June 1925
THE CHOSEN PEOPLE—THE LAND— AND THE BOOK Compiled by J. A. Yaus, Supt. Jewish Department, Bible In stitu te of Los' Angeles European Jews Looking Longingly Toward P alestine Dr. Chaim Weizmann, P residen t of th e World Zionist O rganization, in opening a special campaign in New York City for the raising of funds for the development of the Jew ish National Home in Palestine, a t a crowded meeting in Carnegie Hall, gave “a m asterful analysis of th e Jewish situation all over Europe.” The fact was brought out by statistics and convincing logic th a t th ere is only one home left for the European Jews, and th a t is Palestine. The g reat question is, how are these people, practically driven from th e ir home®, going to be accommodated in a country so small? Millions of Jews in Process of Being Uprooted Millions of Jews th roughou t Europe, declares Dr. Weiz mann, are in process of being uprooted. In Poland today hundreds of thousands of Jews are'clam o rin g for visas to Palestine. There is a daily grow ing imm igration into th e National homeland which th rea ten s to escape control. • All th e immi g ran ts of Palestine h ith erto have been selected. Only a yery small percentage of the hundreds of thousands eager to go to P alestine from ali p arts of Europe since the world- war have been perm itted to enter th a t country, as the eco nomic situation th ere cannot accommodate them ; but today imm igration is setting in in an almost irresistible stream , which requires g reat wisdom to hold in check. At present 2,000 imm igrants are going into P alestine each month, and if the situation remains unchanged it may go up to 3,000 a month next summer. There is no doubt th a t this imm igration in itself represents a g reat force— an enormous force— because a g reat many of the people come w ith zeal and devotion for th e country, w ith money and intelligence, They come because they have no w here else to go. They cannot go back, and they m u st make good in P alestine or go under; Dr. Weizmann adds th a t some experts have expressed grave doubt as to P alestine being able to absorb 2,000 arrivals monthly, yet somehow they are being absorbed, and today there is no unemployment in the homeland, although in England th ere are one million, two hundred and fifty thousand unemployed. Today in Poland, says Dr. Weizmann, if one cared to do it a movement could be started which in its intensity would sweep through the country, from one end to the other, but one has to be careful in handling fire— extremely cautious th a t these millions of people shall not be disappointed. However, he is perfectly sure th a t an imm igration of 3,000 a month soon will be possible in P alestine and th a t such an imm igration will not be a danger bu t a source of strength, providing American Jews measure up to the stand ard in subscribing to the Keren Hayesod and National Fund.— The Gospel Herald. Shanghai Jew ry P resen ts Magnificent L ibrary to th e Hebrew University Shanghai Jew ry has presented th e magnificent lib rary of the late Mr. Sassoon Jacob Solomon to the University L ibrary in Jerusalem . The library, which contains 2,000 volumes, was first p re sented to the Shanghai Community, b u t Dr. Ariel Benison, th e delegate of the Keren Hayesod, succeeded in inducing th e leading members of th e community to send the books to the Hebrew University.—-Jewish Missionary Magazine.
Outline Lessons ---------ON --------- The Life of Christ
For the BOYS and GIRLS by T. C. Horton
A simple, practical, two years’ course on “The Life of Christ,” which has been tested for over two years in teaching Week Day Home Bible Classes for children of Primary and Junior ages. These classes were attended by over 2000 chil dren, with from twelve to sixty in each class. The following repo rt of results for O N E MONTH will show what it is possible to accom plish with these lessons:
Gospels distributed ..... 610 T racts distributed ........................... 2872 Bible verses learned ........ 4041 Bible chapters re ad ............... ........ 17064 Souls won to Christ........................ 29
Many of the children were so interested in these Week Day Classes th a t they would run from the Day School in o rder to reach the Bible Class on time, and— as will be seen from the report above— many were active in giving out Gospels and seeking to win their schoolmates and, often times, parents for Christ.
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