June 1925
hand, appear together before the same mercy seat, and these, things bind us together as w ith cords th a t cannot be broken. So, often, th ere is a little tug a t our h ea rt as we watch the sailor boys we have learned to know and love in Christian fellowship, come and go in our port. But how our h e a rt glows w ith g rati tude and real joy when sometimes upon visiting a vessel someone— per haps it’s an officer, and perhaps only a sailor' boy— says to us, “My! I ’m glad you came! I ’ve been wondering if you were still h ere.” Quite often we will have forgotten th a t p articu lar one, bu t they have not forgotten us nor the few moments of' precious fel lowship together on a previous visit, possibly on a different vessel, for in those few moments they had found Christ and so had become a link in th a t golden chain of love th a t binds Christians together th roughou t the world. A few weeks ago our h ea rt was touched as a large Japanese passenger boat was leaving the docks. Long rolls of confetti paper were suspended from the passengers on the ship to friends on the docks. Slowly and smoothly th e huge vessel floated away, tig h ter and tig h ter the serpentine was stretched, until a t last it broke. Then handkerchiefs were waved un til faces could no longer be distinguished, and so th e friends were separated in body. But memories will span th e ocean quicker than light, and fa rth e r than e a rth ’s distance. There is no lim it to memory, no distance can separate friends there. B u t as we watched th is g reat vessel as it slowly bu t So surely lengthened the distance between the friends on board and those on the shore, we could not bu t wonder how many of them would meet again. W ill they meet again on earth ? Will they meet again to dwell in th a t land where sep aration comes no t to those who believe on Him? F o r how many on th is ves sel are th e broken ties of this earth bound together for all etern ity by the atoning blood of Christ? How many souls on th is vessel have, an anchor line reaching from Calvary to Glory? How much dear reader, how much dear w riter, have you done to lead those on the vessel, and those watch ing on the docks, to the Lord Jesus Christ? Oh how we need and covet the prayers of all saints th a t we m ight be used to point some across the bar. We have w ritten a t o ther times te ll ing you th a t we are not always accorded a warm reception on these vessels. “We know th a t all who live godly In Christ Jesus shall suffer per secution.” Yet often out of a seem ingly ungracious group of men fru it can be gathered. We recently visited a Dutch boat where the men were inclined to be. rude, and sneered and laughed as we endeavored to draw atten tion to the Lord. There seemed to be no impres sion made whatever, yet we praised God for the opportunity of being faith ful, and for the privilege of sowing the seed, even upon stony ground. Ju st as we started to leave th e upper deck where we had left our literatu re, one young lad came toward us and said, (Continued on page 285)
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