th o r is p a rtic u la rly fitted to m ake th e sto ry in terestin g an d a cc u ra te because of h er expe­ riences. Chinese life, m anners, an d custom s are charm ing, an d th is sto ry of T ay lo r is one of u n u su al in terest. It is tim e well sp e n t to -re a d it. C loth bound. 7 5 c By J. A . Morrison The su b -title of th is book is “The L ion-H earted R eform er.” It required a m an of iron nerve an d courage to do w h at L u th er did. H ow he fearlessly took his sta n d a g ain st th e c o r­ ru p tio n of th e R om an C hurch an d in th e face of losing his life, is a m o st ab so rb in g sto ry . Y ou will enjoy it. C loth bound. 155 pages. 7 5 c B eautiful V elvet M ottoes of 15— sells for $3. W hen sold, send us $2.00 and keep th e difference fo r yourself o r w o rth y C hris­ tia n w ork. W RITE TODAY. Send no m oney. Send y o u r o rd er to d ay . C om plete catalo g of books, Sunday School a n d C hurch Supplies, Bibles, etc., sen t FREE on request. DEPARTMENT 1 2 A N D E R SO N , IN D IA N A BRANCHES * A venue KANSAS CITY, IS th a n d P ro sp e c t A venue YAKIMA, WASH ., 10 S ou th S eventh S treet MARTIN LUTHER



ATLANTA, G A , 638 Edgew ood A venue

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