King's Business - 1925-06

June 1925

THE K I N G iS B U S I N E S S “TI Limi Ri « I OF JOHN”


EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 281) “Those fellows— no good. H a r d boiled! B ad !” We knew a t once th a t this boy was our “ fish.” As we stood talking ano ther one came up, and we went carefully over th e plan of salva­ tion, making it as clear as possible, and we had th e g reat joy of hearing both these young m en say, “Yes, I will accept Christ Jesus as my Saviour. I will tru s t Him from this day as my Lord and my God.” Were thèse men saved? T hat is not for us to say. We know th a t they were w illing and eager to h ear the Gospel message, they were attentive, and we were faith fu l in giving to them the “Word,” so we claim th a t promise th a t God’s Word shall not re tu rn unto Him void. And since it is “ not by might, nor by power, bu t by my Spirit, salth the Lord;” we are satisfied to leave the resu lts w ith Him who alone knows w h e th e r. these boys were honest in th eir confession of Him, and who alone knows Whether they may be two more links ’ added to th a t g reat un­ breakable chain of Christian love. We do earnestly covet your prayers for all these sailors th a t God will keep them faith fu l and tru e to Him. and th a t those who have named His name may bring many o thers into the know­ ledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. A VACATION W ITH SPIRITUAL REFRESHMENT You are cordially invited to attend the Second Annual Bible Conference a t Laguna Beach, Calif.,. Ju ly . 19-22, 1925. Some of th e speakers will be Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, of Dallas, Texas; Dr. W. -Irving Carroll, of 'Marshall, Texas; and Mr. R, H. R ichards, of Log Angeles, Calif. The Conference is supported by free-will offerings. A card mailed to. Conference Secretary, Laguna Beach,’ Calif, or to J . . A. Youngberg, 4170 Kansas St., San Diego, Calif., will bring you full inform ation about the Conference. Th ird Annual Missionary Confer-, ence of th e Interdenom inational F o r­ eign Mission Association of North America, a world-wide m issionary event th a t no Christian should mis», will be held Ju ly 25 to August 3, 1925, a t Stony. Brook, Long Island, N. Y. A ttractive rates, exceptional accom­ modations. F o r inform ation and reservations’ w rite Rev. Joseph A. Davis, 113 F u l­ ton Street, New York, N. Y. A large attendance is anticipated. E arly reservations will be advisable. A SUCCESSFUL TEXAS REVIVAL Tabernacle B aptist Church (Waco, Texas) closed th e most successful revi­ val meeting of its history Sunday, March 29, w ith more th an 100 conver­ sions. The Pastor, A. Reilly Cope­ land, did the preaching by unanimous invitation and vote of th e deacons and congregation. MISSIONARY CONFERENCE ON LONG ISLAND

Two letters came to us recently enclosing orders for “the little red Gospel of John.” The writer of the first said: “I am enclosing ch eck to cover th e cost of 2333 copies of th e little re d Gospel of John. A t o u r C ounty C onvention we voted to c a n ­ vass th e co unty an d place a Gospel of John in every hom e. “W e ask y o u r p ra y ers a n d those of T he K ing’s Business F am ily th a t this m ay be done in a w ay th a t will glorify o u r L ord.” T h e o th er le tte r said: K indly send m e 500 more, copies of the re d Gospel of Joh n .* * I give them to a friend of m ine w ho is an evangelist, an d he gives them to all w ho a ccep t th e L ord Jesus C hrist in his m eetings. A p ic tu re of th e evangelist is p asted in the inside fro n t cover, m aking a very a ttrac tiv e gift fo r a new co n v ert.“ This Special Edition has some New and Unique Features A ll of th e FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES of OUR FA ITH a re found in th e Gospel of John, and these a re classified in th e b ack of th e book. CHA PT ER T ITLES a n d DIVISIONS m ake it easy to com prehend. A LL NECESSARY INFORMATION for DEALING W ITH TH E UNSAVED is given, a n d th e passages cited a re all from th e GOS­ PEL O F JOHN . BOYS AND GIRLS a re using them to w in th e ir playm ates fo r C hrist. ONE MANUFACTURING CONCERN IN TH E MIDDLE WEST o rd e re d 2000 to dis­ trib u te am o n g its em ployees. SUNDAY SCHOO L TEACHERS an d SU P­ ERINTENDENTS a re finding it a m eans of crea tin g a re al revival in school a n d church. IT PROV IDES T H E MOST SIMPLE, PRACTICAL, EFFECT IVE METHOD O F EVANGELISM , fo r it is th e WORD O F GOD, a n d th a t can never fail to p ro ­ duce results. W ith it, every C h ristian m ay becom e a soul-w inner, fo r th e Gospel of Jo h n w as w ritte n fo r this definite, specific p u rp o se :

" B u t t h e s e a r e w r it t e n , t h a t y e m ig h t b e lie v e t i s t h e C h r is t , t h e S o n o f G o d ; a n d t h a t b e lie v in g h a v e lif e t h r o u g h H is n a m e ” ( J o h n 2 0 : 3 1 ) . Single Copies, 5c; 100 copies, $4.00 B IOLA BOOK ROOM

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