King's Business - 1925-06

June 1925



THE DUTY OF INTOLERANCE (Continued from page 256)

Paul Paul, the A ll Round Man By R obert E. Speer The co n ten ts, 'P aul th e P h a r­ isee— The Rom an— th e C h ris­ tia n— th e Bible S tudent— the F riends— the O rato r— th e M is­ sio n ary etc., etc. T his little book will be w el­ com e to all Bible Students. B oard 75c Studies in the Life of St. Paul B y A rth u r G. Leacock Paul w as a m an of deep convictions b o rn of an u n u s­ ual sp iritu al experience. These studies, revealing his g reat life m otive are personally in ­ spiring, and a splendid help in ap p reciatin g th e stru g g les an d w ork of th e early church. A volum e in g re a t dem and for use in classes. C loth $1.15

“Best”Books about St. Paul, the Traveler, and the Roman Citizen By S ir W m . M. R am say A v ery scholarly volum e th a t throw s m uch new light on th e perso n s an d places an d d ates of A cts. T he au th o r in his preface say s: “ I have look­ ed a t P au l an d Luke as men am ong men. My aim h a s been to s ta te th e fa c ts of P au l’s life sim ply, avoiding argum ent an d con tro v ersy so far a s w as possible.” C loth $3.00 By R obert E. Speer The aim of th is little book is to stu d y a s far as possible the m an him self, th e p erso n al­ ity of . Paul. A n inductive stu d y of th e fa c ts in th e life, developm ent an d c h a ra c te r of Paul, w ith te rse a n d pointed com m ents thereon. C loth $1.00 The Man Paul

said, “ for I bear, branded on my body; th e m arks of the Lord Jesus.” Let no man make him self disagreeable by preaching heresy to me. It is not worth while. Even if he could persuade me, Christ's m ark of ownership, His “ brands” are on me and I should soon be identified and reclaimed. Brands! Sore eyes from th a t ligh t on the Damascus ro ad ; scars from scourgings, w rinkles and fu r­ rows from hardships and sufferings, token of conflicts and victories. Surely such a man should be exempted from the buzzing annoyance of those who would tu rn men away from the tru e Gospel of God. The Marks of th e Lord Jesu s If we are tru e.C h ristian s we also bear th e m arks of the Lord Jesus. And He bears ours. We p u t th e stigm ata on His body on th e cross. He gave H imself to us and we branded Him our own! We have given ourselves to Him and He has branded us, His. Why, then, should we not partake of P au l’s confidence, indignation and disgust, and w ithout much ceremony wave th e obtrusive erro rists and paralyzers of faith of our day back into th e darkness from which they have emerged? The eighteenth century blew its brains out w ith its lib­ erty, fra te rn ity and equality, social contact and the F rench Revolution. The nineteenth did the same for itself w ith assaults upon the Word of God and a razzle-dazzle theology. May we hope for better things for the tw entieth? Not unless men will once more stroiigly assert th a t th ere is such a th ing as tr u th and th a t it is worth contending for; and such a th ing as error, which must be opposed and put down. m m The Bible In stitu te Colportage Association of Chicago (D. L. Moody, founder) desires to get in to touch bene­ ficially w ith Christian workers anywhere in th e United States who are m inistering spiritually to prisoners, those comm itted to poor houses or “ farm s,” as well as th e boys and girls sent to state indu strial or reform schools. The Association has a provision for the supplying, gratuitously, Gospel books, Scripture portions,/etc.

Paul’s Prison Prayers

By Rev. W . G raham S croggie H e re is exposition of a high order.. Som e expositors b rin g o u t th e m eaning of th e text, b u t a re ra th e r dull an d unin terestin g . O th e rs m ake clever an d strik in g o u t­ lines, b u t stra in th e te x t in o rd e r to m ake it fit the outline. D r. S croggie avoids th e w eaknesses of bo th classes of expositors a n d retain s th e ir values. H is o u t­ lines a re striking, indeed, m uch use being m ade of allit­ eration, yet th e te x t is n o t stra in e d in th e least to fit th e outline. T hose w ho have consulted m any com m entaries on th e passages he trea ts, w ill a p p rec ia te th e fact th a t he has considered all th a t th e c om m en tato rs have to say, a n d y e t has reach ed a perso n al conclusion w hich quite g enerally comm ends itself as sound. Cloth $1.00

Life of St. Paul

Paul, A Servant of Jesus Christ By F. B. M eyer

By Jam es S talk er T his is an inexpensive little m anual th a t should b e in th e h ands of every stu d en t of P au l; it is brief, clear an d co n ­ cise; it tra c e s th e grow th of P au l’s Gospel, an d reveals the m ind an d h e a rt of th e g reat A postle to th e G entiles. C loth 90c

T . C . HORTON , E ditor-m -C hief T h e K ing’s Business

In these c h ap ters th e a u th o r used the' E pistles m ore largely th a n th e A cts, a s he desired to describe his life from w ith ­ in, an d as it ap p eared to him ­ self. T he fam ous B iblical ex­ p o sito r h as never done b e tte r w ork th an is show n in th is in ­ spiring stu d y . C loth $1.00

536-558 S. H ope S treet Los A ngeles, C alifornia. D ear F rie n d ,^—

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Bible Studies in the Life of St. Paul By H. T. Sell T he aim of this b o o k is to p re se n t th e w o rk of P aul in a c o n stru ctiv e an d h istorical w ay. T his book is divided in to th re e p a rts, P a u l’s p re p a ra tio n fo r his w ork, his m issionary jo u rn ey s, a n d his w ritings. T h is is a tex t book, a n d is p re p a re d for th e use of advanced Sunday-School classes, teachers, schools, and p riv ate study. Paper, 50c; Cloth, 75c If money does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. unless otherwise specified. If books are to com e by mail add 10% for postage.

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B I O L A B O OK R O OM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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